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Comments 27

cofax7 September 7 2007, 05:31:44 UTC
Claudia in person is pretty damned awesome. And the next time I see you please remind me and I will bring the dvd Jonquil gave me, which is the Claudia-and-Ben show from the Farscape con in... 2004, I think. Back when Claudia had the Prometheus Unbound spot but nobody knew about BB getting cast (it was being negotiated at the time). It's an utterly fabulous 90 minutes--they're so damned fun together. Plus, they crack lots of jokes about Shanks.


danceswithwords September 7 2007, 14:29:17 UTC
I would really love to see that; their DVD commentaries are some of the only DVD commentaries I can listen to, because they're so entertaining.


50mm September 7 2007, 05:47:50 UTC
yay for details on Claudia's panel! no whimpering, promise!


danceswithwords September 7 2007, 14:31:51 UTC
*pets you*

It was really, really short! At least there's that.


zandra_x September 7 2007, 06:32:29 UTC
I have to say that I'm throughly enjoying this. It's like being there without 30,000 other people breathing my air.


danceswithwords September 7 2007, 14:34:24 UTC
I'm glad you're enjoying these!

If there were only 30,000 people there, I'll be really surprised. It was definitely an exercise in dealing with crowds; fortunately, the crowds were mostly good-humored, and all there for the same thing, which lent a certain air of humorous resignation to most of the waiting.


anonymous September 7 2007, 07:30:25 UTC
This con took place in Atlanta right? I think you had that on your mind while writing this because there are a few times you wrote Atlanta instead of Atlantis. Hee ( ... )


danceswithwords September 7 2007, 14:45:50 UTC

The con was in Atlanta, and the organization that runs the Stargate track is called Stargate Atlanta, so that was deliberate. :)

I don't understand how the person who asked the Sam question could ever even remotely think it was appropriate, much less that she might get the answer she wanted. Even if the Atlantis actors didn't like the new casting--and all signs point to them being fine with it--it's not like they're going to get up in front of thousands of people at a con and say they hate it. Then again, I don't understand why anybody would think asking Alan Tudyk if she could get a hug, and then persisting in the face of polite rejection, was even remotely appropriate, and that happened last year. Oh fandom.

I think Chris Judge was trying to get a rise out of Shanks with the Jack/Daniel question, but Shanks was pretty impervious.


50mm September 7 2007, 15:42:11 UTC
oh wow, I'd totally forgotten that someone did the 'can I have a hug' at the Monday BSG panel to Aaron Douglas. And again, he hesitated but she persisted, so he finally relented. WTF people!?!? It's so completely selfish and NOT about the actor, and is completely disrespectful of the actor as a human being. GAH.


danceswithwords September 8 2007, 15:51:09 UTC
Oh for crying out loud.

The Alan Tudyk thing was particularly painful because he actually refused, and he had to refuse her about five times and bring in a lame excuse about how his girlfriend wouldn't like it before the woman finally gave up. The actors are totally on the spot in situations like that, and basic human decency dictates that you don't take advantage of it; some people apparently don't get that.


katie_m September 7 2007, 11:51:43 UTC
She also talked at one point about how conventions like Dragon*Con were about more than shows, and were also a way for people who loved the same things to meet up with each other.

CB and BB's statements about fandom are always very sweet and thoughtful like that. It's one of the things I find charming about them. (Of course, BB at least was clearly an enormous Farscape fanboy himself, so.)


danceswithwords September 7 2007, 14:56:24 UTC
I find their ability to have those kinds of insights really endearing, and Browder at least seems to be an enormous fanboy of not just Farscape but sci fi in general.

Her comment about how she was sure we all talked online but the con was an opportunity to meet each other in person also really resonated for me because it's such an unusual experience to be completely out about fandom with everyone around me, to not have to explain anything, to have them all know what I've written and what I like, to know them the same way; to put faces to names, and to have physical conversations that are seamless extensions of the ones I have online.


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