LotS: "My Beloved" and "Kahlan is Poncy"

Mar 14, 2009 18:20

My Beloved by mresundance
Song: “My Beloved” from A Gift of Love, adapted from the poetry of Rumi
Fandom: Legend of the Seeker
Length, Formats and Size: 0:44, 10 MB avi (xvid) and 3 MB wmv
Summary: “She is beyond the belief of all beliefs.” Richard’s love for Kahlan.
Warnings: Spoilers up to 1x13, “Revenant”
Notes: One of two birthday vidlets for ladymajavader, with love.

Streaming: Vimeo (Password: beloved) | Bam Video | Youtube

Downloads (zipped files):

Please use the 4shared and mediafire links before the permanent link.

Permanent link (right-click save as): 10 MB avi (xvid)

10 MB avi (xvid) @ 4shared
10 MB avi (xvid) @ mediafire

3 MB wmv @ mediafire

image You can watch this video on www.livejournal.com

Password: beloved

Not much to note here. I think the narrative is fairly explanatory. I was just listening to the song one day and thought “ah, this is very Richard”.

A Gift of Love is an album in which the works of the mystic poet Rumi are set to music and spoken by a number of different narrators. I highly recommend buying it, particularly for those who a fan of Rumi’s work.

Kahlan is Poncy by mresundance
Song and Artist: Multiple/various
Fandom: Legend of the Seeker
Length, Formats and Size:1:02, 11.5 MB avi (xvid) and 4.5 MB wmv
Summary: Breaking news! Lord Darken Rahl thinks Kahlan is poncy. Holy crack Zed!
Warnings: Drinks and food should be stationary before viewing. Spoilers up to 1x13, “Revenant”.
Notes: The second of two birthday vidlets for ladymajavader.

Streaming: Vimeo (Password: poncy) | Bam Video | Youtube

Downloads (zipped files):

11.5 MB avi (xvid) @ 4shared
11.5 MB avi (xvid) @ mediafire

4.5 MB wmv @ mediafire

image You can watch this video on www.livejournal.com

Password: poncy

Well, there is a story behind this one.

Once upon a time, ladymajavader got all into a squee about some show which was vaguely based on some books that she loved. For the longest time her silly brain!twin/beta ignored her flights of squee and was rather indifferent to her joy. Until the fateful day came, of course, that he watched the show and found himself sucked in. And checked out the first book of the series. And found he had read the entire first tome (a rather vast one) in about three days. And checked out half of the book series from the local library. And started setting his VCR to record eps he might miss. And starting vidding the TV series. And . . . you get the idea.

Originally, the idea for this vidlet came only from the audio. I decided I would make a little crack vid out of it. It ballooned from there into this whole enormous thing. I just kept adding things and adding things, because it seemed like a good idea at the time.

You tell me audience. I realize this vid is more or less geared towards those familiar with the books. (Can you catch all the little jokes?) Nonetheless, I hope it is, uh, entertaining to all who dare to watch it. (You realize, you will never get that minute and two seconds back.)

Terminology, for the Uninitiated:

Blood of the Fold: Anti-magic zealots. They think all magic is pretty much bad and kill the crap out of people they call “banelings” (those with magic/bad magic). Hired thugs, assassins, nasty nasty men. Not yet in the TV series, if at all.

Demin Nass: Very bad man. He was in 1x08 and 1x10, amongst others. Remember - the fugly dude with the huge scar? Yeah. That dude. He was corpsified early in the series. In the books he had done countless unspeakable things before most righteous corspification took place.

Mord-Sith: Badass women who wear red leather and torment their victims into submission with magic and pain. Not nice, really, but have a heart. They were sweet and gentle young girls once, taken from their homes and tortured until they turned malevolent.

The Midlands and D’Hara: Two places Darken Rahl rules over. D’Hara is his homeland.

Lord Rahl: Rahl. Darken Rahl. Main baddie. Totally hot. Totally evil.

The People’s Palace: Darken Rahl’s main base of operations.

Lord Rahl’s Devotional: See episode 1x14, “Hartland”, wherein everyone has to bow and say a devotional about how great Rahl is. Creepy.

genre: shipper, tv: legend of the seeker, vidder: mresundance, genre: character study, genre: crack!/humor

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