(Belated) Happy Captain Picard Day!

Jun 17, 2009 15:17

No, really! (Also, I apparently fail at reading a calendar.)

I have things to say about work right now, but they can mostly be summed up by: "RRRAAAAAAARRRR." But my stomach has finally stopped doing weird things after a week, so that's good.

* * * * *

Babylon 5 4.13 - 4.16 )

babylon 5, books: 2009, books

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Comments 8

kernezelda June 17 2009, 23:36:55 UTC
I read Re-Genesis a few months back, and while it was...interesting, I felt it wandered somewhat afield of Cyteen's premise - as if Cherry had not thoroughly re-read her own previous novel. Characterization in some cases felt inconsistent, especially as it was set within days of Cyteen's end. So while I mostly enjoyed it, there were aspects that felt off, and will keep me from adding it to the bookshelf beside its predecessor.


danceswithwords June 18 2009, 02:49:33 UTC
That's disappointing, but not that surprising. One of the things I'm enjoying so much about Cyteen is that for a sprawling story, it's narratively very tight and compact. But I will probably have to check it out from the library, since I am very attached to the characters and the world by now.


molly_may June 18 2009, 00:34:30 UTC
And a Happy Captain Picard Day to you as well! I almost don't want to jinx it by saying anything, but I have a co-worker who volunteers for the D*C Trek Track who told me that they are in talks with Patrick Stewart's agent to bring him to the con this year. So, fingers crossed.

An Inheritance of Loss by Kiran Desai

I haven't read this and I'm sure it's wonderful, but I have a completely irrational dislike of it based on the fact that a few days after it won the Booker prize I was chewed out by a customer who was angry that we only had two copies in the store and that we had no display up proclaiming that it had just won the Booker. I had to physically restrain myself from yelling at her that she and I were most likely the only two people in the store who even knew what the Booker Prize was, much less cared about what title had won.


danceswithwords June 18 2009, 02:52:28 UTC
Fingers crossed indeed. Getting both Nimoy and Stewart would be quite a coup for the Trek Trak.

Why are your customers always so annoying?!? I mean no disrespect to your employer, but they know who their customers are, and yeah.


molly_may June 18 2009, 03:01:34 UTC
Why are your customers always so annoying?!?

As you might imagine, I have asked myself that very question many times.


cindergal June 18 2009, 01:11:39 UTC
Have you seen the film of No Country For Old Men? I've seen the film, but not read the book.


danceswithwords June 18 2009, 02:54:26 UTC
I have not! I tend to read McCarthy specifically for the language, so while I know it won a bunch of awards, it hadn't occurred to me to seek it out. Maybe I should do that? I'd be interested to see another interpretation of Chigurh.


cindergal June 18 2009, 15:55:31 UTC
I found Javier Bardem very compelling as Chigurh, so it might be worth your while.


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