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Comments 6

asta77 June 11 2007, 03:47:04 UTC
I think you may have deduced what is wrong with SGA - the writers just don't care. I hate to keep bringing up Daniel Jackson's death (the big one), but we had an entire epsiode where we saw him deteriorate before our eyes. We saw his fellow team members and friends deal with having to let him go. And once he was gone, we still saw them deal with their loss and grief in various ways. Heck, even Janet who was not a series regular got a big send off and people were left to deal with her absence. I am at a loss as to how the show could just off a character and move on as if it never happened. Unless I take into consideration they don't care. Honestly, I think they could kill off any character on a whim at this point and it wouldn't matter to them.

And as much as I bitch about Ron Moore he was still dealing with the fall out from Ellen Tigh's death 16 episodes later!


danceswithwords June 11 2007, 17:01:36 UTC
Heck, even Janet who was not a series regular got a big send off and people were left to deal with her absence. I am at a loss as to how the show could just off a character and move on as if it never happened. Unless I take into consideration they don't care.

Either they genuinely don't grasp how callous it makes the characters look, and how cheap it makes life on Atlantis seem, or they're trying so hard to make the show self-contained and episodic that they've made the choice deliberately; either way, it makes it very hard to care about these people. (It's also hard to care about these people when 90% of the danger they encounter is danger they created for themselves, so.)


katie_m June 11 2007, 11:56:07 UTC
I will also admit to being a little disappointed when the camera panned down underwater and didn't come to rest on a giant pile of golf balls on the ocean floor, but I don't actually expect the writers to cater to my own wierdness there.

I thought the same thing! Well, not about this episode, since I haven't watched it yet, but after watching Sunday, like, how my golf balls did you bring to Atlantis, guys?


danceswithwords June 11 2007, 17:02:38 UTC
You'd think they'd be a somewhat finite resource. Now I'm picturing Caldwell grousing about the cases and cases of golf balls he has to bring from Earth every time he makes an Atlantis trip.


50mm June 12 2007, 03:37:47 UTC
yay for end of craziness, at least for a time. :D I do not envy your early schedule though.

You know, I want to like Atlantis but the writers make it so very very hard. *sigh*


danceswithwords June 12 2007, 03:42:55 UTC
Hee! Your icon!

I really want to like Atlantis too, and occasionally I even do...

The early schedule won't be so bad once I've adjusted; it's the in-between time when I'm getting up early but can't go to sleep that sucks. But the not driving part is really important. (I work 40 miles from where I live.)


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