Vid: Sweet Ones (Were the World Mine)

Jan 17, 2010 22:57

Vid title: Sweet Ones
Source: Were the World Mine (2008)
Song: Sweet Ones by Sarah Slean
Length: 3:14
Summary: Shakespearean sex pollen. Yep.
Warnings: PG-rated, sex pollen-induced dub-con. And wings?

Download at Mediafire (45 mb .avi)

This was a vidding emergency! I've been wanting to vid this song forever, and I saw this movie last weekend, and with four days off this weekend . . . yeah. Emergency!

Movie plot summary: Timothy is an openly gay student at a private boys' school, and he has a crush on the rugby team captain, Jonathan. Since he doesn't fit in with the other guys, Timothy is withdrawn and spends a lot of time fantasizing about Jonathan. When Timothy lands the role of Puck in the school's production of A Midsummer Night's Dream, he discovers the recipe for the magical flower that makes people fall in love with the first person they see. You know, sex pollen. So Timothy uses the flower on Jonathan and then on everyone else in town, making the world over in his own image. So a social experiment. With sex pollen. And dancing. And glitter.

Password is "puck"

image You can watch this video on

Sweet Ones from danegen on Vimeo.

Comments are my love juice.

movies, vid

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