Survivor: Tucson

Apr 28, 2009 08:37

Wow. I wasn't expecting all the testimonials. Thanks so much to all of you. I appreciate it more than I can say.

Oh yeah, we get a lot of repeats. DHF is like potato chips. Or Lipizzans. You can't have just one.

That's great for the long term, and some good things are taking shape, but the horses have to eat every day, and the farm is hanging on by its fingernails. The next couple of months are gut-churn city. So, in consultation with our many excellent friends and advisors (there was much beating of the reluctant dancinghorse, but the argument "it's for the horses" finally won out), we propose to offer the following:

Your own personal piece of the kingdom

Fan of the Tarr/Brennan/Bryan universes? Always wanted to see more of your favorite characters? Commission a story or poem set in the world and featuring the characters of your choice. Tuckerization optional. All include a signed, personally inscribed hardcopy as well as an e-copy (specify Word .doc or .rtf). More than one person may play; if you get up a syndicate, go you! We retain copyright and the right to sell the story or poem elsewhere (you get, effectively, first serial rights), and we'll put out an eventual collection via lulu or CreateSpace. We'll deliver the story after June 1st. Commissions will be fulfilled in the order received.

Great for gifts, too. Just let us (well, we are a Triune Writer-Goddess) know to whom to address the story.

Three options:

a. $100 gets you a drabblezoid: a short-short story up to 1000 words. You may also request a free-verse poem.

b. $350 gets you a "real" short story--2500-7500 words.

c. Longer lengths available and negotiable. Talk to us.

Writing Mentoring

Details here. Rate for 2009 has gone up to $40/hour. Between now and May 15th, we'll waive PayPal fees for those who pay that way.

Camp Lipizzan

Base price is $350 per person for 3 days/2 nights--includes food, room, and Lipizzans. Additional nights $75 the first night, $50/night thereafter. Book your dates now, pay half on signing and half by 60 days from start of camp. If you pay in full now, we'll waive the PayPal fees. Offer valid through May 15th. We have dates available through the summer, in September and October, and in 2010 for all months EXCEPT April. 4 guests max per camp.

This one is really off the wall, but I'm game if you are:

Sponsor a DHF Lipizzan

$125/month pays to feed one of the horses on the farm. Can do this in monthly, 3mo, 6mo, or annual intervals. You (singular or plural) get a personalized monthly e-newsletter with photos, updates, and news of the horse and the farm, including bits that aren't published here or on twitter or facebook. Plus, you get to brag on "your" Lipizzan, and visit if you happen to be in the area.

If you are local and want to take an on-farm riding lease on one of the horses, talk to me. I've posted several of them on dreamhorse for lease. This is a regular horse-world lease rather than a sponsorship; I'm putting it out there, because, as we know, you never know.

We're also contemplating some longer-term offerings. One that has had quite a bit of response from the focus group is a novel-by-subscription starting in June. Details are still being worked out, but this we know:

It will be the fourth Caitlin Brennan novel, the one Harlequin killed literally the week before I was supposed to start writing it. Join Valeria, Kerrec, and company for another adventure with dancing white horses. Working title: Dancer's Image.

When the ticker hits $250, a chapter goes up. Site TBA. Readers who contribute $25 or more to the whole project will get their own personal .pdf of the completed ms. We hope to be able to put up a chapter a week.

Plan will be to issue a lulu edition of the completed novel, or if a publisher purchases it, Go Us! If we go with lulu, we are contemplating a cover contest.

More on that, plus formal announcement, over the next few weeks.

Questions, comments, bookings to me at capriole at gmail dot com. This address also works for PayPal.

ETA Thanks to sartorias for the reminder: I forgot to add, Feel free to link or forward this post.
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