Naruto Fic: Straight Flush 1/1

Mar 26, 2005 07:12

Title: Straight Flush
Authors: DaMoyre and datenshiblue
Pairing: Gai/Kakashi
Rating: NC-17
Genre: yaoi, humor
Spoilers: N/A
Disclaimer: We don't own Naruto. Just playing with the characters.


After his morning training, Gai returned to the village and spotted his eternal rival a few blocks away. He seemed quite distracted and maybe a little bored - as he usually did - but Gai knew better. The distracted part was nothing but a front. Kakashi would not be easily caught off guard.

However, Gai was fast and when he wanted, also quite stealthy, so he followed Kakashi for several blocks. No, he wasn't spying on his rival...he was observing him! Rubbing his chin, Gai watched with interest as Kakashi went inside the library; debated whether he should just go home or wait until Kakashi came out so they could have a rematch, a new bet. It had been too long.

Neither option seemed appealing enough, as Gai liked to take more action when it came to these things. Waiting and leaving were discarded. Instead, he entered the library, going down the aisles until he was face to face with the masked ninja.

"Hello, Kakashi!" he said firmly, but quietly. It was not good to disrupt the study areas.

Kakashi looked up and smiled mildly behind his mask. "Gai, yo." He also kept his voice down. "Looking for some reading material?"

"Not today," Gai said. "I was looking for you." There was no point in making small talk, especially at the library, where they really shouldn't be talking at all. "I'm 83 to your 84," he said, going right to the point. "I also wanted to say hello." He flashed Kakashi a wide grin, white teeth sparkling.

Kakashi suppressed the groan to a soft sigh. "In that case, let me go check these out," he said, tucking a couple of volumes of 'Icha Icha Paradise' under his arm and taking out his library card.

Gai looked down at the books. "Hmm. Missions have been very low lately," he remarked, noticing that Kakashi was taking out enough volumes to last him for weeks. Unless he read very fast, which was quite possible. Kakashi was very talented, after all. He followed Kakashi to the front desk and waited while his rival stood in the long line. There were many studious people in Konoha.

"I'm sure that will change," Kakashi replied philosophically. Once through the line he left the library and then paused on the street outside. "Have you eaten? I was going to stop for ramen..."

Gai considered and then nodded. Kakashi's company was good, not just for sparring and winning bets. He also liked to exchange words with him. Although the conversations were mostly one sided, with Gai doing all the talking and Kakashi simply nodding once in a while, or pretending he'd not heard him at all. This was part of the modern attitude! It was cool to act disinterested. So irritating!

In any case, sharing a meal with his eternal rival would certainly be time well spent.

"Ramen sounds good," he said, with more enthusiasm than was needed. "I will eat lunch with you."

"Ah, good," Kakashi said calmly. They walked down to Ichiraku Ramen. Kakashi ordered, putting his bookbag on the seat to his left, leaving the one to his right for Gai.

Gai sat down and brought his hands up to the counter, politely ordering his meal. Then he turned to Kakashi and looked at him thoughtfully. "When we're not on missions, it's good to share meals with other ninja," he said. "It's not something we get to do often."

"Hai," Kakashi agreed, letting his attention wander to the back of one of the books he'd just checked out. Without turning back to Gai, he murmured, "Your mission went fine?"

"Yes. It was long but successful," he said. "And now I wait for the next one. It's not good for a ninja to be idle for too long."

Kakashi murmured some kind of agreement-type sound and continued looking at the back of his books. "How's Lee?"

Gai's eyes lit up at the mention of his student. "Oh, the adorable Lee is very busy. Small missions here and there. I have not been able to see him yet." He leaned forward on the counter, resting his chin on a fisted hand. "I look forward to spending some time with him. He has become a fine young man. His youth and strength are inspiring." Then he turned to Kakashi. "How are your students doing?"

Kakashi sighed and pushed the books back into the bag. Probably he was sighing about not being able to start reading right away. "Busy, for the time being," he said. "So that's a good thing."

