Title: Expectation
Pairing: John Terry/Frank Lampard
Word Count: Littl'un 163
Disclaimer: All lieeeeees
Summary: Frank feels the weight of expectations
Expectation is a burden, a yoke across your shoulders, forever weighing you down. Frank had had it all his life, people waiting for who he would become, what he would come to do, rather than accepting and praising who he was today. He began to set his own expectations, at ever increasing levels, the world would be expecting a goal, he would be expecting two. He craved the approval and praise of his critics, but even more so his fans, just as much as he strived to avoid his fear of fears, failure.
Expectations came in all forms and disguises, on the pitch and off the pitch, from all directions, his father, his daughters, the media, his team mates, his manager. But there was one person, who never expected anything from him, except love and for him to be Frank James Lampard himself, all faults included, his best friend, his lover and his soul mate, and in that sense, he could never fail.