Title: Only You Pairing: Stranz/Fairchild Genre: incest Rating: R Word Count: 100 Written for bog100's challenge #5: Guilt Summary: Stranz has no time for other girls.
OK, I've resisted reading Stranz/Fairchild so far but you lured me in... And it was good. Very good. she looked so scared that line just *ooh*...sent shivers down my spine, because that's not the Fairchild we see in most of the movie, but when you take the tiny moments when she looks at Stranz, unguarded, that just *is* her and you nailed it spot on. So yeah, you corrupted me. <3
Comments 8
I love that line. Lots. G'job. =D
Well done. :D
that line just *ooh*...sent shivers down my spine, because that's not the Fairchild we see in most of the movie, but when you take the tiny moments when she looks at Stranz, unguarded, that just *is* her and you nailed it spot on.
So yeah, you corrupted me. <3
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