"I miss my team," Gai said, his shoulders sagging for only a moment before he straightened up again. A ninja's posture was very important; slouched shoulders were a terrible habit. "Ten Ten, Neji, and Lee are all grown up. Time really flies. I think it's time to take on new genin."

Kakashi smiled vaguely, his eyes turning into crescents. "You're a good instructor," he said mildly. The food was placed before them and Kakashi paid respectful attention to it.

"Thank you." Gai accepted the comment with a nod of his head. "So are you, Kakashi!" An opponent was only worthy if he excelled at the things he did, and teaching wasn't a lesser task. There was no point in competing with a mediocre instructor.

Gai turned to look at his food and rubbed his hands in front of him. "Let's eat!"

Kakashi smiled. He'd been quietly eating while Gai was talking. "Hai."

Gai rolled up his sleeves and picked up his chopsticks, then began eating his ramen. He ate silently for a few moments. "With the missions so low... do you spend all your free time reading?"

"Ah... well with the group off on that mission, and things being quiet... yes...mostly..." Kakashi managed to slurp his noodles without showing his face to anyone except the staff.

Gai nodded and continued eating, rather neatly and efficiently. Even a task as simple as eating should be performed with grace.

"What do you think our next bet should be? Would you prefer sparring...or a session of taitjutsu?" Gai asked, his eyes brightening at the idea of the next challenge. He hoped Kakashi wouldn't pick rock-paper-scissors this time. On the other hand, he'd not managed to beat Kakashi at that game. Perhaps if they continued, his luck would eventually improve.

"Hmm.." Kakashi mumbled, wondering how long he could string Gai along this time. "Um, ah..."

Kakashi was eating, and Gai understood it was impolite to speak with one's mouth full. "We should finish eating first," he said, turning back to his food. "Then we can decide on our next challenge."

"Mm hm," Kakashi acknowledged. He wondered what he could suggest for a contest before Gai tried to get him involved in something strenuous and time consuming.

Gai finished his bowl of noodles, declining the staff's offer for a refill. "I thank you for the great food and service," he said politely. "I will not be having seconds."

While he waited for Kakashi to finish his meal, Gai began pondering possibilities for a challenge. Perhaps they could try weapons today; a race around the village might also be a good choice. He'd been training with heavier weights lately, and was certain he could be faster than Kakashi this time.

".....strip poker," Kakashi said speculatively.

Gai's eyes widened at Kakashi's suggestion, he brought his hands up to his head with a horrified expression. "WHAT!?"

What kind of contest was that? He could play cards, of course, although he didn't do it often. However, he'd never played strip poker! That game, it denoted such a modern attitude about things! "Kakashi," he said, somewhat regaining his composure. "What kind of challenge is that? We're ninja!"

Kakashi looked back with a sort of, 'So...?' expression. "Poker is about bluffing, which is a ninja skill: deception. Also strategy, memory, and luck. And I don't have much money to gamble with. Nor should we, and provide a poor example for Tsunade-hime. But there should be some penalty for losing. Of course if you aren't up for it..."

Gai paid close attention to Kakashi's words. Deception, strategy, memory, and luck, all very important to a ninja.

Kakashi was right, money wasn't abundant, especially at the moment, when missions were scarce and far between. It wouldn't be wise to gamble away what little they had; and gambling in the village, even if Tsunade-sama was not present, wasn't a good idea at all. She might find out and be offended... or even worse, tempted to begin gambling again! That would only bring problems for Konoha.

/If you aren't up for it…/

The sentence alone had been enough to stir away any doubt or hesitation. Kakashi, with his modern attitude, might find it acceptable to turn down a challenge, but Gai would never walk away from one.

Cards. He was certain if he did his best, his chances at winning were as good as Kakashi's.

"Very well, then," he said, decisively. "Strip poker it is!"


Since it was going to be strip poker, it seemed advisable to go somewhere private and Kakashi offered the use of his small apartment. It wasn't the neatest thing Gai had ever seen, in fact in places one could distinctly leave a mark in the dust, indicating Kakashi hadn't done a thorough over-all housecleaning in a while. Still it wasn't filthy, and it certainly was comfortably lived in.

