Baaaa -- Fandom Meme Sheepage

Feb 16, 2005 14:06

Five fandoms is totally stretching it for me, but I can scrape up four.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer )

farscape, alias, angel the series, meme sheepage, buffy the vampire slayer, technobabble

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Comments 15

thassalia February 17 2005, 00:58:13 UTC
Random question, but I'm hoping someone can help me with this. I just got a DVD player that supports PAL and NTSC. Does that mean it's all-region, or would I still have to look into hacks if I wanted to, say, get the Peacekeeper Wars DVD from R2 that has deleted scenes?

I'm utterly clueless about the technology, but I'm thinking long and hard about finding out how to make my player multi-region for much the same reason:) Hee.

The character everyone else loves that you don't: Noranti. I think we should burn her too, D'Argo.

I don't dislike Noranti that much, but I literally rolled off the couch when he asked John if they burned their old people with that, "Hmm, now that's something we didn't think of." look:)


danceswithwords February 17 2005, 02:13:28 UTC
I love how D'Argo and John play off each other with the world-weariness (or I guess it would be universe-weariness) after a certain point, the acceptance that after all the things they've seen, it's not safe to take any hyperbole for granted. The sense of "I live on this ship--something strange is always happening."


thassalia February 17 2005, 18:05:10 UTC
Exactly:) And I love how well all the time they've spent together is addressed, the whole, "Abbot, Costello, we've been through this," thing. The suggestion of lots of downtime, lots of possibility for boy gossip and BSing:)


_jems_ February 17 2005, 03:05:03 UTC
Re: DVD question. It usually depends on what the retailers mean. I'd usually say that it would mean that the DVD player can play PAL DVDs on any NTSC TV (because if the DVD doesn't do that you need a special TV too) and not that it plays multi-region DVDs. But most people probably aren't knowledgeable enough to actually differentiate between regions and system formats. I think you're just going to have to get your hands on a different region DVD and try it.


danceswithwords February 17 2005, 18:16:11 UTC
Aha! I think you're right about it being PAL or NTSC TVs. A fellow customer at the store was swearing up and down that the "PAL and NTSC" labeling meant it would play any region DVDs and I was like, "Um, I'm pretty sure those are illegal and you can't just buy them in a store." But I'll try my friend's R2 Buffy disks and see. Thanks for the information!


asta77 February 17 2005, 04:25:25 UTC
The character everyone else loves that you don't: Andrew. At heart he's an opportunistic, amoral little weasel whose only supposed remorse for any of his past misdeeds was a direct result of getting caught, and I resent that the writers basically gave him a free pass because he's funny.

Amen. I completely agree. I thought he had his moments in season 6 - his "Timothy Dalton should win an Oscar and beat Seasn Connery over the head with it." cracks me up every time - but it's his portrayal in season 7 that killed any affection I had for him. First off, I was pissed they chose to kill Jonathan and let Andrew live. Then they compounded my issues by never having Andrew truly grasp the weight of what he had done. He not only murdered another human being, but his best friend and not only did he not seem to find this a big deal, no one else did either.

The character everyone else loves that you don't: Noranti. WHAT?!?! Who the frell likes that character? She is the only character in the history of the show I loathed. To this day I do ( ... )


danceswithwords February 17 2005, 18:22:25 UTC
So she's not well-liked? Whew. I know they were trying to do cutesy earth mother with her, but I could never get over the fact that half her stunts--especially in the beginning of S4--were actively endangering them all. It just didn't seem plausible for the rest of the Moyans, hardened as they were at that point, to continue to tolerate her presence and carry her around with them rather than dumping her off at the next planet. I could deal with her at the end of the season, when she was being useful and not an active menace, but otherwise--HATE.


skylee February 17 2005, 09:25:07 UTC
I'm not reading your Farscape part, because I glanced at the name and I don't know these people creatures!

If it was to set her up as a fit match for Angel, it's especially inexplicable since they pretty much destroyed everything about her that made her a good counterweight to Angel's brooding and tendency towards self-pity.

Have to add a big "word" on that. Her brightness countering Angel's broodiness was the thing that made their relationship appeal to me in the first two seasons. She made him smile, how many people can do that?

If they hadn't gone the route of Saint Cordy (and also "Angel's feelings is the only thing I care about", or something. I'm so bad at exact quote.), I would have liked Cordy/Angel. A lot. Sigh.


danceswithwords February 17 2005, 18:27:16 UTC
I'm not reading your Farscape part, because I glanced at the name and I don't know these creatures!

