Title: Playing with Fire
Pairing: broken! 2Woon, implied YeWon
Genre: Angst
Rating: PG
A/N: Got super bored. Whipped up a random piece.
You saw it coming when he said those familiar three words. His face flushed with tears when he rejected your touch, his small hands pushing you away feebly. He acted exactly the way you predicted, breaking down and bawling, indulging in the guilt he would cause you to feel.
Let’s break up.
You heard them many times, too many times to even care anymore. It will eventually all be okay. You still loved him to bits, but you can’t let him know that, can’t let him get the upper hand.
It was no big deal, he just needed some time to calm down, dissipate the anger in his system and realize how much he still loves you, how much he needs you.
You let the fire continue burning as it grew larger and hotter.
You guys haven’t spoken for days, coming to a week now. You still believed things were fine, that everything will return to the way it was. He’s just throwing another one of his tantrums, one of his childish attempts in garnering your attention. You couldn’t give in to him, you never gave in to him.
Another week passed.
Maybe you crossed the line this time. Went a bit too far with your words. Been a bit too explosive with your behavior.
You tried approaching him, tried apologizing and being the one at fault, but he merely shrugged you off. You gave in, but he didn’t take it in. Now the fault was his and you made the rules.
Soon you realized something was wrong. Something told you that things were different.
Maybe you shouldn’t have been snooping in his phone, digging through his text messages and photos. Not because of guilt, but rather despair took over your heart.
Why did you inflict the pain on yourself. You should have been ignorant, at least you were happy, thinking you controlled the cards, you were the one pulling the strings.
Now you feel broken. Disjointed. A Marionette without a master.
He cared for everyone, but he didn’t care about you anymore.
He needed someone, but that someone wasn’t you anymore.
It was as if you never existed. You were gone.
In your place, he was there. Siwon.
You thought you would be mad, infuriated that he did such a thing. Broke your heart and never even bothered telling you. But you didn't feel that.
You felt different. Almost relieved, the mental tug of war ending between the two of you. You still love him, you wanted him to be with you, but he's happy.
He's happy, right?
That's all the matters. Being happy. He was happy with Siwon. That's all that matters.
He's happy, you should be happy for him.
Kangin held the knife to his wrists as he twiddled with it, spinning the sharp blade, the glint of the metal reflecting off the light.