The Woman Who Fell to Earth

Jan 16, 2021 20:27

There's a challenge at lighthouse_the to write a recap of an episode or a movie. I've wanted to watch the seasons for Doctor Who with the Thirteenth Doctor for a while now, so I used the challenge as an opportunity to watch the first episode. :D I was completely unspoiled (other than the two times where I say I already knew it, and what I know is not any of the ~important~ things anyway :P). I have watched about 15-ish episodes of other Doctors (Eleven, Ten and Nine), not in any order. So I am familiar with the general concept of the show, but not with any intricacies or most references.

This recap is pretty much just a live-blog, I wrote it as I watched. I didn't change anything when I was proof reading and already knew what happened next - these are all my very first reactions. Maybe someone will be entertained by this long-ass post. :D

(Warning for language - a few f-words here and there, I think.)

Doctor Who, episode 11x01 - The Woman Who Fell to Earth

There's a guy on YouTube (actual YouTube, with logo and all, which is something impressive tbh, since I'm used to basically every show making their own versions of actual websites :D which I love btw, my favorite being Fuzzbeat from The Magicians :D) and he's talking about the greatest woman he's ever met and here's me hoping that it's The Doctor but I actually have no idea so it's probably not, lmao. I'm assuming his name is Ryan because it's in his username.

He can't ride a bike, omg, and this is such a random thing I've honestly never seen anywhere before, and now I love him because I learned to ride a bike at 11, and before that I legit had nightmares about someone finding out. He's 19, but still, this is relatable af. :D

And his gradma looks like a cutie, but I've only seen about two seconds of her so far, lol.

And his ~granddad~ Graham looks like a cutie. Everyone looks like a cutie, and Ryan is learning to ride a bike and it makes me so giddy, idek. :D

They're so supportive and nice, omg, and Ryan is frustrated and noping out. I get you, bb!

Aaaand the grandma is less nice now. :( He threw the bike off the hill and I'm just like "yeet the bike, you go bb, I support you 100%!" ;D

And everyone is back to nice and supportive again, more or less. These scene is a mood swing. :P Also the landscape is gorgeous, and it looks like they're sitting on the edge of a cliff that is high af, which is kinda scary tbh, but also cool.

They're talking about leaving on a train, so I'm assuming they don't live where the pretty landscape is, but maybe they will come there more. :D

Ryan went after the bike and now it's a really cool mossy forest! And the bike is hanging on a tree, lol, and now there's a buzzing square light thingy and I'm assuming The Doctor shows up. :D

...Or it's something else entirely because it keeps buzzing and there are more squares now and it's looks like Ryan has a target on his head?

He poked it and disappeared, okay wtf. I mean, that's about the best thing that can happen when you poke something like that.

Oookay, it came back bigger and louder, and it's like a blue upside-down mushroom. Don't poke this thing either.

Of course Ryan pokes this thing (or more like puts his entire hand on it) and it hurts. Still one of the best thing that could happen, but srsly maybe stop touching alien shit.

He's calling the police ("Police? Maybe?" is a cute af reaction honestly :D).

Random extras were apparently vandalizing each other's cars because they had nothing better to do. The police woman doesn't give a frak about their problems, good for her. :D

She also doesn't want to do this kind of crap anymore (also good for her), but she has to wait to get something more interesting. Also this is Yaz, the guy she's on the phone with said so, yay, I know this name which means there will be a lot of her. :D From fandom osmosis I'm assuming she's The Doctor's companion.

Ooooh, okay, so she doesn't have to wait after all, she's going to investigate the alien mushroom! :D

Lol, "this thing here appeared out of nowhere, and btw my bike is in a tree" is one of the funniest stories to ever be true. xD Yaz doesn't think so tho.

Oooh, they know each other? From primary school, omg, okay, that's cute af. :D I guess it's as good of a place to kind of awkwardly catch up with each other as any, lol.

(Had to google what NVQ is. :P)

And back to the alien mushroom, Yaz is all "we're pals, stop pranking me", which is super valid tbh.

No, do not touch it! :P It hurts. Oh, okay, it's actually just freezing, that's slightly better.

Train! The sky behind the train is really pretty, and also I'm assuming it means that Ryan's grandparents just left without him?

Yep, I guess so because they're alone. And clearly having fun, good for them.

Oh, okay, the pretty night sky dropped something and then exploded. And stopped the train, apparently.

The two of them are now in the dark with another random passenger, and Ryan's grandma is a badass and goes to see what happened. I'm actually not sure myself what happened, lol, there are people running outside and electricity crackling. But their door is locked so the people inside are trapped.

Something electric is coming and the random passenger is the closest to it, I'm assuming he's going to die. :P

Why are Ryan and Yaz still in the forest, it's been hours? I mean probably because you literally cannot move the mushroom thing. And now they're coming to help the people on the train, yay!

