Farewell to You're Beautiful

Jan 04, 2010 15:21

So, I tried ep 15 of You're Beautiful (when I am 2 eps close to completion, I like to finish a drama) and...nothing ( Read more... )

doramas2, you're beautiful

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Comments 19

mishane January 4 2010, 20:37:12 UTC
That's basically the exact same thoughts I had on You're Beautiful. I forced myself to finish the last episode.

The main problem for me was no emotional connection. I didn't relate to any of the characters. Now, I'm 23 so I'm about the same age, but they just acted too young for me. I kind of didn't really care what happened to them. It all seemed so superficial.

The only difference between you and me is that I didn't mind Mi Nam's character. I thought I would hate her (I am a BIG fan of strong feisty females) but for some reason I liked Mi Nam. I think it's mostly because of PSH; this role in anyone else's hands would have been a complete disaster.


dangermousie January 4 2010, 20:57:30 UTC
I liked PSH in Tree of heaven (she took a role I thought could have been unwatchable and made me love her) but in YAB I sort of spaced out with her. I think she did as good a job as anyone could, but Minam was such (to me) an unappealing character.

Yeah, it felt superficial. For example, no way will I buy that TK and Minam have undyung lurve. I bet they will date, drift away, and hopefully some day get into grown-up relationships with grown-up patterns of interaction and maturity.


darkeyedwolf January 4 2010, 20:40:03 UTC
I bit the bullet and finished YAB over the holidays -- everyone who said Minam grew a spine by the end was full of crap. What, because she yelled at Tae Kyung? She did in the beginning too. The problem is that her bursts of spirit never lasted.


dangermousie January 4 2010, 20:55:55 UTC
You are a better woman than me - I am still stuck on ep 15. I found Minam horribbly irritating but, honestly, I probably would have liked her more if the drama didn't constantly dwell on her character - if there is a heroine I don't care for but she is not the focal point and there are plenty of other points of interest in the story I am OK (e.g. I liked the heroine of Kingdom of the Winds but if I didn't, I would have been fine because there would have still been the family, palace intrigue, war, and other characters for me to glom to).

But all YAB was about was Minam and when I found her character unappealing, there was nothing else to fixate on.


darkeyedwolf January 4 2010, 21:08:43 UTC
I'm like that too, I can deal with an annoying protagonist as long as everyone else is awesome. Thankfully YAB gave me Tae Kyung. Even when Minam bugged me to death (by the time she started calling herself "this thing" I just wanted to chuck her out a window so she could find self-esteem on the way down) I still shipped them through his power alone -- he was just so cute and grumpy and his sly little affections made me squeal, it doesn't matter who they were directed at, he could've been confessing his undying love to a pile of laundry and my heart would've fluttered.

Plus, I like to think his kisses were a public service -- when he was kissing Minam she couldn't open her mouth and be stupid.


dangermousie January 4 2010, 21:25:32 UTC
This thing? LOL, I must have glazed over that.

Re: Tae Kyung. I like him, but I want him to change - or at least to end up with a girl who pushes back, not a doormat.


bae_mac January 5 2010, 01:56:29 UTC
Apparently, when BOF was first announced, netizens really wanted Jo In Sung (who plays the hero in this one) for its version of Domyouji

WUT? Seriously?

As for YAB, I get what you mean. But still, I would watch it over and over again simply because Tae Kyung is in it. o_0


dangermousie January 5 2010, 15:24:44 UTC
Yup. I could totally see him do it, too, except for age and the fact that he hasn't done a drama for years and does movies instead.


(The comment has been removed)

dangermousie January 5 2010, 15:24:10 UTC
Yay! Bali is so so screwed up and excellent.


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