What Not to Wear - Kdrama Style

Mar 03, 2010 14:00

Our two examples of horror today are brought to you courtesy of upcoming kdrama.

First off, we have Son Ye Jin in the upcoming Personal Taste. Personal taste of any sort is clearly absent in the below:

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korean clothing, doramas2

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Comments 26

mishane March 3 2010, 19:17:56 UTC
That last cap of A Man Called God is what convinced me to watch it. I know he's paired up with HCY but COME ON, falling in love with the daughter of the man who killed your parents?? TOTAL ANGST POTENTIAL!

LOL and I only wear my hair like that when I'm washing my face. Silly SYJ. Also, overalls? REALLY? I get the feeling they are trying to make her a really silly character and I'm so tired of clueless women in my dramas!! I don't think any of the upcoming dramas I'm interested in are going to have a very strong female lead, not even CU. :(


dangermousie March 3 2010, 19:20:54 UTC
I think A Man Called God should have a strong female lead - she is an investigative reporter and a good one at that. She can't be too wimpy.

No idea on Cinderella/Oh My Lady/Personal Taste.

Dong Yi should have a strong female lead because I have yet to see a proper period drama that didn't. And Birth of the Rich heroine is awesome.


mishane March 3 2010, 19:26:28 UTC
Oh yeah, I forgot about Birth of the Rich!

I didn't think Dong Yi would be a strong female; the way they made HHJ's character sound was pure and sweet. Oh My Lady seems like she'd be typical ahjumma (I'm still excited for it though!) and Personal Taste, well I thought she'd be tough but those promo shots say otherwise. I initially thought MGY would be a badass in CU, since she was supposed to be conniving bad stepsister, but the description is making her sound a little victim-y now.

I just miss my strong females. I want another Sujini or Song Joo from Capital Scandal; basically a female character who doesn't give a shit or goes against the norm. K-dramas have a lot of strong heroines but they're usually strong in a subdued way, I don't know if that makes any sense. Like, they're strong, but they don't make waves and usually bend to the male character at some point.


dangermousie March 3 2010, 19:29:34 UTC
I like ladylike but strong combination (Chuno is awesome for that - Un Nyun turned out to be crazy smart and awesome and if their rebellion succeeds it would only be because of her, but she is very quiet in her behavior) but I adore strong rulebreakers too. Hmmm, Birth of Rich may go that way. And you'll love IRIS - I think you'll like Kim Tae Hee's character (she is smarter than the hero! she pwns him in class and drinks him under the table and is scretly profiling him for her evil organization!) but you'll love Sun Hwa, the N.K. spy.


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dangermousie March 3 2010, 19:24:02 UTC
Don't you love how his pants stop right above his ankles? Such a winning look.

It's like 'what are they doing to Song Il Gook?' They gave him a pompadour, bizarre clothes, and starved him. Are they pushing how far they can take it and have him still retain his attractiveness? WTF.

Re: slob. For one, slob doesn't have to mean dressed like a bag lady or a 5-yr-old. I am sort of a slob but I always wear clothes that look OK and I don't put my hair in weird contraptions.

Yeah, the pictures look like they are trying to make ker immature to compensate for the age and I hate that. I can deal with a 17yr old being immature - whatever, they can grow out of it if they are. But at 30, surely you should know better.

It's like they are trying to make her into Jandi Mark 2. I ended up loathing Jandi but at least the girl was supposed to be a teenager. SYJ's character has 10 years of experience on Jandi and she still is stuck in nitwit mode?


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dangermousie March 3 2010, 19:38:04 UTC
He looks like he's been held in some dungeon and starved and tortured for 6 years straight.

I keep seeing comments talking about how sexy he looks and I wonder if these people are insane or are anorexia afficionados. I normally find SIG drop dead gorgeous but I might not even be able to deal with watching AMCG because I literally freak and feel uncomfortable when I look at his gaunt face - his cheeks are sunken in like a famine victim's. I can forgive the makers the tacky clothes and the bizarre hair but I can't forgive them for telling him to starve himself to death. The hell?

LOL ikr. I happen to be a giant slob but I still brush my hair and take showers.

Exactly. Slob might mean wearing comfy clothes or not cleaning the house or whatever. But among its many meanings it doesn't mean 'not wearing age-appropriate clothes.'

Ugh I have a feeling it'll end up being BOF 2.0 but much worse because these characters are supposed to be adults.
I am getting a BOF Mark 2 feeling as well - the more I see the more it is the feeling I get. I ( ... )


popaddict March 3 2010, 21:30:25 UTC
Yes. The stills for Personal Taste are terrible. I won't even try to pretend otherwise. Once I saw the hair my bs metre rose to record heights. I don't want the female lead to be a naive, annoying, 'silly' dolt but that's what these imply. Still, even with most signs pointing to FAIL!, I still plan to watch and I still have decent expectations. Fingers crossed.

AMCG: well,...no comment. Sadly, I see dresses that short everyday so I am not appalled or even slightly perturbed but SIK is not sporting a good look. The trailer like Personal Taste's stills made me cringe and SIK looks emaciated. :/ I wish him all the success in the world though, for all the starving and working out that he did, I want it all to pay off.


dangermousie March 3 2010, 21:53:45 UTC
Yeah, I desperately want PT to be good for LMH's sake, but after those stills I fear the worst.

Re: AMCG. I have no idea what drugs the makers were on to make SIG go through that. I both want this to have great ratings (so he didn't starve himself for nothing) but also don't want them rewarded for their insanity.


littledelusion March 3 2010, 22:33:52 UTC
I am so frightened for Korea's fashion future.


dangermousie March 4 2010, 01:45:48 UTC
LOL - with outfits like that they may not have any.


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dangermousie March 4 2010, 01:45:23 UTC
Now you went and reminded me of the horrors of FH wardrobe. Yikes :)


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