Wear a jacket....

May 25, 2012 00:31

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Comments 126

_stolendreams_ May 24 2008, 23:56:21 UTC
*wasn't rolling eyes*
Admittedly only because I already knew what pairing you were going to have an why but still... I would like credit for not rolling my eyes at a Harry/Draco banner anyway


dancy_dreamer May 25 2008, 00:57:02 UTC
Well done, I am exceedingly proud XD


dancy_dreamer March 21 2011, 02:13:10 UTC
Coming back to this comment now that I have a Holmes/Watson banner is amusing.


smartyshortie May 25 2008, 00:21:09 UTC
*giggle* i love the banner XD

anyways, I added you, but you didnt add me back...i was just wondering if you would...


dancy_dreamer May 25 2008, 00:56:08 UTC
w00t Harry/Draco XD

Yep sure, sorry I fail at checking whos friended me, and when I do I never know if they've just friended for icons and don't want to be friended back.



smartyshortie May 25 2008, 02:27:47 UTC
o i always just like to be added back cuz i like making random friends XD

but thanks for the add!


xflybynightx May 25 2008, 00:29:59 UTC


joulez217 May 25 2008, 10:46:39 UTC
I know I'm already friended yada yada etc, but just wanted to say. Pretty Banner! XD


(The comment has been removed)

dancy_dreamer May 25 2008, 16:20:06 UTC
Well of course!!

*hugs you*


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