VVC Premieres: Bitter-Sweet

Aug 08, 2010 21:54

Bitter-Sweet by mresundance
Song and Artist: “Bitter-Sweet” by Rumi, adapted by Deepak Chopra
Fandom: Kingdom of Heaven (2005 film)
Length: 02:47
Summary: “I too have been covered with thorns.”

Permanent link (right-click save): 45 MB avi

45 MB avi @ 4shared
45 MB avi @ mediafire

39 MB mp4 @ mediafire

17 MB wmv @ mediafire

image You can watch this video on www.livejournal.com

Password: sibylla

Special thanks to my betas: countessmary, laurashapiro and ladymajavader.

I was very frustrated with the lack of time spent on Sibylla's character in the film. A powerful, though sometimes arrogant princess of Jerusalem, she looses both her brother and her son to leprosy and is forced to rebuild her life. Most of that rebuilding was pushed off-screen, while various battle sequences and the main plot unfolded. This vid is my attempt to fill in some of the emotional gaps of Sibylla’s character. I wanted to show her process of rebuilding and transition, particularly emotionally, and how she moved from profound loss to renewal and hope. In essence, I tried to have her tell her story from her POV.

My vid masterlist.

Watch for updates.

film: kingdom of heaven, vividcon, vidder: mresundance, genre: character study

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