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Comments 15

lycomingst October 12 2009, 23:55:29 UTC
And Toby's holding on to the last shred of hope that Pam and Jim weren't going to happen.

And Michael's refusing Toby's offer of a bed, because Toby is going to sleep alone for the rest of his life!!!


danceswithwords October 13 2009, 03:03:00 UTC
That was just a perfect example of the way Michael shoots himself in the foot with his one-sided grudge match against Toby.


brynnmck October 12 2009, 23:58:13 UTC
I LOVED that whole episode so much, for all the reasons you mentioned--it was just so PERFECTLY consistent with the rest of the show, in every way. I really really love the way that show follows through on things, too; I think that's been one of the huge keys to their success, the fact that they've established their characters and they put them in these situations and then see where they lead and follow them through to their conclusions. Which is why they rarely have to rely on bullshit random plot devices, because they've already given themselves so much to work with.

SPEAKING of shows that relied too much on bullshit random plot devices...

If I were Scully, I would never, ever go into the woods with Mulder again. It's just a bad idea.

Have you gotten to "Detour" yet? I can't remember where that one falls. Because I must admit that that episode would convince me that going into the woods with Mulder wasn't ENTIRELY a bad idea. :) "Darkness Falls" creeps the hell out of me, though. Ahhh, glory days of the X-Files.


danceswithwords October 13 2009, 20:00:00 UTC
I really really love the way that show follows through on things, too; I think that's been one of the huge keys to their success, the fact that they've established their characters and they put them in these situations and then see where they lead and follow them through to their conclusions.

Yes! And I also love that it continues to spend lots of time on the secondary characters.

Have you gotten to "Detour" yet?

I have not, and I'm not sure when I will, but apparently I have something to look forward to?


sdwolfpup October 13 2009, 00:23:46 UTC
I absolutely LOVED the wedding episode of The Office! I was so impressed how they pulled it off, given the amount of weight it had to be carrying with Jim and Pam being such a big thing about the show. Jim cutting off his tie is one of my top moments of television now. I didn't see it coming, but it was perfectly them. I also really loved the way it felt like the Dundler-Mifflinites WERE family, even if they were clearly the crazy branch of the tree. I teared up a number of times there in the second episode. :)

I am trying to figure out if Oscar has always been this awesome, or if his awesomeness has become more pronounced recently

I don't know! I feel like it's become more pronounced. Whatever it is, I HEARTILY approve. I also approved of Dwight not letting Michael ride all over him.


danceswithwords October 13 2009, 20:22:05 UTC
Jim cutting off his tie is one of my top moments of television now.

That was ADORABLE.


asta77 October 13 2009, 01:58:27 UTC
Thanks to The Office, I may never be able to get ice from a hotel ice machine again. And I wonder how much therapy Pam will need when she finds out Micheal hooked up with her mom? He'll probably think this makes him a grandfather to the baby now. My favorite moment had to be Oscar demanding an apology from Pam's sister.

OMG! Scully doesn't think any of the Lone Gunmen's theories are remotely plausible, but Mulder thinks it's plausible that they could think she's hot. HE IS FLIRTING WITH HER!

I can still picture David and Gillian's faces during that exchange. :)


danceswithwords October 13 2009, 21:57:22 UTC
My favorite moment had to be Oscar demanding an apology from Pam's sister.

He was so offended! It was awesome.


pukajen October 13 2009, 05:44:38 UTC
I saw 'Darkness Falls' one day when I was home alone sick. It was winter, and we'd only recently moved to the States. XF was the first show I saw period when we moved to PA, it kinda freaked my brother and I right out. What can I say, I was 15, he was 13, and we'd never really spent any time in the States, or watched that much television.

I'm enjoying the reviews, makes me all nostalgic...


danceswithwords October 13 2009, 21:59:26 UTC
The show definitely does creepy really well sometimes.


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