Oookay, the door inside the train exploded too and there's something with a lot of legs. Like, just made of tangled legs, idek.

THE DOCTOR! :D There she is! :D Did the thing spit her out or did she fall in through the roof?

She electrocutes the tangled monster, and yep, she did fall through the roof.

"I hate empty pockets!" "Don't like questions, more the private type." Okay, I love her already and it's been like 30 seconds. :D Also how her first action is to ask this tangle of electric shit a question, you go bb.

The monster goes for the random passenger, so I'm again going to assume that he dies, since he didn't yet. :P

Ryan and Yaz arrived, everyone got shocked with electricity, no one died, the monster flew away. Now I'm thinking it's a misunderstood monster.

"Half an hour ago I was a white-haired Scotsman". :D Well, of course she didn't even notice her new body, why would she, when you can ask dangerous creatures questions instead.

Ryan and Yaz climbed through the window, good for them.

"On the tip of my-" *sticks out tongue and pokes it with finger* I frakking love her, okay. :D Looking for a doctor, well, that's going to only take a little while, I'm assuming, lol.

The person who looked at the original explosion is dead, but they're assuming the creature didn't mean it.

"I'm calling you Yaz because we're friends now", awwww. Also yes. Lay out some logic, become friends. :D

And Yaz is still trying to do a formal investigation, okay, that's adorable. And the random passenger called Karl is not dead. :D

She lost her TARDIS, I'm assuming that's very temporary. :P

"Could be the end of the world, but one thing at a time", good reasoning tbh.

"I'm an alien and I'm here". :D

I love how The Doctor understands that it's scary, and also that it's only scary because it's new, as if when you're used to this kind of stuff this one is actually one of the non-scary monsters. :P (Which I'm assuming is the case?)

Karl doesn't want answers and he leaves and he doesn't look okay at all, and now I really hope he's going to be fine and doesn't die.

"Anything else out of the ordinary" is obviously the freezing mushroom, yay, they go back there but now with someone who will not spend a few hours just looking at it. xD

"Can we have the lights and siren on?" The Doctor is a toddler and I love her. :D

"Hello, Ryan's nan." xD More catching up while chasing and/or avoiding aliens, it's really sweet.

Exciting, worrying, not much of a difference, lol. The Doctor is far more concerned with the photo of the mushroom thing than she was with the tangled thing actually being there.

The bike in the tree! Is Ryan ever getting it back? :P He yeeted it and it's still 100% valid. Also apparently he has dyspraxia, which I don't, but still, the bike thing was relatable.

The mushroom thing is gone. Did it hatch into the other thing?

Oh, okay, no, someone took it and is driving away with it. I'm assuming that's a very bad idea, or maybe it's someone who knows what they're doing.

Two guys took it to some kind of warehouse, one of them seems to know what it is and has been looking for it, but generally they both seem freaked out and confused. The one called Rahul sent the other one away, so at least he's not dying. :P

Set up a lot of cameras and sit staring at the alien thing... Sounds like a plan, but I don't know for what yet. :P

I love the "fam". :D Each one of them knows people who can help look for alien shit (well, maybe except for Ryan searching social media?) and I find it wholesome and heartwarming, okay.

"I never go anywhere that's just initials" - I'm about 99% sure this was a reference I didn't get. xD

No idea what's up with the "stuffing your finger up your nose" thing either, but it's entertaining. :P

Yaz thought she would get more info and she didn't because "everything is out of the ordinary", well, okay.

Graham didn't get any info from his bus driver friends either, and now I'm assuming that's going to be a pattern. :P

The Doctor is all shiny, literally, with golden light under her skin, and there's something even shinier flying out of her, and I don't know if that's something that has happened before or not, but it is really cool. :D

Rahul in the warehouse is still staring at the mushroom thing, for what looks like a long-ass time, until it cracks and starts smoking. I guess it was a plan, and I guess he knew somehow that this is what you do, because otherwise it still doesn't sound like a plan at all tbh. :P Also the thing is cold outside and hot inside? And Rahul apparently didn't expect that, or at least he didn't expect something because he looks shocked.

And the tangled thing is on top of a tower, being all electric and scanning the city with some cool af blue waves. Are they looking for each other?

The cameras are now on fire and Rahul is trying to defend himself with a crowbar, which is tbh a badass move because it doesn't seem like it gives you much of a chance against fire and yet here he is.

The Doctor wakes up all cute and random, and apparently everyone's collarbones are also shiny (purple this time) and that's not a good thing. DNA bombs, oh okay, yikes. And apparently the train alien wasn't misunderstood if it implanted these things.

