Title: Drake and Josh Is Not...Roswell
Series: Five Fandoms That Drake & Josh Is Not
Chapter: 1/5
Series: Drake and Josh
dancinbutterflyPairing: Drake/Josh
Rating: PG
Warnings: Slash
Word count: 5,900
Disclaimer: I don't own Drake & Josh or any of the other fandoms I borrowed from. *sigh*
Dedications: This, as all my D&J fic is until I can write HER D&J
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Comments 22
Oh, and, “You liked them. They made you feel brave but you were sad. Your dad gave them to you and he was leaving, back before your sister was born. It wasn’t the last time he did it but it’s the time that hurt you the most. You didn’t know how to stop him and you felt like if you were a real cowboy, you’d have been able to.” was just really beautiful and perfect, completely what a lost little kid would feel, and I don't know, it was just really poignant.
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