Veronica Mars Pilot and One Tree Hill badfic, oh and Serenity giddy with no spoilers

Sep 30, 2005 14:07

Even though it's been 12 hours since I've seen Serenity, I am in withdrawal. I need to see it again. Tonight, wheeeeee! I am still incoherent. Best, Movie. Ever. I want the rest of my flisters to see it so I can discuss and squee and ponder with somebody! Also, Mal? So my Space Boyfriend.

In other news, watched Veronica Mars Pilot yesterday and ( Read more... )

one tree hill, badfic, vm meta, serenity, firefly, veronica mars

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Comments 23

thelana September 30 2005, 18:14:03 UTC
Wheee, another one falls (deservedly) into the Veronica Mars trap :) Can't wait to watch you enjoy as the season progresses.

But now I'll keep thinking of Wallace as Miss Moneypenny to Veronica's James Bond :D


dangermousie September 30 2005, 18:15:00 UTC
I'll keep thinking of Wallace as Miss Moneypenny to Veronica's James Bond

LOL. It totally works!


shadowserenity September 30 2005, 18:28:57 UTC
*completely dies*

I don't know this story, but I've been reading your posts. I wouldn't touch some of those summaries with a ten foot pole!

I've read that half sisters one over and over and I *still* don't get it.

I guess it's a good thing her mother was not one-legged, because otherwise the kid would be too.



dangermousie September 30 2005, 18:36:08 UTC
It's just scary that every day, while I walk on the street, I might pass by people whose brains actually come up with that and whose hands put in on line for the whole world to see. I am scared.


poisontaster September 30 2005, 19:57:39 UTC
I think you need to do something like a weekly column where you bring us the "best" (sarcastic quotes intended) of With commentary!


dangermousie September 30 2005, 20:00:14 UTC
I think that is a feat beyond any mortal's strength :P

I did do a whole bunch of them, under the "badfic" tag. The Harry Potter and the Star Wars ones are "the best"


ladyaeryn September 30 2005, 19:07:56 UTC
Egads! How dare you sully the good name of Farscape by even mentioning it in the same sentence as OTH? ;)


dangermousie September 30 2005, 19:08:50 UTC
LOL! Does it count if I did it to underline the difference between the two? :P

Love your icon. Ahhh. "A Human Reaction" is so good!


ladyaeryn September 30 2005, 23:30:06 UTC
Eh, I suppose I can forgive you. ;)

And AHR rocks. Definitely one of my all-time faves. (I'd been looking for a good icon of that shot for ages... guh. So frickin' hot.)


jammer77 September 30 2005, 19:20:23 UTC
Also, Logan? I love Pilot Logan. Not in a "get within a 100 feet of me" way (unless I got a shotgun) but he is certainly fun to watch from a safe distance.

I'll take Logan any way I can get him. *g*

I'm sure my husband would like VM, too. It's just that he's never around when I watch it.

Serenity! *squee* Is it Sunday yet?


dangermousie September 30 2005, 19:25:10 UTC
I'll take Logan any way I can get him. *g*

LOL. The thing is, I have no idea what I would have thought of Ep.1 Logan is I didn't know the S1 plot and didn't just watch 2.01 couple of days ago. But as is? Yum. :P

Is Serenity opening on Sunday in Canada? I guess I like living in the US then :)


jammer77 September 30 2005, 19:30:01 UTC
No, it actually opens tonight but my husband and I won't be seeing it until Sunday. Guess I should have mentioned that--ha!

I seriously love Logan--in all his fucked up glory.


dangermousie September 30 2005, 19:41:12 UTC
I am impressed by your patience re: Serenity :)

I seriously love Logan--in all his fucked up glory.

I think it's the "fucked up" part that makes him interesting...


raisintorte September 30 2005, 19:53:52 UTC
And feminism looked up, saw this story and died.

This is sooo funny. I've been following your OTH posts but my internet has been too crappy to respond. I watched about 2/3 of the first season before I gave up. I tried to watch one episode last season to see if it got better but it did not. :-)

It took me a while to figure out what Brucas, Naley, and Jeyton were. I HATE silly ship names.
BUT I have a question about them: if you have Naley and Jeyton why is it Brucas and not Looke?

You need to review more summaries. This was great. :-)


dangermousie September 30 2005, 19:59:22 UTC
Looke? ROFL. I guess that would be the euqivalent of abbreviating Spike/Buffy as Bike.

You need to review more summaries. This was great. :-)

*is flattered* I've actually done a whole bunch. If you are masochist and want to read them all, just click on the badfic tag. I think most of them are tagged. :P


raisintorte September 30 2005, 20:04:36 UTC
Bike? Oh lord!!!! That is just not good. On the other hand, it might be better than Spuffy.

I'll have to go and read your tags once I get caught up on my flist. It's so nice having constant, speedy, internet again. :-)


dangermousie September 30 2005, 20:05:33 UTC
I am an internet addict, so I'd go nuts if I didn't have my access :)


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