RIP Ryan's phone, lol, and apparently you can zap yourself in the neck with it and that's a good thing somehow?

There's a big robot-monster-insect-person that hatched from the mushroom, and Rahul still only has a crowbar (which is more useful now but also super tiny in comparison). And he's looking for his sister, which I already found out a bit earlier when I googled for his name, but I don't know anything other than that.

The monster doesn't like being asked, and apparently now Rahul is dead? Off-screen, so I still have some hope, but this didn't look good at all, and the crowbar didn't help him.

The Doctor is using Ryan's phone to track the tangled alien, which is still on the roof, just even less chill than before. But the insect monster is right there too, so now The Doctor thinks she found the right one. Oh, okay, no, she doesn't, she was "expecting a tentacly thing". xD

Everyone is "running at another alien" and Graham is not impressed, but also starts running. ;D

They lost the monster but found Rahul and apparently he is dead. :( And it took his tooth for some reason.

The Doctor is sorry for all the shit the aliens are doing and for not being able to help, and I'm like "it's not your fault at all", but I'm also aware that The Doctor generally feels responsible for everything ever. :P

They found the remains of the mushroom too and figured out what happened.

Ohhh, apparently Ryan poking the light that disappeared right at the beginning of the episode might have been what brought the aliens, oops. The Doctor would have poked it too, though. xD
Graham wouldn't have, lol.

Stop yelling at Ryan and being unfair to him, okay, thanks. And yep, other people very clearly knew about the aliens, that's not his fault, but also nothing is his fault at all anyway, k.

And Yaz just said it's not his fault, yessss. :D

The baby picture is Rahul and his sister, isn't it? Yep. And there's more stuff about her in folders. "Solar storm passes UK without incident", lol, I wouldn't be so sure. And now there's a grown-up picture of them too.

And a file on the computer that says "IF I DIE CLICK HERE", not ominous at all, but also probably actually helpful.

The Doctor talking about regeneration while waving tools around and randomly throwing them behind her is my favorite thing. :D Also "when people need help, I never refuse", that is something to know about yourself. "This is going to be fun!" :D

She made a Sonic Screwdriver! :D Our of mostly spoons. And it randomly shoots sparks when it really shouldn't, lol.

The file! Rahul's sister was kidnapped, which the insect-faced monster already pretty much admitted before. And her name's Asha. And now I'm basically 100% sure The Doctor is going to fix this. :D

Another childhood picture, they're adorable af.

"Sonic Swiss army knife", without the knife. xD

I called it, the aliens are looking for each other! Not for friendly reasons at all, though. And Yaz is not having it! :D

I like how part of the plan is to keep the aliens away from each other too, not just away from Earth - a war somewhere else is not a better idea.

Graham's friend called and he found something weird (I'm assuming)! :D

Why is there a slice of tomato falling to the ground? Oh, okay, just some guy doesn't like stuff in his salad. Like, doesn't like salad in his salad. :P

Aaand he's making fun of the robot insect monster, I don't think he's going to live very long. Throwing salad at it now, yikes.

Yeaaah, that was obvious. :( I hoped maybe The Doctor would come faster, but nope, there's the alien removing more teeth or other body parts.

Ohh, but The Doctor and fam found the tangly one on the tower! They're electrocuting it, I guess that's indeed not a bad idea for something that already is super electric. And that's what Kevin the bus driver found and called about, yay him. :D

Apparently the thing is made of creatures that gather information. And The Doctor can get the information from them! And apparently it's Karl from the train, wtf oookay, didn't expect that one to come back. But they don't know why yet because the other alien arrived. And the aliens are working together after all, not fighting a war!

"You're interfering in things you don't understand." "Well, we all need a hobby." :D

The Doctor is the most concerned about stealing teeth, and apparently the insect face was a mask and the alien has a face studded with teeth, ooookay.

The "Tim Shaw" "Tzim-Sha" exchange is so random, the doctor doesn't have a single fuck to give. ;D

He's hunting a randomized person, I'm assuming not one of the people he already killed? And these aliens do this all the time, so I'm assuming Rahul's sister is not coming back either. :( Yaz noticed that too.

Ryan is trying to revoke access to Earth that he granted by poking the light thing, which sounds like he's uninviting a vampire, I don't think that's how it works here.

The aliens (the Stenza) are supposed to not have any assistance, but this one is using the gathering coils. So the person he's hunting is Karl, ahh, I only called it right now, but they didn't say it yet. xD

And The Doctor still gives no fucks, but can't actually stop Tzim-Sha from doing anything.

Karl's phone says "I am valued", and then he also has a recording that says it. And "somebody out there wants me", lol, it would be much better if this one wasn't true. :P

He's working at a construction site at night, and another guy who works there is talking to his granddaughter on the phone, and I hope maybe this time this guy doesn't die anymore. :P

Aaaand he immediately does. :( Can they come faster? Okay, they're coming, but they had to find the place first.

