Title: Eyes of Fear
Pairing: Kangmin, ninja YeWon, hinted KangTeuk, HaeMin
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance, Angst
Summary: People hold onto things because they’re afraid nothing good will ever happen to them again. Kangin did exactly that in hopes of saving his friendship with Sungmin.
A/N: Lalalala I'm retarded. I miss writing Kangmin (confession: one of
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Comments 16
Glad you liked it.
Random: I totally lovelovelove your SNSD ICONS. They're sooooooooooooooooo pretty (esp. Sooyoung, Seohyun and Yuri. What bias!?!?)
almost angst but happy ending T____T
it sounds so real...real...so real ...
it reminds me of how much skinship they have after intimate note...
especially when they are performing Neorago (also Sorry Sorry) on stage...
touching hands, back, butt (i saw it in a fancam!)
i used to be a super kangmin fan XD
because you rarely find kyumin on screen...
but then after reading too much of kyumin... (got influenced )
so now im kinda same as you, is just that haemin is in the second place of my favorite OTP list XD
i forgot to quote my favorite phrase...
i'm so in love with this :
"People hold onto things because they’re afraid nothing good will ever happen to them again."
"Kangin begged to differ."
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