When the Muse Attacks

Apr 26, 2016 16:14

Something strange has happened these past few days. First I realized that the past two years have basically blurred and mostly vanished in my mind, so that when my truck battery died, I was positive it was three years old. It was five, which is reallydamngood for a battery in Arizona. And I'd been sick for a month, so those days mostly blurred out as well, but I was able after the first week to work, which is good. And now I'm better, and that's a really good thing.

And this week my fiction brain has gone off the charts on generating new words. It hasn't done this in years and years. It's spinning out stories and space opera--shaped novel like one of those crazy Hubble galaxies with all the pieces flying off in streams that run clear off the human-perceptible spectrum.

And that is fabulous. But I must eat, and even more important the horses must eat, and writing income is s l o w. A good part of the fiction-genesis is probably fiscal panic, throwing back to when writingrealfast under contract meant payment, sometimes, a fraction faster. But there are no book contracts any more.

So! To pay the hay bill, and keep the horses in grain while the words continue to spin out of my brain, I believe it's time for various shapes and sizes of SALE. (I take personal checks within the US, and Paypal worldwide at capriole at that gmail thing.) Option 1 below is ongoing with no expiration. I'll run options 2 and 3 for a week to start, and maybe another week, we'll see.

ETA: I've added more options in a new post. Go and see!

1. I have a Patreon page. This is where the new fiction first appears, and if you've seen it before, I've revamped it and changed the rewards and perks to emphasize the fiction. Patreon is a great platform for writers and artists--we support each other, too, tossing a dollar or two or three in the pot and spreading the wealth around as much as we can.

2. I have openings for Mentoring and Editing Clients. Wide range of services from conventional editing to one-on-one classes to advice and input on the horse details in your ms. I'm offering a sale this week: 5 hours at $250, which is a $50 discount. Current mentees may participate, as always.

3. Camp Lipizzan is back! The house has been renovated since the last Camp, and all the old comforts are still here, most notably the hot and cold running Lipizzans. Summer is challenging but we're up for it if you are, and October through March are beautiful. Just for this sale, if you book at regular price, bring a friend and I'll give you $50 off the second Camp.

Questions? Leave a comment here or email me at capriole at that gmail thing. I'll be over here, writing writing writing. And oh, it's a wonderful thing.
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