FIC: The Things You See and The Way You See Them (STXI, PG13)

Jul 23, 2009 10:07

I haven't written anything in over a year, and didn't expect to write a "five times" story when I finally re-found my inspiration. Oh well.

Title: The Things You See and The Way You See Them
Author: Danahid (danahid)
Fandom/Spoilers: STXI/Reboot
Summary: The art of observation
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Gen or Kirk/Spock (depends on which goggles you ( Read more... )

fic stxi

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Comments 122

blcwriter July 24 2009, 00:14:57 UTC
Love this, and especially Cupcake's section. So very well done-- good commands from someone you don't like. Perfect.


danahid July 24 2009, 14:58:27 UTC
Glad you loved it. Cupcake's section was one of the first I wrote, and it came together more easily than other parts of the story -- I'm glad you liked it too. Thanks for your lovely feedback!


feelforfaith July 24 2009, 00:20:06 UTC
when they find Kirk, and he's been beaten so badly that he's barely conscious, and Spock unties Kirk's hands with gentle fingers, and Spock and Kirk just look at each other for a minute, and Spock nods once, and Kirk closes his eyes

This was beautiful. The outside POVs worked really well for me and each of them brought something to the story. And I liked very much how the relationship emerged from each of those separate little stories. Great story :).


danahid July 24 2009, 14:58:55 UTC
I glad you liked it, and that you liked the outside POVs. Thank you so much for your lovely feedback!


betweenthebliss July 24 2009, 00:32:28 UTC
oh my god, this is amazing. you characterize them so brilliantly through others' eyes, and i agree with others who said it's awesome that you used a few non-main-crewmembers to write. beautifully done, definitely will be reccing this one.


danahid July 24 2009, 15:10:22 UTC
Thank you so much for lovely feedback! I'm glad the characterizations worked for you. I'd be honored if you rec'd it! Thanks again. :-)


betweenthebliss July 24 2009, 15:26:08 UTC
since i just reread it, lol, i have to add that the best part about k/s to me is the underlying tension, how often it seems they get close without consciously realizing it, how the strength of their bond seems to take them by surprise as often as not-- not that i think about it a lot or anything, lol-- but those are all elements you've used in this fic in a really gorgeous way. thank *you* for sharing this!


danahid July 24 2009, 16:04:08 UTC
Yes, that's it exactly -- the underlying tension, the unexpected closeness, the depth of feeling that they don't really know what to do with. I'm blushing that you thought it "gorgeous"! Thanks again. :-)


dreamlittleyo July 24 2009, 01:51:14 UTC
Beautiful! This was such an enjoyable read, and I loved following the narrative through so many different outside perspectives. Wonderfully done!


danahid July 24 2009, 15:00:10 UTC
I'm honored that you liked the story, especially since your stories inspired it! You feedback means a lot to me. Thank you so much!


clancy_s July 24 2009, 02:36:19 UTC
I too love outside POV fics, and this was well done, 6 times over!

My favourite was Cupcake's, because we have almost no information on him and you made him a person, with a reasonable POV and an interesting take on Kirk.


danahid July 24 2009, 15:03:02 UTC
Thank you so much for the lovely feedback! I'm glad you thought Cupcake ended up being a person by the end of it -- I started from the idea that I wanted to show how Kirk is a respected, effective military leader and I wanted to advance the Kirk/Spock relationship, and Cupcake's story grew from these premises. It was fun! Thanks again.


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