There was an old green sofa in the front room, and a somewhat nicked coffee table that could be used to place the cards. Kakashi offered Gai the sofa and drug over a beanbag chair for himself to slouch in. He placed iced tea and a small bowl of fish-shaped mini-crackers on the table along with a somewhat worn deck of cards.

Gai looked around a little and then thanked Kakashi for offering the sofa and also for the snacks. He sat down and picked up the deck of cards. "I will deal," he said, hoping his luck would not abandon him today. "How are we going to do this?" he asked. "Is it one article of clothing each time you lose a hand?" It was good to know all the rules before beginning the game.

"Hmmm... yes that sounds reasonable," Kakashi said. They would both be able to lose a number of hands before things got interesting. Of course Gai was wearing that one-piece jumpsuit, so calculate vest, leaf-symbol protector (worn around waist), 2 leg warmers, two boots and two socks? So the ninth loss would mark the beginning of risqué territory.

Kakashi had the advantage, it would take eleven losses to force him to choose between his mask and underwear. Of course that was if he'd chosen to wear any today...

Gai considered for a moment. "How many hands?" He asked, wondering just how far this bet would go. He'd never played strip poker before, and though modesty was important, he wasn't very self-conscious about removing his clothes. Granted, of course, that he'd have to remove any at all. Perhaps he'd be able to win a few hands and leave Kakashi at a disadvantage.

"Hmmm.." Kakashi mumbled thoughtfully. "First one to win 15 hands?"

It wasn't very likely that either of them had enough clothes on to make it to that number, which meant one of them would have to admit defeat before that point. It was a good thing he'd brought his kunai belt today, Gai thought. That could certainly count as one article of clothing.

"Hmm." He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Very well, Kakashi! It will be 15 wins. I will do my best to beat you in this game! If I lose, I will do 600 naked push ups right here, while holding this small table on my back," he said, tapping the wooden table with his hand.

Kakashi raised an eyebrow. "Gai, that table barely weighs ten pounds... it's made of particleboard..."

Gai's thick eyebrows furrowed, and he lifted one end of the table. He hadn't realized it was not made of solid wood. It certainly didn't look so fragile at first glance. "In that case, I will add my weights and will only use one hand," he said firmly.

Kakashi smirked behind the facemask. /How about 50 naked pushups, without your hands, Gai-san?/ It was an affectionate poking fun at the serious man, and something he wouldn't say out loud lest it be misinterpreted. Probably.

Instead he simply gave his head a shake. "Maa, maa, always making things so difficult."

Settling comfortably in the beanbag, he picked up the cards and ripped through a couple of quick shuffles, showing familiarity with the procedure. He offered the cards to Gai to be cut and then glanced up. "Five card draw?"

"Yes, five," Gai agreed. Maybe five would be his lucky number. He dealt, tossing the cards over the fake wooden table: five for himself, five for his eternal rival. He set the deck in the center and picked up his cards, bringing them up to eye level in careful examination.

"Hmmm..." Kakashi examined his cards. "One, please." he said, discarding a single card.

Gai tossed another card to Kakashi, his eyes lighting up. With a jack and a 10, things were already looking good for him. He tried to keep a blank expression, no need to let his rival know about it just yet.

Unfortunately, Gai did not get the cards to turn his ten and jack into either a pair of anything or a straight. Kakashi won the hand with a pair of eights.

Gai removed his vest with cheerful good graces.

The next hand went a little better for him. He got three of a kind, beating Kakashi's pair of jacks. Kakashi removed one half-glove.

Gai won the third hand with a pair of deuces over a 'no-hand' by Kakashi, and won the second glove, feeling very energized by this 'streak'.

However he lost the next hand to Kakashi's four of a kind and the one after that (a real heartbreaker since he was holding three queens) to Kakashi's full house.

Things went back and forth for a while as leg warmers, vests, Gai's forehead protector which he used as a belt, Gai's kunai belt, both Kakashi's gloves, and both their shoes and socks were sitting in a pile by the table. At that point it was nine wins for Kakashi and eight for Gai. The next hand, the green jumpsuit was on the line.

