Watch this space

Apr 03, 2007 16:20


Work is consuming a great deal of my attention and energy right now, not in a crazy way, but in a way that makes me realize I've been very quiet on LJ lately. I'm sitting on two due South episode writeups that I never posted, for example.

due South 2.04 - Bird in the Hand )

work, the office, due south, books: general, doctor who

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Comments 12

cofax7 April 3 2007, 23:41:34 UTC
I had an exchange with samdonne about The Road today; she wonders what they'll say about the [spoiler deleted] baby. (Note: I haven't read it yet, but I'll take advantage of the Oprah edition to get a cheaper copy than a hardcover.) But yeah, I took a look at her list of book club books, and while it's somewhat more challenging than I expected (Faulkner and Tolstoy and Marquez), it's not ... that. Should be interesting.


danceswithwords April 4 2007, 01:53:36 UTC
It does seem like a surprising choice. I wonder if the nebulous future setting made it seem "safer," since most of his other books are steeped in a particular vision of the American myth that has some political baggage to it. Or maybe it's just new. Anyway, as you say, it should be interesting.


cofax7 April 4 2007, 05:03:50 UTC
Should be. And coincidentally enough, Book Passage had a copy on the table tonight, so I bought it.


Nothing of substance laurashapiro April 4 2007, 00:11:20 UTC
Just: I enjoy your DS recaps so much.

[porn] Fraser planting his boot in Gerard's chest is up there on my list of the sexiest things I've ever seen on television. [/porn]


Re: Nothing of substance danceswithwords April 4 2007, 01:54:30 UTC
Fraser + barely controlled emotion + uniform = sexy in general. It's a scientific equation.


Re: Nothing of substance laurashapiro April 4 2007, 02:40:38 UTC
You have a point. (:


asta77 April 4 2007, 01:00:57 UTC
I knew there was a reason I didn't get hooked on The Black Donnellys. Well, and the fact I dislike all the characters.


danceswithwords April 4 2007, 01:54:57 UTC
Yeah, there's also that.


poshcat April 4 2007, 02:11:06 UTC
Hi, beautiful! I'm not surprised at all that Oprah picked that book. I stopped reading her choices because I found them depressing and oppressing and all sorts of pressings. :0) I just don't want to read stuff that makes me feel even worse than real life does. Oprah, OTOH, thrives on it!

PS 7th Heaven! It was about time to put that show out of its misery.


danceswithwords April 4 2007, 18:23:55 UTC
I guess we all read for different reasons. A lot of her earlier selections had a sort of feel-good overcoming-hardship quality that felt very pat and trite to me; I enjoy fiction that explores complication, and where the answers aren't always easy. (Of course, sometimes books do both; she chose Jonathan Franzen's The Corrections one month, and that is a terrific book about the messiness of family, but not particularly depressing.)

7th Heaven! It was about time to put that show out of its misery.

I KNOW! It was cancelled when UPN and the WB merged, but then the CW resurrected it, those bastards. Hopefully this puts a stake through its heart.


poshcat April 4 2007, 18:31:40 UTC
The Corrections, The Deep End of the Ocean, House of Sand and Fog, Fall on Your Knees...they all depressed me.

Hey, maybe I'm just depressed!!!! :0P


(The comment has been removed)

danceswithwords April 5 2007, 18:03:38 UTC
He blocks out what he wants for himself.

Yes, Fraser tends to put his own desires last, after duty and what everyone expects from him. I think that's why his choices in "Victoria's Secret" were so striking--he was going for what he wanted for once, and making terrible decisions, and I wonder if fear that what he wants isn't a good thing doesn't drive some of that.

You think Bob was guilty then in the Pilot?

I didn't think there was any question of that? He had had second thoughts, and had decided to renege on the arrangement with the developers, which was why they needed him out of the way, but he had been taking their money and looking the other way for years.

And do you believe Bob was honestly trying to help or not when he gave his hand to Gerard at the window?

I think Fraser was being accurate when he pointed out that Bob was saying a lot of things because, being dead, he could actually act on them, and it was therefore safe. It doesn't seem like Bob has gotten over his death, and still has a lot of unsettled anger. He ( ... )


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