Exercising the posting muscles

May 03, 2010 12:46

So I just worked all weekend towards a today deadline, only to find out last night that the deadline was extended to next Monday.

But despite that, I'm in a surprisingly good mood. Or maybe because of it--I got an enormous amount done, and don't have it hanging over my head any more. And I just spent some time uploading about 50,000 Legend of ( Read more... )

i like legend of the seeker send help, food: recipes, puppydog

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Comments 20

gwyn_r May 3 2010, 20:14:46 UTC
Sometimes I can tell when I'm working too hard -- I first read that recipe as "baby-scented." WHich, you know, smelling babies is a great stress reliever, but I'm not sure *food* should smell like babies. Lest we descend into an episode of Angel.

Aw puppersons so cute!


danceswithwords May 3 2010, 20:30:11 UTC
Now you've got me exploring the thought path "Well, if babies taste like chicken, maybe they smell like chicken?" This can go nowhere good.

I'm biased, but I think my dog is completely adorable!


kernezelda May 3 2010, 21:22:58 UTC
And now I'm hungry, having had no lunch today. It must be the Irish in me! ;D

The recipe looks delicious, and Murphy being mobile and goofy-faced is terrific!


danceswithwords May 4 2010, 02:07:42 UTC
I will never take him being able to walk for granted. It's amazing.


asta77 May 3 2010, 20:51:52 UTC
I think LotS may be my strangest fandom experience yet. I finish the show and it's cancelled the next day! I need to upload some more icons later. I saw some pretty ones at lunch.

And are you watching 'Extinction' tonight? ARE YOU???

I have a vague recollection of Miracles. Are there many episodes left? I didn't think they filmed even 13.


danceswithwords May 3 2010, 21:11:01 UTC
And are you watching 'Extinction' tonight? ARE YOU???


I'm not sure how many episodes of Miracles were filmed, and I'm too lazy to look it up right now, but definitely not more than 13.


50mm May 4 2010, 01:03:35 UTC
And are you watching 'Extinction' tonight? ARE YOU???


WHEEE! I may watch it again myself.


danceswithwords May 4 2010, 04:13:55 UTC


brynnmck May 3 2010, 20:58:44 UTC
I should be laughing at Diana Gabaldon, but instead I am surprisingly ANNOYED. WHATEVER, LADY, I NEVER LIKED YOUR BOOKS ANYWAY. (This is true. I read the first one and that was more than enough for me.)

In happier news: PUPPYFACE. Such a good puppyface!


danceswithwords May 3 2010, 21:12:32 UTC
She comes across as amazingly unlikable there, doesn't she? Anyway, I only made it about a third of the way through Outlander before I tossed it aside, and there were probably about 150 sex scenes by that point.

Who's a good dog? Who's a good dog?


poshcat May 3 2010, 22:01:02 UTC


danceswithwords May 4 2010, 01:01:38 UTC
I made sure to take care of that when I got home. :)


troyswann May 3 2010, 22:14:01 UTC
I just mainlined the entirety of Miracles this weekend while painting (that's the second time through) and I love it even more the second time round than the first. I agree that it can tend to the pretentious, but Skeet Ulrich's face always kind of saves it (and not just because he gets bashed in it so very, very often). But yeah, what I like the most about the show is that at its heart its about... heart... the fact that people love each other. Even the creepiest moments float on that premise. I can really get behind that. And Paul Callan rings all my bells as a protagonist, because he's a Good Man. I'm a sucker for a Good Man. I'll be interested to see what you think of the rest.


danceswithwords May 4 2010, 01:04:05 UTC
Did you ever watch Jericho? That was my first exposure to Skeet Ulrich and I've been viscerally shocked by how different he is here, not just because it's a different role and his Jericho character wasn't that fleshed out, but because of the way they film his face so closely in Miracles. I think half of the show's emotional intensity rides on the subtle movements of his face.


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