Gai shuffled the cards. The previous games had only been a warm up, he thought. This was the good one, the decisive one! If his bluffing skills managed to fool Kakashi, and his luck didn't abandon him, he could do this. On the other hand, if things didn't go as he expected, he'd be sitting in Kakashi's living room in nothing but briefs and a white, tank-top style under shirt.

This was a disadvantage to wearing a one-piece jumpsuit. Of course, Gai had never thought about any disadvantages to his usual outfit, as he'd never before been faced by such a situation. Kakashi had the advantage at this point, as his two-piece attire would allow him a hand over Gai.

"Good luck, Kakashi!" Gai said, rather gracefully, as he dealt the next hand. There was no honor in being a sore loser.

"Ah? Thank you," Kakashi said easily. He was just as casual as all get-out. Not showing in the slightest curiosity to see what was under that jumpsuit.

He'd only taken Gai for a *short* ride so far. It was probably time to get serious. He smiled at the four aces in his hand and refused any cards.

Gai looked at his hand and sighed, more than a little disappointed with a two, a three, a five, a nine, and a queen. "I'll hit," he said, dropping one card and picking up another, hoping to improve his chances, though it wasn't very likely.

He'd have to resign himself to losing the jumpsuit.

Kakashi waited patiently for Gai to assess his hand. He'd win this one, probably, if he could judge by the telltale pull of disappointment at the corner of Gai's mouth. Then it might be interesting to loose a few.

Gai's hand didn't improve with the new card, and he had no choice but to admit defeat on this round. "We still have a few more to go," he said, not lacking in confidence. He was sure he could turn his luck around. There was still hope!

With that said, he stood up and removed his jumpsuit, neatly folding it and setting it down on top of the pile.

Kakashi coughed politely, glancing away, while actually taking inventory out of the corner of his eye. Gai was a very well put together ninja and all his physical workouts left him in fine condition. The white tank top and briefs looked rather charming, he thought.

"I think it's your deal," Kakashi said.

Gai seemed completely at ease, if a little indignant, after removing his clothes. It wasn't the loss of the jumpsuit that bothered him most, but rather the loss of another hand to Kakashi! He'd have to do some improvement in his poker techniques if he wanted to keep up with him.

He returned to his seat, shivering a little. Kakashi's apartment wasn't very warm. "Hm." He nodded. "I will deal again, and this time I'll win for sure!"

"Nice...shorts," Kakashi said, looking only at his own cards, discarding one.

Gai's eyebrows rose slightly and then dropped when he heard Kakashi's comment. Was he mocking him, or was it just part of the modern attitude to throw things like that around? It was almost like flirting!

"Hn." He made a little grunting sound and picked up his cards. "They're comfortable," he said, eyes narrowing on a three of a kind. Yes, his luck had suddenly improved.

Kakashi nodded agreeably. He named his wager - his shirt.

Gai showed his cards and flashed Kakashi a gleaming grin. "Can you do better than this?" He hoped Kakashi would not be able to improve on his ten's.

Kakashi glanced down at the four queens in his hand. "Fraid not," he said, and turned his cards face down, shuffling them into the deck. He then stood up and unbuttoned and removed his shirt, dropping it on the pile. The mask covered his lower face and neck but not his chest or stomach, which were now bare.

Gai couldn't hide the smile that formed in his lips when Kakashi returned his cards to the deck. He was barely able to control an urge to scream 'YES!', but he did however raise his fist up in the air, in triumph. "Nice! Now the next hand," he said.

Without being too blatant, he sneaked a thorough look at his rival's body, silently assessing size in musculature. They were in comparable shape, Gai decided, pleased with this finding. There was no problem there.

Kakashi still had several items of clothing to work with - he still had his forehead protector, mask and pants. He really preferred to keep the mask, so he could lose at least two more hands. However he thought it might be more fun to win the next one. Fortunately the cards hadn't deserted him and he drew to an inside straight.

