I've had to deal with some major upheaval at work recently, and so of course now is the perfect time to embark on a few time-consuming and potentially expensive home improvement projects! I don't have a lot of control over the timing, since my tenants are moving out at the end of the month, and the place must be made ready for new tenants, and
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Comments 18
I would *seriously* doubt it. (I don't see Creation turning down anyone who wanted to give them $$$$.) The gold ticket packages might "sell out", but I'd think you could get Preferred or General Admission tickets on the day of.
I'm so glad you're going to be watching The X-Files, while at the same time I want to make all these disclaimers about how you should never invest too much thought into the conspiracy plot because it will never make sense, and how Chris Carter seemed infuriatingly ignorant at times about the best qualities of the series. But as long as you know those things going in, I think you'll enjoy it. *g*
Come find me on IM; I know many good ways to troubleshoot the problem. Or you could open a Support request.
Sometimes you have too much going on in your notifications, so the JS never gets a chance to load properly. Turn on image placeholders and video placeholders, try again. (You may want to turn them back after, etc, etc)
If you're having JS problems at work, you could try disabling it completely and it will fall back on the non-JS options, which means no "check all" and a few other options, but you should at least by able to check each and delete.
and Oliver's ghost comes between them in part not because Geoffrey is talking to him, but because he won't share it with her.
Very true. But, in fairness to Geoffrey, it is hard to explain having conversations with a dead guy to your friends and family. ;)
I'll give this to Jeffrey Donovan, his Aussie accent was better than Ben Browder's. And I agree that the BN opener was good, but not quite what I expected. I'm looking forward to more Tricia screen time tonight.
Oooh, which one? If you don't want to say anything spoilery here, email me or comment in my LJ. I like to know everyone's XF breaking point.;)
I think this innovative person must moonlight at LJ and Netflix. Somebody make him stop.
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