Title: Guilt Trip
Fandom: Beast
Pairing: Junhyung/Yoseob
Genre: Crack/Fluff
Rating: G
Summary: Yoseob throws a tantrum because Junhyung doesn't wake up
A/N: I'm retarded, hence this is the product of my retardedism.
Yoseob gritted his teeth, his fingers curling around the cylindrical bars of the ladder connecting Junhyung’s bunk to Doojoon’s top bunk. Everyone else was out already, enjoying their time off.
He promised that they’d do something just with the two of them, since it’s been forever that they had a day to themselves. Filming that teaser didn’t count, even though it quenched the thirst momentarily.
“Yah! Yong Junhyung!” He called for the twelfth time, or was it the thirteenth, Yoseob lost count somewhere along the way. “Wake up.”
Reaching down to Kikwang’s bunk and picking up the stuffed otter that Kikwang always slept with, he chucked it at the sleeping figure on the bed. He shrugged when it bounced off the disheveled bed-hair.
“Go awahhyy…” Junhyung swatted the air around him before his arm slunk back down next to his head, curling it as he covered his eyes and sleep bestowed upon him once again.
Yoseob sighed, slinking down on Kikwang’s bunk. How can someone be so sleepy all the time. Sleep is just an addiction.
“Junhyung-ah, wake up, it’s almost ten…” Yoseob leaned over and started shaking the other boy. Periodically, the shaking became more violent as the bed started creaking. Taking Kikwang’s favourite doll, Yoseob shoved it in Junhyung’s face and started smothering him with its tail.
“Why. Are. You. So. Whiny.” Junhyung snarled when he finally managed to peel his eyes open.
Yoseob pouted and chucked the otter at Junhyung again, who swiftly caught it this time.
“No, seriously. Why does Kikwang even sleep with this. Such a waste of space.” Junhyung squeezed the otter so hard that Yoseob cringed. Good thing Kikwang wasn’t there physically. “Aish…”
Junhyung collapsed back on to the bed, face plunging into the pillow as he clawed for his blanket. Yoseob followed suit, curling up close to Junhyung, who immediately wrapped his arm protectively around the smaller boy.
“You always guilt trip me like that,” Junhyung whined, and Yoseob smiled triumphantly into his side, “always, every single time.”