Gai was feeling pretty confident in the next hand with a full house. He was going to win again, definitely! But when the cards were splayed on the table, he realized his eternal rival's luck had won again.

Eyes widened and then narrowed, and Gai let out a disappointed sigh. Resigned, for now, he removed the white tanktop and tossed it on the pile of clothing. He only had his briefs to lose, while Kakashi still had a few articles to give up. He was definitely at a disadvantage. Thoughtfully, he looked up at Kakashi. "This is the good one," he said.

Kakashi's one visible eyebrow lifted. "Ah?" He smiled. "I'm glad you are enjoying this, then, I was afraid you wouldn't find it manly enough for you." He looked over the cards he'd been dealt. Asked for two. It wasn't a strong hand he'd ended up with, a pair of fours, but he was ready to lose the forehead protector.

"If it's manly enough for you," Gai said very seriously. "It's manly enough for me!" Gai had managed a good hand this time around, and he hoped he could repeat it a few more times. Looking over at Kakashi, he assessed that it would take about 2 more wins to bring Kakashi down to one article of clothing and even their score.

"Ah, a full house, you are lucky!" Kakashi said as they showed their cards. He smiled and reached down as if to remove his pants, then hesitated and reached up to remove the forehead protector instead.

He watched to see what reaction Gai might have to that moment of mild subterfuge.

Gai watched with interest as Kakashi's hand went to the waistband of his pants, hesitated for a moment, and then moved away. There was a slight twitch in Gai's eye when Kakashi's hand moved up to remove his forehead protector. It would have been more comfortable if he'd removed his pants, make them more equal in this state of undress. But perhaps, it would happen on this next round. Or so he hoped...

He dealt again and lifted his cards to examine them, cautiously watching Kakashi's reactions for any sign of what kind of hand he'd this time around.

The next hand Lady Luck tipped her hat again in Gai's favor, giving him a respectable three of a kind. Kakashi also drew three of a kind, and his were the higher cards, Jacks over Gai's tens. But he was careful to wait until Gai showed his hand, and folded without revealing his own. If Gai ever caught on to this...

"Maa, maa, it seems you are moving up," Kakashi said, and stood up to remove his pants.

He was naked underneath.

Gai's eyes widened for a moment, respectfully turning his face away from his rival's nudity - or at least, pretending to do so. He did take a peek, out of the corner of his eye, unconsciously doing a quick calculation, measuring the other man, and comparing himself. He'd become so accustomed to doing this, comparing himself with everything Kakashi did.. it was hard to break the habit.

A blush rose on his cheeks when he realized what he'd just done.

Kakashi seemed completely at ease, however, as though he weren't standing stark naked in the living room. What a modern attitude! Gai didn't think he could be quite as nonchalant...but he'd have to rise to this challenge. He would be just as good at Kakashi at doing this!

"Well, Kakashi," Gai cleared his throat. "This will be our last hand." It was the mask against his briefs. There was nothing else left.

"Our last?" Kakashi said, sitting cross-legged on the mostly squashed beanbag, arranging himself for comfort. "I believe it's twelve to eleven in my favor, but even were I to win the next hand, neither of us would have reached fifteen. Of course if you're willing to accept a draw..."

"A draw?" Gai seemed absolutely horrified by the idea. A challenge was a challenge and pulling out of it, no matter what the circumstances, was unthinkable! "We only have one article of clothing left," Gai pointed out. "After this, we'll have nothing left to wager."

"Hmm," Kakashi said thoughtfully, dealing the cards. He picked up his own. "Perhaps we should include something else in the bets, then?"

"Hm." Gai crossed his arms, then rubbed his chin, considering. He picked up his cards and studied them for a few moments. He had a good hand, and once again, began to feel confident. "We agreed not to bet money," Gai said. "What did you have in mind?"

"Hmm, a forfeit of some kind?" Kakashi murmured, studying his cards. He decided not to ask for any and stood pat.

