Title: Crash & Burn (Sequel)
Pairing: KangSung, implied KangMin, friendship! YeMin
Genre: Angst, romance
Rating: PG-13
A/N: Comments make me happy; no comments make me sad. Do you want me to be happy or sad?
Day after day he would present me with sweets or flowers, a surprise to make me smile… but the smile was short lived and it became annoying... )
Comments 28
OMGOMG, T_______T THIS IS A REALLY SAD ENDING. When I asked for a sad ending, I didn't mean THIS sad. /crying forever
*hugs you* It's okay, Kangin went up for some fresh air *nods head* He needed some breathing room.
He's up there getting healthy and doing exercise. He needs it because Sungie told him he's putting on pounds.
I still <3 you~ <33333333
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Kangin can't control his *down there* and Minnie was sorta seducing him (who wouldn't give in to Minnie's seduction, that's the question <3)
Yeah I felt bad for the sad ending but I like it when they die or cry and end of the world and thunder and ice and snowstorms and sadness and crying... <3 don't die from my awful grammar bb <3
Wookie just for you bb!! <3
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But I like this. Sometimes love just isn't forever, even though 2Woon is pretty much lovely. Not a very big fan of this pairing but who knows, you might convince me otherwise XD
Nononono turn that frown upside down bb... :)
I will convince you, dont worry bb. I will be persistent until you fall for 2woon. I will try my best. :)
Thanks for reading bb~ angsty yewon posted if your interested <3
Who should i feel sorry for in this, really?
Minnie and his seduction, I'm not surprised that KangIn fell for it, but Yesung, wow, now that's shocking. Sure love isn't forever, nothing lasts that long, but ending a relationship like this is hard for all three of them. I hope KangIn will get over it, him suiciding will only add to the trouble.
I love this ♥ After all, angst is my favorite ^^
And this is totally off topic and all :/ but is it ok if I added you? Thanks in advance <3
The more the trio dragged on the relationship... it only hurts them more so why not just give it up sometimes. It doesn't matter who's in love with who, who's at fault, who's the third person... who's cheating on who, was there even real love to begin with...
Nothing matters. Angst is love. <333
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