“Am I being irrational? Well, have a little pain.”

Nov 22, 2005 16:03

Standard disclaimer: this post and/or the comments may and probably will contain spoilers for the entire series. Previous episode posts here.

Farscape 2.04 - Crackers Don’t Matter )


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Comments 8

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danceswithwords November 23 2005, 04:44:31 UTC
I'm not convinced the eyesight thing wasn't a red herring? At first we had T'raltixx's word that the pulsar light was causing the problems; later we found out it was him; but I thought that whether or not their eyesight had anything to do with it was an open question (I think it's just as plausible that John's personality was a factor). By that point, they were all kind of crazy and the theorizing was not that credible. But since T'raltixx was blind, I guess it could be true. Hm. The fact that I haven't examined the actual plot points of the episode that closely on multiple rewatches is a testament to how strong it is.

It's just remarkable what a fine line it walks between disturbing and funny.


asta77 November 23 2005, 03:48:50 UTC
There’s every reason to believe that John is haunted by Scorpius as well as hunted by him, and it’s only later that his hallucinations take on a more sinister meaning-that the chip in his head is beginning to do its work.

So, should I admit that I didn't get that this ep was the beginning of the chip kicking in until I did my rewatch of the series? ::hangs head in shame::

BTW, raislak will be incredibly relieved by your post. He feared you abandoned 'Farscape' for 'Veronica Mars'. ;)


raislak November 23 2005, 04:16:20 UTC
BTW, raislak will be incredibly relieved by your post. He feared you abandoned 'Farscape' for 'Veronica Mars'. ;)

Yeah, what she said!!!


danceswithwords November 23 2005, 04:47:23 UTC
Nah, I'm a multi-fandom ho. Hey, I'm also trying to catch up on eleventy billion seasons of Stargate.


raislak November 23 2005, 05:04:35 UTC
Need to get caught up on Stargate I can help you there.
Just mix about an equal amount of expository dialog with things blowing up.

IMHO... ;-)


raislak November 23 2005, 04:56:19 UTC
First and foremost, great to see more commentaries from you on a topic I have seen ( ... )


danceswithwords November 23 2005, 18:11:11 UTC
I also like John's adaptability, but as Scorpy is making more appearances, one wonders, its it John adapting or Harvey adapting for him.

That's one of the things that ends up being really fascinating about John's relationship with Harvey--how Harvey's fate gets tied to John, how his loyalties to Scorpius shift. I think that while the chip is still in John's head, Harvey is just concerned with keeping John alive and bringing him back to Scorpius; his sanity is not an issue (after all, John slowly going insane is part of the endgame to get him under Scorpius's control). But once the chip is out and Harvey's literally in the same boat (or brain) with John, they have to coexist, and John's mental well-being is more of a concern for Harvey.


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