Gai seemed interested by the idea. If Tsunade-sama's gambling was a serious issue, so was Gai's obsession when it came to betting with Kakashi. He was a formidable ninja, full of self-control that seemed to evaporate into thin air when it came to winning against his eternal rival. "What kind of forfeit?"

Kakashi shrugged, not appearing to give it much thought. "Ummm... the loser does something the winner asks?"

Unlike Kakashi, Gai did seem to consider this for a while. No decision should be taken lightly! What could he possibly ask of his rival? He had never really thought of it.

"What would you ask?" Gai decided it would be good to know what he was getting himself into.

"Ah, no, that would be telling," Kakashi replied cheerfully. "Any cards?"

Gai picked up his cards and frowned. This wasn't good. Not good at all. He dropped one and picked up another from the deck, and another. There was however, no improvement. He showed his hand, and stood up, sliding out of his briefs. It was okay to be nude. After all they were men! And Kakashi didn't seem bothered at all. He was so cool, Gai had to admit.

Kakashi was amused that Gai didn't even ask him to show his had - he had two pair, kings high - before he started stripping. Kakashi checked out Gai. The taijutsu specialist had nothing to be ashamed of. Nothing at all.

"Ah, well, thirteen to eleven, but you can still catch up," Kakashi said, shuffling the cards for the next hand. "If you win this one, you could ask for a blanket instead of having me remove my mask. That is, if you are cold."

Kakashi didn't seem cold. If he wasn't going to ask for a blanket, then...neither would Gai! "I'm fine," Gai said. "I'm hoping to catch up, Kakashi!"

"Good luck," Kakashi replied cheerfully. He shuffled and dealt. It was convenient that his forehead protector was on the pile of discards. It meant he didn't have to remove it and so his use of the Sharingan as he dealt the cards was not obvious.

It was a good thing the mask was till on though. He allowed himself a little smile as he drew to a royal flush.

Gai picked up his cards and frowned inwardly. Maybe if he could bluff, he'd be able to get Kakashi to show his cards without having to show his. "Well, this is a nice game," he said, raising an eyebrow at Kakashi. "Do you need to hit?"

"No thank you, " Kakashi said, once more standing pat. "I hope your hand is a strong one. I have a royal flush," he said, laying down a handful of hearts, ace, king, queen, jack and ten.

The Sharingan was so useful sometimes.

"Oh My GOD! Kakashi!!" Gai dropped his cards on the table, his eyes almost popping out of their sockets as Kakashi's hand was revealed. "No way you can win again!" He drew his hands up to his head, for a moment, and then lowered them down. "So what now?" he said, managing to sound collected, somehow.

"Hmm," Kakashi said thoughtfully. He was really having a lot more fun that he'd expected to. Why hadn't he thought of strip poker before?

"You can concede me the winner of the contest, at 14 to 11, or perform a forfeit and play another hand, and possibly get back into the running."

Rubbing his chin thoughtfully, Gai considered for a moment. Concede to Kakashi after all this? No way! Not at this point, when he'd already lost all his clothes, and whatever dignity he might have had. Of course, this was nothing for Kakashi, with his modern ideas. Hm.

"I'll take a forfeit," Gai said, a stubborn strike showing through.

Ah, now Kakashi had to think of a forfeit. He considered several possibilities.

"Very well," he said, his tone a slow drawl. "Your forfeit shall be... you have to read one chapter of Icha Icha Paradise to me, out loud. I can wait until we are finished playing for you to pay up."

Gai's eyebrows rose up for a moment. He'd never read Icha Icha Paradise... but he knew of the contents! He knew that it was supposed to be romance, but it really was... smut! And what kind of stories would he find there? Thinking about reading it out loud to Kakashi he didn't know if he wanted to laugh or cry. But he'd already accepted, and he'd never go back on his word!

"Okay. If I lose this next hand, I will not only read one chapter of that book of yours out loud, but I will do it on my knees!" Perhaps with that kind of 'incentive', he could get his luck to cooperate.

Kakashi's eyebrows shot up. "Maa, Gai, you always make things more difficult." Then he shrugged. It wasn't as if there was any stopping the man. Or as if he wouldn't find the situation intensely amusing...

