"All right, priorities. One, defuse the train; two, stop the bomb."

Aug 08, 2007 19:49

I just realized I haven't posted in a while. I've been having some trouble focusing over the past few weeks, for a variety of reasons, and work has been strange (thanks to some organizational oddities and my uneasy relationship with leadership, I feel like a freaking border collie right now), and fandom has been making me cranky (not the fandom I ( Read more... )

eureka, my beloved money pit, due south, lj

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Comments 16

brynnmck August 9 2007, 05:39:16 UTC
Aww, man! I missed "The Duel" and "Red, White, or Blue"? Those are two of my favorite episodes ( ... )


dragonflymuse August 9 2007, 13:58:04 UTC
To me, having seen the episode several times, it's pretty clear that Ray didn't plant the heel, though it's been long enough since I've seen it that I can't really remember what exactly makes me sure of that; I'll have to check.

I think Fraser implies that Ray's former supervisor planted it, and that is the conclusion the viewers are left with (due to the supervisor's standard saying, All suspects are guilty of something).

I love The Duel. I love all of the RayV-centric eps, not only because they are about Ray (!!) but because they illustrate how truly integrated Ray and Fraser have become: Fraser can be the supportive, investigative one while Ray is the one in conflict. This is beautifully illustrated in RWoB with the harmonized conversation which, despite the rantiness, is as close to actual sex those two come to onscreen :)


danceswithwords August 9 2007, 16:02:42 UTC
Ah yes, the supervisor seems like a likely candidate. I think they slightly missed the mark, though, when trying to leave the viewer to figure it out but not giving us quite enough confirmation.

I thought the harmonized conversation was a lovely illustration of how well they know each other; each was arguing with an incredibly accurate version of the other in his head.


brynnmck August 9 2007, 16:32:36 UTC
YES. The synchronized conversation is one of the greatest joys in my life. :) (Fraser imitating Ray? PRICELESS. Also? Ray, did you really need to include "lust" on that list? HEE.) And it's interesting, too, because I know that occasionally people refer to RWoB as the F/V "breakup" episode, and I think it's exactly the opposite--to me, it completely cements their partnership. I mean, yeah, they fight, but they get through it and understand each other better because of it. And even when they're fighting, they're still finishing each other's sentences. (Also, with the bomb, and the whole, "I'm gonna kill you!" "That's very possible." *giggles hysterically* BOYS.)

Actually, to me, MotB is pretty much an extended dance remix of RWoB, but I'm probably in the minority on that one. :)


simplystars August 9 2007, 06:41:55 UTC
O_o I must say you are handling Project No More Fiery Deathtrap with great aplomb. Yikes.

I agree with a lot of your due South points (and Brynn's sledgehammer remark, bwah)... I need to go back and watch season two again. I'm currently stuck between Victoria's Secret eps because I can't stand to watch Fraser as it all falls apart. *sniff*

Maybe it's the moon. *sigh*


danceswithwords August 9 2007, 16:08:07 UTC
That's a pretty pivotal moment. (I'm currently stopped at "Eat Me" in my Farscape rewatch for similar reasons. Heh. I need to gird my loins for the rest of Season 3.) On the other hand, you come out the other side with "North!"

I must say you are handling Project No More Fiery Deathtrap with great aplomb.

I did not actually murder the plumber who showed up yesterday to do work and then didn't because whatever the hell is going on in my ceiling made him do the plumber's equivalent of curling up in a fetal position and rocking back and forth. I was actually glad he admitted that he didn't have enough experience with gas lines to figure out the best way to deal with the problem, but it was the third time he'd been out and I'd arranged to work from home, which makes it difficult to get some of my stuff done, so I was less than pleased. On the plus side, they're sending a senior guy out on Saturday and my house has totally become an urban legend at the plumbing company.


simplystars August 9 2007, 06:49:34 UTC
Also, that Peanuts link? OMG and bwah.


danceswithwords August 9 2007, 16:09:05 UTC
There's nothing like a little Bukowski-fication to make you realize that wow, the relationships on Peanuts were really kind of dysfunctional!


asta77 August 9 2007, 12:35:26 UTC
Sorry about your house woes. I can share a renters nightmare with you. The model apartment is across the hall from my apartment and one of the smoke detectors, which apparently has a low battery, has been randomly going off for the past two days. It doesn't seem to be affecting the other tenants like it is me, but from my living room I can clearly hear it going off. I left a message with the office yesterday morning to take care of it and came home last night to still hear it going off. I then called the emergency number after listening to it for twenty minutes straight. My message was relayed to a maintenance person who found it amusing and thought the battery would just run out of power. I still asked him to come check it, even though it was quite at the moment, and never saw or heard back from anyone. Last night I ended up sequestered in my bedroom to get some quiet and this morning left an angry message with the manager again regarding their piss poor handling of this. Yes, I'm tired and crabby this morning ( ... )


asta77 August 9 2007, 12:59:28 UTC
Ok, I think I figured out which programs to use for the mass importing. This might be a project for next month though considering how many posts I have to transfer.


danceswithwords August 9 2007, 16:13:40 UTC
Oh man, I'm sorry to hear about the smoke detector. There's nothing like a miserable night's sleep to make you hate people and life.

And the fact that LJ has incredibly crappy customer service does not change the fact that segments of fandom are batshit insane. Both of those things are true.

I see you figured out which program to use to such entries into other journaling sites? If you follow the instructions in the post I linked from brown_betty to use LJ-Sec to transfer posts, it actually shouldn't take too long; I have less than 400 entries but when I populated my GreatestJournal with back entries in May, it only took about five minutes. I'm not sure if uploading the same icons with the same filenames/keywords beforehand will preserve the links to specific icons in those entries, but it's probably worth trying.


asta77 August 9 2007, 16:33:53 UTC
I heard from the manager this morning. Lucky for me, just as she walked into the model and was trying to figure out which smoke detector it was the thing went off and scared the crap out of her. :)

I'm not worried about preserving the icons. I mean, many of my old entries have my default user icon by this point because I've made so many changes over the years. I followed some links to save icons, photo galleries, and memories, but most of that I have saved to my hardrive so I'm not too concerned with all that. Saving content is my priority.


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