My comment porns

May 03, 2010 18:21

The third and final part of the blessings and curses of mobile phones is well underway after the minor disruption of having an amazing time in France for a few days, but in the mean time I bring you my comment porns from last night. Only two as I sort dropped in at the beginning, went out and then came back again before I went to bed, but anyway here they are =D

Prompt: Console me
Pairing: John Terry/ Frank Lampard

his voice said, "There's nothing wrong"
His body langauge shouted, 'I can keep it together'
His eyes screamed, 'console me'
So thats when John would take his hand, and find somewhere private, where he could lie Frank down and take the time to reassure him, every single part of him.

Prompt: Shaking like a leaf
Pairing: ?/?

You're shaking like a leaf, you're young and inexperienced, you've never done anything like this before, hell, you haven't even ever thought about doing anything about this before. Yet here you are, the older man seemingly old hat at all the sleeping with your team mate malarky, and you're not quite sure how best to go about things.
You're still quivering as he kisses yous, as his hands trail over your body, as he guides your hands to his cock, you try to hide your trembling as you take it in your hand and then shortly your mouth. When he moans as his fingers twist into your hand, you begin to relax slightly, to elicit such beautiful sounds from him, you must be doing something right

john terry, comment porn, unamed, frank lampard

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