"Well let's see if your luck changes," he remarked mildly, awaiting the dealing of the cards.

Gai picked up the deck, praying to all the gods for a lucky streak. He shuffled and dealt, and waited for Kakashi to pick up his cards before he looked at his own game.

Kakashi spread his cards carefully. A pair of jacks. He discarded three and asked for three more. Picked up another jack. Three of a kind. Looking up, he raised his eyebrows in inquiry to the other man.

The gods had not listened to Gai this time around. They were probably too busy with other issues to be concerned with a game of strip poker. He thought that perhaps he had a game, a low game, with a pair of two's and three random cards. He dropped the three random cards and exchanged them, but was unable to improve his hand.

If Kakashi had anything higher, he'd be reading Icha Icha Paradise...on his knees.

Kakashi laid down his hand face up. He sighed apologetically. "It seems I win, fifteen hands. The contest is over."

~ * ~

Kakashi did smile at Gai. "Why don't I fix us something to eat, before you read my favorite book to me?"

"Something to eat would be nice," Gai agreed. "I can help you." He looked up at Kakashi and brought up his fist. "This makes 85-83, Kakashi! After I finish paying the bet, I'll think of something else so I can catch up to you."

Kakashi nodded. Of course Gai would. "Let's see what I have in the kitchen." He got up and walked into the small bachelor kitchenette, pulling out a few ingredients to make stir fry. He didn't seem to think about the fact that he was still buck naked, apart from the mask.

Another soft sigh escaped Gai's lips, and his shoulders slouched forward, before he reminded himself - for the second time today - that a ninja's posture was very important. He straightened up and looked over at Kakashi, who seemed nothing but comfortable walking around naked in his kitchen.

Gai couldn't deny it was a very nice sight. Hmm.

He stood up and followed Kakashi into the kitchen, feeling more than a little strange as the cool air of the apartment touched his skin. This was certainly the strangest situation he'd ever gotten himself into for the sake of a challenge.

Wordlessly, Kakashi poured two cups of sake and placed one on the counter next to Gai before returning to his cooking. In a few minutes he had a nice, simple bowl of stir fry and rice for each of them.

Gai nodded his head in acknowledgement. "I appreciate the food and the drink," he said.

This really was nice. Well, if one could ignore the fact that he'd just lost a bet of strip poker, and he was standing completely naked in his eternal rival's kitchen. But other than that, this was really a nice visit.

Kakashi took his bowl and chopsticks and sake back into the main room to eat. His apartment was tiny, so it was that or eat standing up in the kitchen - or the bedroom.

He casually watched Gai, enjoying the scenery.

Gai followed Kakashi, bowl of rice in one hand, cup of sake on the other. He sat back down on the green sofa and placed his food on the small table. He looked up at his eternal rival, who presented a rather interesting picture, masked but naked, holding a bowl and chopsticks. Then it occurred to him that his own image - minus the mask - only mirrored his rival's.

This was the most personal they'd ever gotten, in all the years they'd known each other. Somehow, sharing this naked meal didn't feel wrong, just a little...ludicrous.

Kakashi pulled the mask up from the bottom to eat, something Gai had probably glimpsed a time or two, considering how long they'd known each other.

"Think you'll be going out on a mission again soon? Or perhaps a bit of a break?"

"It all depends on Tsunade-sama," Gai said, eating rather gracefully. Handling the chopsticks with the same precision and skill he'd a kunai. He took everything he did rather seriously, eating wasn't the exception. "I'm hoping to get another mission very soon... but I'd like the chance to see the adorable Lee at least once before leaving again." His eyes brightened as he spoke of his student.

Kakashi smiled. He though Lee was more of a son than a student to Gai, but he didn't say anything about it, not wanting to offend the proud man.

"I wouldn't mind a mission right now," he murmured. In fact, he rather hoped Tsunade-sama would realize he was idle and give him something difficult to do. He didn't like having a lot of time on his hands.

"It's very enjoyable for things to be quite so peaceful lately, but more missions would be nice," Gai sighed. "A ninja cannot live without them."

