We had a wonderful New Year. There's nothing like seeing Trevor in moon and candlelight to make the world a good place.
I still don't know whether or not I'm going to go to Switzerland to play. It's not just me anymore that I have to think about. Luckily I don't have to make a firm decision right at this point.
He's right, mon amour. We move all over the place, even though we are away from home, having each other, we are never that far. And as I watch him sleeping now, I realise home is where the heart is, and my heart is with him.
We've had some fairly decent weather lately so I've taken that time to walk around Stanley Park. It's always so peaceful, even with a lot of people, and the dogs like it too.
Though you can tell it's getting colder, like winter is in the air. Makes me want to stay inside next to a fire. Might have to look into that.
Actually there is nothing more fun than tucking Trevor into bed *smiles* He thinks he's getting old, but I don't see it.
Have been skating a lot, getting ready for Brad's charity. It's so great to be skating so much. We've been keepting tabs on the guys playing in the Peg too. It's been fun.
The past couple of weeks has been fun. Thanks to Brad, we've all gotten to practice and have some fun on the ice. I think we're all looking forward to the charity game in December. Something for a good cause, and us having fun too
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We went to a BC Lions game earlier. It was great. Me, Trevor and MattyOh. We had so much fun too. I haven't been to a live football game in I don't know how long.
I'm surprised, but it is actually nice not playing at the moment. We still meet at the rink and workout, have some fun, etc. I like being able to plan stuff with Trevor.