Title: Only You
Pairing: Stranz/Fairchild
Genre: incest
Rating: R
Word Count: 100
Written for
bog100's challenge #5: Guilt
Summary: Stranz has no time for other girls.
Their life was demanding: out on the ice by five o'clock in the morning, mid-morning dance lessons, back for more training in the afternoon. By night they were exhausted, collapsing on the lush cushions of their living room couch, a pile of lean tangled limbs.
He had not time for other girls. There was only Fairchild's moonshine skin. She was pale and pretty like ice.
The first time he entered her she looked so scared. But his pang of guilt was quickly replaced by burning desire and the throbbing ache between his legs.
An ache only Fairchild could soothe away.
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