Eep! Since I was so vague, I didn't think to put spoiler warnings.

If they hadn't gone the route of Saint Cordy (and also "Angel's feelings is the only thing I care about", or something. I'm so bad at exact quote.), I would have liked Cordy/Angel.

Yeah, that was also severely weird, given how committed she was to helping people in the first couple of years. And if I never hear the word "champion" again it will be too soon. ::shudder::

Supposedly there was a lot of behind-the-scenes crap happening with Charisma Carpenter around this time, and the situation really went south when she announced her pregnancy and they had to change a bunch of the storyline for S4. But I don't have any details, just vague rumors. Still, I wonder if RL issues ended up totally screwing with Cordelia.


skylee February 17 2005, 23:04:43 UTC
Eep! Since I was so vague, I didn't think to put spoiler warnings.

I've seen Jool on TV already I think, but it's cool, I didn't really read anything spoilery. :-)

I'm curious about one thing though - and this is completely OT - I've read some reviews that say that a lot of people in the fandom didn't like Stark? Really? 'Cause I can't really think of a reason why people wouldn't like him. He disbursed so he could save the others in The Ugly Truth!

Was that just a minority in the fandom? ::is curious::


danceswithwords February 17 2005, 23:32:15 UTC
I've never gotten the impression that Stark wasn't liked, though my exposure to Farscape fandom has been really, really limited and I've probably got some erroneous impressions. I'm probably not the best person to ask.

Now, Stark does have his moments of being more hindrance than help (if I ever do a series of episode posts, I'm thinking of keeping a running tally of "Stark: Asset or Liability?" points and seeing what it adds up to by the end of the show) but I wasn't aware of any widespread Stark-dislike.


lillianmorgan February 17 2005, 10:26:47 UTC
Yay interesting thoughts. Andrew is a difficult character to pin down - basically because they redeemed him. On the one hand he stands for the possibility that you can become a better person - but on the other, well it's hard to see him being there as anything other than a comic foil.
Agree with you on Willow. I love Tara - maybe it's Willow's overwhelming arrogance that really gets to me S6-7.
I think there's a lot of potential for Connor - I see him as Angel's main motivating factor S3 onwards. It's a shame that everyone hates him so much, but I suppose the whole Cordelia arc was what got to me. ME went for both Cordelia and Connor and ostracized them from what they could have been.


danceswithwords February 17 2005, 23:27:00 UTC
Andrew is a difficult character to pin down - basically because they redeemed him.Hmm. If by this you mean that the writers seemed to feel that he'd been redeemed and didn't feel any further need to address his past crimes or his atonement, then I wouldn't argue with that. But if you mean in the sense of being redeemed in the overall narrative, within the framework of what redemption means in the Jossverse, I'd have to strongly disagree ( ... )


lillianmorgan February 18 2005, 16:52:01 UTC
Hmm. If by this you mean that the writers seemed to feel that he'd been redeemed and didn't feel any further need to address his past crimes or his atonement, then I wouldn't argue with that.
Yeah, that's what I was getting at. The fact that he was brought back into Season 7 and his redemption was nearly always done in a comedic sense - like the white-board he made with the FE on it, or his introduction to Wood by Buffy as a "guestage", or even his initial capture by Willow. Even the piglet was a bit shocking - surely he could have thought of that before killing Jonathan?
He really is meant as comic relief, so I can see why, if you're not inclined to take the character seriously, his taking up with Buffy in S7 might come across as redemptive enough.I suppose he was brought in as a comedic element because ME had slowly turned all their comedic characters 180 degrees around - Xander, Anya, Cordelia, Giles. I know that "Andrew's redemption" was a hotly disputed topic among the writers ( ... )


danceswithwords February 19 2005, 00:50:42 UTC
I had the same issues with Willow's redemption arc. I think it started out strong but, like so much of the rest of the season, totally lost the plot after "Conversations With Dead People" and never quite got back on track.

The Scoobies were definitely much easier on each other than they were on outsiders. And though I throw the term Scooby around pretty loosely, I think that fundamentally the core four were it, though other people orbited their circle over the years. Unfortunately, I think the writers were also much easier on the Scoobies when they exhibited bad behavior than they were on the other characters.


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