"I fell into the pool of acid eyes-first."

Oct 26, 2009 14:27

Last week was fairly crappy on several different levels, but at least there was good TV to get me through Friday and Saturday.

The Office 6.06 )

food: general, white collar, the office, meme sheepage

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Comments 10

sdwolfpup October 26 2009, 23:32:42 UTC
It's really ugly when Pam stops trying; she's petty and stubborn and unreasonable

Yes. I was actually shocked and uncomfortable with how ugly Pam's behavior became. I mean I understand it, but I was still surprised by the depth of it. How much she did resemble a sullen teenager. It was a tough line for them to walk.

I didn't know you were watching Eureka! We're still in season 2. It's been a little uneven this season, but I'm still really enjoying it.


danceswithwords October 27 2009, 03:10:29 UTC
How much she did resemble a sullen teenager.

I think that was a deliberate choice, because that's what she's reverted to, now that she doesn't like the man who's dating her mom. I am very interested to see how this plays out, because just last week, Oscar was calling her and Jim the coalition for the sane; we're not used to seeing Pam lose it!

I've been watching Eureka all along, though I'm not the least bit fannish about it. There was a certain plot arc that made me a little cranky--it might have been in Season 2, now that I think about it--but this past season was really strong.


dragonflymuse October 27 2009, 00:24:36 UTC
You don't watch Supernatural?? Oh, you have to check it out ::nods sagely::

Reading your meme makes me realize that I haven't given any new shows a shot. I was all about watching Eastwick for the Paul Gross factor, but it airs opposite - oh yes - Supernatural in my neck o' the gloom, and my Dean Winchester love beats out watching Paul Gross out-act (and over-act) everyone around him.


danceswithwords October 27 2009, 03:12:09 UTC
I have seen enough of Supernatural to know that it isn't my cup of tea.

There just wasn't much this fall that grabbed me. I guess it doesn't help that NBC has eliminated 5 hours of programming a week, so there's less to choose from. I am watching the Jay Leno hour crash and burn with no small amount of schadenfreude.


asta77 October 27 2009, 01:44:35 UTC
I was surprised at how ugly Pam's behavior became. Then again, this is Michael Scott we're talking about. If I was in her shoes I'd be equally horrified.

One comment Michael made to her sticks with me, that if he and Pam's mom were to get serious he could be her father. My first instinct was to laugh, but then I considered Michael has probably seriously contemplated that idea. He adores Jim and Pam. He already considers them, and the office, a surrogate family. The thought that he could actually be a part of Jim and Pam's family? I don't know of anything that could make him happier.

The retainer bit was spoiled somewhat for me when Liz put it in. Putting aside the EWWW factor, I can't believe she was dumb enough to think it would still fit.


danceswithwords October 27 2009, 03:16:19 UTC
My first instinct was to laugh, but then I considered Michael has probably seriously contemplated that idea.

Remember when he Photoshopped himself into Carol's ski vacation photo of her and her children? Yeah.

I can't believe she was dumb enough to think it would still fit.

I wouldn't call it dumb, but she does tend to be blinded by nostalgia. But yes, ew.


vonniek October 27 2009, 01:59:10 UTC
I, too, enjoyed White Collar a great deal. We don't know anything about Neal's wife yet, but I like the hint at a long-term arc suggested by her story and the romantic melancholy that balances out some of the breeziness of the show. Matt Bomer is charming as all get-out, but I think Tim DeKay is the one who makes the show. Because... Tim DeKay! Do you remember that scene in which Jonesy first sleeps with Rita Sue? How she pressed kisses onto his mangled knee and he broke down sobbing? Maaaaan. I've been watching TV shows for a long time, but that just might have been the hottest, most emotional love scene I've ever seen. Boy, was DeKay ever fantastic in the role!

*points and laughs at the L&O: SVU, but in sympathy, 'cause I remember how that awful show could have one in its thrall*


danceswithwords October 27 2009, 03:21:44 UTC
That scene between Jonesey and Rita Sue was just stunning; I probably should have taken it as a warning, what RDM did to him in the last episode.

I'm not sure I'm in thrall to SVU, since I don't actually care about any of the characters and I usually fold laundry or pay bills while I'm watching it with half an eye, but I've been watching it for so long that I wouldn't know what to do if I stopped. Heh.


lycomingst October 28 2009, 00:43:01 UTC
I'm enjoying this year of "The Office" so much. I was kinda glad to see Pam get so upset; she's changed so much from the girl behind the receptionist's desk who was going to slip into marriage like sinking in quicksand. And speaking of receptionist, I loved the new one developing into a character.

Have you given up on "Deadwood"? And no "Mad Men"? That seems like something you'd like. 8 ]


danceswithwords October 28 2009, 02:32:26 UTC
I was kinda glad to see Pam get so upset; she's changed so much from the girl behind the receptionist's desk who was going to slip into marriage like sinking in quicksand.

She really has. And while we all like to think we'd face adversity with grace, it's nice to know that she, too, can lose it big time.

I have not given up on Deadwood! But I did make myself a really dumb deal that I had to finish a certain personal project before I started Season 2, and the result has been no finished project and no Deadwood. Note to self: don't do that again.

I might check out Mad Men at some point, but for reasons that are very specific to my issues, it has the high potential to make my head explode with rage, so I'm more than a little cautious. I've seen a couple of vids, though, and know how gorgeous it is.


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