6 week follow up appt is today. Maybe ballet tonight?
Our eating/sleeping schedule still eludes and concerns me. As does my lack of time/skill/ease with pumping. Talking a pump class at Isis tomorrow.
I know we'll get there, but it's hard.
Wonder if I can manage a shower today? :/
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Comments 1
-Showers: I took them at night, when Erik was home. Not as ideal, but at least I was getting sort of clean.
-Pumping: play with different sheild types. I'm not sure what brand pump you have, but size could affect output. Also, some folks do better expressing by hand, or using a manual pump. I won't list my gazillion other things I tried pumping unless you ask.
We're at 6 months with LR, and just now I'm starting to feel like there's a routine. He's starting to go to bed at the same time every night. I know that's a long way away for you and the little one, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel!
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