My first picspam

Dec 06, 2005 08:40

A system crash ate my "The Way We Weren't" post this weekend, and it's both difficult and disheartening to try to reconstruct it from memory, so I'm still picking away at it.

Technical difficulties aside, though, I had a good and productive weekend. Among other things, I saw Aeon Flux last Friday with D. and Mrs. D. and I've got to say that I don ( Read more... )

picspam, knitting, puppydog

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Comments 25

sdwolfpup December 6 2005, 20:27:29 UTC
The puppydog is adorable and the scarves are lovely!

I would love to see your computer area, and the inside of your car. :)


danceswithwords December 6 2005, 20:36:08 UTC
Thank you! And fortunately, the inside of my car is nothing to be ashamed of, so I'm 1 for 2.


brynnmck December 6 2005, 20:43:40 UTC
Whoa. I would rather take a picture of my bedroom than the inside of my car, in terms of cleanliness. I've acquired quite a collection of half-empty water bottles in there, along with various receipts, directions, towels for trips to the dog park, etc. On the plus side, if there's ever a natural disaster and I'm stuck in my car, I'll have water for days. It's all part of my secret plan.


danceswithwords December 6 2005, 23:54:12 UTC
Hee! My bedroom isn't a total horror show, but the waist-high stacks of books running along one entire wall aren't that aesthetically pleasing.


50mm December 6 2005, 21:32:27 UTC
puppydog! He's a cutie; pretty good size as well, looks like. Dogs like pillows, that's all there is to it. I have to chase Steinway off the pillows when I dogsit him. *g*

That yarn site looks very interesting; I've sent it along to my sister. The scarves are very nice! I esp like the pattern on the 2nd one. Nice and warm but not thick so you'd feel strangled with it wrapped around your neck.


danceswithwords December 6 2005, 23:42:52 UTC
I think dogs have a keen eye for what's comfortable, combined with a killer instinct for where dog hair would be the grossest or most unsightly.

I really like that pattern too, though I wish I had made it in a less dark color. Knitpicks has such good prices that if the yarn holds up it's a real find; the people at knitting seem to think highly of some of their yarns (like Andean Silk), and they sell color cards, so you don't have to gamble that the color on your monitor is close enough to real life to work.


dualbunny December 6 2005, 21:45:30 UTC
Awww, puppy! :D

I love looking at stuff people are knitting. I'm so tempted to try it myself, but right now it's still all mysterious, and therefore very fascinating to me. :}


danceswithwords December 6 2005, 23:44:54 UTC
I love your icon! That says it all.

Knitting is actually really easy! My mom taught me when I was a kid, but I was a chronic project-abandoner; now I'm trying to be more methodical, finish things, then move on to more complicated patterns and techniques. But the basics are really simple to learn, and it's a good thing to do while watching TV.


addicted2goo December 7 2005, 02:56:48 UTC
I am jealous of people who can knit...I have no patience for those kind of things. My vote is #3, even though I think that they are all lovely.


danceswithwords December 7 2005, 17:48:22 UTC
Thank you! It's very easy, but it does require some patience. I have a hard time just sitting and watching TV; I need to be doing something else too, so this is a good way to occupy my hands.


jidabug December 7 2005, 17:42:40 UTC
Very nice scarves! I look forward to improving my skill enough to make ones like those. :^)


danceswithwords December 7 2005, 17:50:27 UTC
I'm working my way up to more complicated patterns, trying to teach myself new things. Scarf Style has a lot of neat patterns that involve different techniques, with varying levels of difficulty, so it's been a good resource. I've found that a lot of things that look difficult at first (like cable stitch) are actually very easy once you actually do them.


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