
Oct 18, 2005 13:58

I had a good weekend--left the laptop at work where it belongs, cleared away a lot of Life Stuff backlog like laundry and cleaning, went shopping for the kind of groceries that actually require preparation, made some soup. I also finally got to hang out with thedeadlyhook again and meet toysdream, something we'd been trying to coordinate for a long time. They've only ( Read more... )

lj people are awesome, work, doctor who

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Comments 19

_jems_ October 18 2005, 23:52:21 UTC
Was this something that was covered in the show at some point, or is what happened in this terrible war a new mystery to be revealed?
I haven't seen any other version of the Doctor, but I know the answer to this one, so make of that what you will. ;-)

And did the TARDIS get fixed at some point
This, however, I do not know the answer to, so it must have happened with one of the other Doctors. Unless it's a continuity problem.

Haven't really written anything about Dr. Who (I like it, but I don't love it the way a lot of people seem to), but I know that theroyalanna has written fic and probably a post or two. If you're looking for icons I'd recommend silvergreen. Amaaaazing icons and she posted a batch just a few days ago. Probably too spoilery for you to check out right now, though.


danceswithwords October 19 2005, 00:55:13 UTC
Excellent. Thanks for the pointers, and the spoiler warning.


asta77 October 19 2005, 02:00:06 UTC
I've only seen a few eps of the old 'Doctor Who' so the only comparison I could make was 'OMG are the effects so much better!'. ;) I wasn't aware that the TARDIS's destination was a crap shoot. Though, I believe it's shown to be a bit wonky in this series.

I'll have to see about tracking down my posts on the show. I just have to remember when I watched it.


danceswithwords October 19 2005, 04:36:40 UTC
It seems like half the plots of the episodes I saw revolved around the TARDIS showing up somewhere other than where the Doctor intended it to go, and wackiness ensuing.

I think you must have been watching them in June or early July, because I got the discs right when the SciFi season started and I remember seeing your posts right around then. Hell, with that much information, I can track them down myself. :)


asta77 October 19 2005, 16:51:23 UTC
I found an entry from July 3rd, but it discusses all thirteen episodes so I'd wait to read it. When you're ready, it can be found HERE.


boofadil October 19 2005, 02:55:23 UTC
I didn't start talking about it till I was done with ep 7, so I can link to that post later.

The first time I attempted to watch the series, I turned if off halfway through Rose. I'm not sure if I just didn't like it, or if I was in the wrong mood, or if I had to leave the house and just didn't come back to it, but I wasn't impressed.

So when I started watching it again about two weeks ago, I watched ep 2 and was completely sunk. The wacky, bright aliens were so Farscapian that I almost cried. I didn't even know how much I missed the beautiful bright, colorful worlds that FS gave us. Jabe is one of my favorite benevolant aliens ever and I love what she showed us about the doctor. Cassandra was amazingly well done and the Moxx of Balhun gave us bodily fluids! YAY!

I couldn't help but completely mainline this series the second that Rose talks to the twig and then I got impatient with the seconds I had to wait between eps as soon as we got the chips scene.

Yeah. I'm a wee bit in love. *g*


danceswithwords October 19 2005, 04:54:56 UTC
The wacky, bright aliens were so Farscapian that I almost cried. I didn't even know how much I missed the beautiful bright, colorful worlds that FS gave us.

I was just bowled over by the absurdity, the way the show was taking these wild premises and just running with them, which is also something I really treasure about Farscape. And the colorfulness is great; I love BSG, but it's a show that makes a point of having very muted colors--which works for it, but it's literally a dark show.

I liked the old Doctor Who a lot, but I wasn't expecting anything quite this sharp and well-done. I'm really liking it so far.


enterlinemedia October 19 2005, 05:48:55 UTC
I have watched five episodes of the new Who series so far. It's not quite as great as the best of Pertwee's or Tom Baker's Doctors, but it had me extremely entertained. I have a couple more episodes to watch as I wait for a friend to send me the other six.

I have even been watching some behind-the-scenes material on DW like episodes of Dr. Who Confidential and other stuff.

I don't quite agree with Russell T. Davies' dislike for cliffhangers (but he says cliffhangers are only good when they are done right). I always loved the old DW cliffhangers. The new series out of five episodes (I watched) only had one cliffhanger so far.


danceswithwords October 19 2005, 16:30:51 UTC
I haven't seen any of the behind-the-scenes stuff, but I agree that cliffhangers should be used sparingly and to a purpose. I liked the old show cliffhangers too, but I don't think they'd fit in with the tighter episode structure of this version.


enterlinemedia October 19 2005, 18:53:40 UTC
I liked the cliffhangers, but I did think many six and seven parters had lots of padding. I still think they could do a cliffhanger like they do on Lost or Farscape or even earlier Alias episodes to hook the viewer for next week.


danceswithwords October 19 2005, 23:44:33 UTC
I agree that the odd cliffhanger/two-parter of that kind would probably work well for the new show. I'm not sure if I'd go so far as the earlier Alias episodes, though--that run was basically all one long story, so it worked well for them, but I would be really irritated at the use of cliffhangers to try to tie together a bunch of individual episodes that were only tangentially related plotwise.


elisi October 19 2005, 10:17:36 UTC
Yay! for Doctor Who. :)

Other people have answered all the questions, so I'll just say keep enjoying. I'll look forward to your posts.


danceswithwords October 19 2005, 16:31:39 UTC
I'm really looking forward to seeing the rest of the season. :)


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