
Feb 10, 2005 15:44

I found myself severely disappointed with both Bad Robot offerings last night.

Lost )

lost, ben browder, alias

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Comments 9

mgal February 11 2005, 00:49:44 UTC
Just dropping by to wish you a Happy Birthday! I found you via fer and friended you a few weeks ago but haven't had a chance to do a lot of commenting lately. So, I felt like now was the perfect chance. :)

I'm still very interested in Lost. If nothing else because I'm still so curious about what exactly is going on with this island. My Dom love makes me an automatic Charlie fan, however, I couldn't help but cringe when he took out Ethan just because I knew it meant we wouldn't be getting any more answers any time soon. And as predictable as it can sometimes be, I have to admit I was pleasantly surprised that Claire returned still pregnant. I was all set to spend the next few weeks on a search for the baby of d00m.

Anyway, I always enjoy your posts and I hope you're having a wonderful birthday today. Spoil yourself!


danceswithwords February 11 2005, 19:10:13 UTC
Hi! I recently noticed that you'd added me--I tend to forget to check my userinfo for long periods of time and often don't notice unless people comment. Thank you so much for the birthday wishes!

I was expecting Claire to return sans baby too. That was a surprise. I just really didn't feel like this week's episode made the necessary connections to justify Charlie shooting Ethan. The attempt they made rang totally false for me. I will be even more seriously annoyed if there aren't consequences to Charlie's actions in coming episodes, though.

Expect me to haunt your journal in the coming weeks!


asta77 February 11 2005, 00:52:03 UTC
It's an entertaining show, and I know it's never going to be terribly deep, but I still find myself getting impatient with its unwillingness to show any character in a truly negative light. A fair amount of the dramatic tension comes from characters behaving badly, but there's always some kind of elaborate justification or background story or set of circumstances to let us know that they're at heart all good souls.Beyond the utter stupidty of Charlie's action and no one really putting up much of a fuss about blowing away their one possibility of getting off the island because, gee, he did it to protect a girl ::gags:: is that I'm betting money that they are never going to deal with the fact that Charlie committed murder. I don't care if Ethan kidnapped them and killed another survivor the point is Charlie acted as judge, jury, and executioner with no remorse. That *has* to effect a person in some way. Let's compare to 'A Bug's Life'. Chrichton wasn't even responsible and you could just look at him and know he was feeling the ( ... )


danceswithwords February 11 2005, 18:28:42 UTC
I'm betting money that they are never going to deal with the fact that Charlie committed murder

I'm really, really hoping that's not the case; if it is, it may actually put me off the show. It was bad enough that his actions were so contrived.

Let's compare to 'A Bug's Life'. Chrichton wasn't even responsible and you could just look at him and know he was feeling the weight of his actions.

And that's a very good example of how it can be done in a single visual, without any dialogue or exposition. Just Crichton weighing the murder weapon in his hands, looking at it, looking kind of lost. Aside from whether or not Charlie ends up feeling guilty, I would really expect the other castaways to give him a wide berth and generally treat him like someone who's capable of sudden, extreme violence when the right buttons are pushed--since he is. Since Claire was originally won over by his gentleness, I also would expect her to be freaked out--especially since she doesn't have any bad memories of Ethan--but it didn't look like she was.

... )


skylee February 11 2005, 03:02:24 UTC
I haven't watched either Lost or Alias yet, but I just want to say happy birthday! I hope you have a wonderful year ahead! It's probably late alraedy, I always forget the time difference.


danceswithwords February 11 2005, 18:22:18 UTC
Thank you so much!

We do have a big time difference, don't we? When I was in Japan, I remember it being something like 14 hours, so Australia must be more.


aphroditesflesh February 11 2005, 06:22:35 UTC
I don't know - I really thought Alias would bring it home. That Sydney and Vaughn would admit to having problems. That Sydney would confront her father about how he feels about her. It's just so hard to watch cause I keep hoping things will get better and they don't. I did love Dixon at the end. I thought what he said was just dead on. But other than that the only part I enjoyed was Sydney holding a gun to Vaughn's head.

thank you for the link to ben's interview!


danceswithwords February 11 2005, 18:20:54 UTC
I think part of what frustrated me is that, like with her Lost Years last season, the plot development is an opportunity to do something really interesting and different with the character and her relationship to others. But instead we had a pat resolution and will probably see no further fallout. I think I need to get it in my head that this show is just not going to go there.

I adore Ben Browder. It's such a pleasure to see an actor who understands the genre he's working in and is articulate about it.


(The comment has been removed)

danceswithwords February 11 2005, 18:18:16 UTC
My friends ambushed me with a big celebration, curse them. Thirty three lit candles on a birthday cake is a total fire hazard. It was fun, though. You really didn't have to get me anything, you know.

And Alias so rarely goes beneath the obvious when it comes to emotions that I was surprised so many of Syd's insecurities were revealed in the ep.

I'm trying to decide if I liked the first two seasons better because they were better about this, or because the spy plots were more interesting. I would love to see some fallout from Syd's hallucinations, but like you I suspect it's not going to happen.


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