The alien is climbing the crane, but The Doctor is there now.

"Get everybody off this site, don't care how, use your initiative" - that might be entertaining. xD

"How are you with machinery and heights?" - this too. :P

"Danger of death, do not climb", lol, well, there's no choice. You can also climb the crane without any plan for what to do next, that's even more fun. xD

Ryan puts both feet at the same ladder step before moving on to the next one, which is also what I do. xD (But really, he probably shouldn't be doing this at all.)

Grace and Graham are just acting as if they have the right to tell everyone at the construction site to go away, which is the best way to make everyone go away. :D

Karl is a cutie and he repeats his mantras to be brave enough to walk to another crane like 100 meters high, and that's awesome.

Fraaak, Ryan slipped and dropped his flashlight, I said he probably shouldn't be doing that.

"I am confident. I achieve my goals." I love Karl so much. :D (Also before that he tried to tell the alien really politely to stop climbing the crane.)

Ryan made it! :D And now he's terrified of the height, which, yep, also relatable af. (I'm mostly just afraid of heights if I have nothing to hold onto, this theoretically has something to hold onto, but it still looks terrifying, lol.)

"It'a work in progress, but so is life." :D Give The Doctor a fried egg sandwich, thx.

Even The Doctor thinks it's way too high, lol. But that doesn't stop her. :D

Nothing stops Grace either, not even The Doctor telling her to leave. xD

Lol, let's just hope that one of these completely random keys works, but I guess one of them pretty much has to, if there wasn't any more keys to find? And let's hope these two kids can operate a crane after it works. Well, they google it, that should do it. :D

I've been wondering why Karl is so afraid of stepping off the crane, but I just thought it's because there's nothing to hold onto, and when he's just doing his job he's not afraid, but apparently he is afraid all the time, that's not fun, poor bb.

And now he's going to have to jump because both of the aliens are attacking at the same time.

Ahhhh! He jumped and he was really brave and adorable, and it didn't woooork because the alien caught him! Why are you sorry, Karl bb, how is any of this your fault?

The Doctor jumped! The other way, to the higher crane! And she keeps calling the alien "Tim Shaw". ;D And maybe she's not all that great at actually finding things in her coat, lol, but she a way to convince him to stop hunting Karl, or at least I hope so. She has the thing that will let him go back home, now let's hope he actually needs it enough.

The human trophies are in a stasis between life and death, does it mean they're kind of alive? *still has hope for Rahul's sister*

Karl knows he's important and that's amazing. :D

Oh, and of course the DNA bombs are coming back. Are they just playing chicken now, or are Grace and Graham (who just took a lot of equipment) going to save the day when no one expects them to even be there? :D "Is it wrong to be enjoying this?", nope, as far as I'm concerned, not at all. ;D

The Doctor is making an inspirational speech at "Tim Shaw", and she remembers who she is now! :D

She already removed the bombs! :D "Swiss Army Sonic." :D

The bombs are in him now (she put them into the tangly creature, he transferred them into himself together with the data), so now the inspirational speech about choice makes even more sense - he literally didn't have to detonate them at all.

He's kinda dying, but The Doctor gives him the device and he teleports back home, but not before Karl kicks him off the crane because he is important. :D Which The Doctor doesn't like, but I kinda do. :P

Grace and Graham electrocuted the tangled alien, I'm assuming to death, but Grace fell off and now she's dying? Can she just not be dying? Fraaaak, there's far too much dying in this episode tbh.

And now we're back to Ryan's youtube video from the opening scene. And the woman he talked about is Grace, frak, okay.

And Ryan is going to learn to ride a bike now, but now it's sad, k. (I'm assuming he got it back from the tree somehow, tho. xD It has leaves in the pedals.) He does a lot of trying, but it's not working. The Doctor is watching him from the distance, I'm not sure if he knows about it.

Ryan's father is supposed to come get him, but he's pretty clearly not actually doing that, so I'm guessing he's staying with Graham.

There's a funeral, and Graham is making a speech, and I didn't expect an ending that would be sad, okay.

Now it's back to The Doctor needing to find TARDIS, I'm okay with that. And with her changing her clothes, though I actually really liked what she wore in this episode, but it's a fun scene nonetheless. :D

The Doctor is building stuff with Stenza technology (and possibly a microwave) to find TARDIS. :D Well, to go to a different planet, but I'm assuming that's not going to happen, at least not now, unless they all go. :P

Yes, they all went! :D (And yes, it was a microwave. xD) And now they're floating in space in their regular clothes, and that's super deadly and all, but yeah, they're gonna be fine. :P

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