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Comments 19

vipersweb March 15 2008, 18:22:37 UTC
The relationship between G'Kar and Londo is probably my favorite on the show. It is so complex and fantastic and I don't want to spoil anything from future seasons so I'll keep quiet on hit. But it rocks. *nods*

Slings and Arrows is also fantastic. It starts off slow - I'll warn you on that, but its a lot of fun. My boyfr. and I generally have to block out a full day to watch the discs though, b/c we can't stop after one episode. We've watched seasons 1 and 2 and still have 3 to watch. But it is a lot of fun.


danceswithwords March 17 2008, 16:44:21 UTC
I didn't think Slings and Arrows started out particularly slowly, since it throws a lot of important character information at you immediately and leaves you to sort it out. I like the level it operates on, which is very much about everyday people and their foibles and beauty.


vipersweb March 21 2008, 05:38:19 UTC
I like the level it operates on, which is very much about everyday people and their foibles and beauty.
I agree with this...

For myself, I felt that it started out a bit slow - but then, there was a lot of information that needed to be conveyed to the viewer quickly. *shrugs* It's a great show though and a lot of fun to watch. I particularly enjoyed the second season b/c they stage MacBeth and my boyfr. was sweet enough to get us tickets to see MacBeth with Patrick Stewart for V-Day. It was kinda nice to compare and contrast - especially since the show goes so much into the actual staging of the show.


fishsanwitt March 15 2008, 19:20:44 UTC
I like David Caruso, but that video was *hilarious*!


danceswithwords March 16 2008, 15:31:59 UTC
The infamous opening montage? Yes, it's a thing of beauty.


pellucid March 15 2008, 21:21:16 UTC
You haven't seen Slings and Arrows yet?!?!? Ooooh!!!! You're in for such a treat! It's not at all the sort of thing I feel fannish about, but it's so brilliant and delightful and awesome!!! I suspect this isn't really news to you, though!

And I had forgotten that B5 ep was called "Signs and Portents"! JMS is sort of fond of the overly theatrical, hit-you-over-the-head style of episode titles. Good stuff. Or, y'know, not as bad as it has been stuff. It does get better, I swear! :) And Londo and G'Kar...most excellent stuff to come there!


danceswithwords March 16 2008, 15:34:31 UTC
Slings and Arrows has been on my list for a long time, and I was hoping to have seen it all by bitchinparty, but it was not to be. I'm looking forward to it.

JMS is sort of fond of the overly theatrical, hit-you-over-the-head style of episode titles.

They're not subtle, I'll say that.


beck_liz March 16 2008, 02:19:06 UTC
he really looks like an early 90s Southern California lifeguard, and every time he smiled, I expected his toothpaste grin to exude little sparkly stars and an audible *ping*.

*snort* Hee. Yeah, he's supposed to be perfect and charming smarmy, so he appears to have had the right effect.

Ah, TKO, AKA the episode I always skip on the rewatch. (There are other bad episodes, but mostly they have just enough in them that's good that I'm at least willing to fast-forward through them to get to the good stuff.) I really don't know what was happening there.


danceswithwords March 16 2008, 15:36:04 UTC
Yeah, he's supposed to be perfect and smarmy, so he appears to have had the right effect.

I liked how harmless-seeming he is, because what he was really doing sneaks up on you, playing against expectations.

"TKO" seems to be that deadly combination of bad episode that also doesn't have any important arc or character stuff.


roo2 March 16 2008, 03:18:41 UTC
Slings and Arrows is great. My Tivo died and ate the last few episodes of the final season, so I was forced to buy it on DVD. Oh, the humanity!

And the B5 commentary is wonderful. This was a key episode, as you'll see. I have to say that I love Morden. He grew to be one of my favorite characters over the years. He had that smarmy charm, kind of like the Mayor in Buffy. He seemed kind of cheerful and perky, yet off, like a used car salesman who is after your soul. An interesting bit of trivia - Ed Wasser, who plays Morden, appeared in the pilot as some random guy working in C&C. I'm not sure if I remember the details, but I recall that he worked on the series as a reader - he wan lines with the actors, and they ended up deciding that he'd be good as Morden and hired him for the part.

Now I have this urge to watch the series again, except I'm more than a year behind of plenty of shows currently on the air.


danceswithwords March 17 2008, 16:46:01 UTC
He had that smarmy charm, kind of like the Mayor in Buffy. He seemed kind of cheerful and perky, yet off, like a used car salesman who is after your soul.

The Mayor was particularly creepy because of that, so I'm interested to see where they're going with Morden.


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