/...or die, without them/ Kakashi thought, but he kept that little nugget of joy to himself.

"I doubt the quiet will last too long," he said instead.

Finishing his small meal, he rose and collected the bowls and eating implements to put them in the sink for later. Returning, he smiled at Gai.

"Ready to read me a bedtime story?"

Gai looked up at Kakashi, and nodded. "Yes," he said. A bet was a bet, and it had to be paid. "Where's this book of yours?" He asked, barely disguising the dismay in his voice.

Kakashi smiled and removed the current volume he was reading from a pocket of his discarded clothing, turning to the chapter where he had left off. He handed the book to Gai and then made himself comfortable on the couch.

Gai moved away from the couch, to make room for Kakashi. He took the book and closed it, his eyes surveying the cover for a few moments. He took a deep breath and knelt down on the floor, right next to Kakashi. He'd promised to read on his knees, afterall.

"Okay," he said, clearing his throat. "Um... any particular page or passage? I start from the beginning?"

"Oh, chapter seven, that's where I stopped reading earlier," Kakashi said helpfully.

"Very well." Gai opened the book, fingering the pages until he found the indicated chapter. His eyebrows rose a little and he looked up at Kakashi, staring at him like a deer caught in headlights. "Err... this..." He licked his lips and cleared his throat again. Then he began to read:

"'Even before she'd caught her breath, his hands had gentled, his rakish senses avidly relaying the fact that she was abundantly curvaceous, her flesh firm yet yielding, quintessentially feminine-for him, elementally challenging. His hands spread over her back, then his arms locked, but lightly, trapping her against him. Full breasts warmed his chest, soft hips his thighs.' "

The color on Gai's cheeks rose slightly, as he continued reading from the book.

Kakashi sighed, an expression of bliss settling over his features. He turned onto his side, resting his head on his arm, listening raptly.

As the pages turned, the scene became more heated, and Gai felt the slow rise of the temperature in the room. He was no longer cold.

What kind of novel was this anyway?! It was even worse than he'd imagined. And why did Kakashi seem so obsessed with reading it at all times? Gai couldn't understand how his eternal rival could always have such a cool attitude, when he was constantly being...stimulated by such a book.

He was certainly beginning to feel a little uncomfortable in the nude. There were certain things one could not really hide.

"How much more do I need to read to fulfill my forfeit?" he asked, hoping that his voice sounded perfectly cool and collected.

Kakashi sighed, his trance broken by the interruption. "I think we said one chapter...?" Kakashi noticed Gai's blush and his other reaction. Interesting! But then who wouldn't react to the genius talents of Jiraiya's books?

Kakashi decided to have mercy. "Maa, maa, you can stop if you want. But you do read it very nicely!" It was true, Gai, when he read, didn't pronounce the words flatly, but gave the scene a descriptive tone, varying his voice according to the characters and their expressions.

Yes, one chapter had been the agreement, but being so flustered, Gai had suddenly forgotten. Or tried to...

"If we said one chapter, then I will finish it!" Gai said, decision and fire in his voice. It really sounded a little huskier than usual, but he hoped Kakashi wouldn't notice. "And thank you. I'm glad you enjoy my reading."

Kakashi certainly noticed the change in timbre of Gai's voice, and of course he noticed the other effects Jiraiya's 'upstanding' reading material had on the normally extremely proper jounin, and was gently amused. Really the man's stubborn pride was quite unbendable.

"No need to be so adamant," he said gently. "If it makes you uncomfortable, forget it."

"I will fulfill my forfeit!" Gai said again, quite stubbornly. "And when I'm done, I will move onto the second part of the bet. The push-ups!"

He read again, a few more paragraphs, only breaking away from the page to glance over at Kakashi every now and then. But really! What reading material Kakashi enjoyed. And how cool he seemed all the time, even when reading... this. So hip!

Gai decided, he'd continue on. If his eternal rival could handle this and remain so unaffected, then so should he!

Or he could try, at least.

Moisture formed on his upper lip and he licked at it, quite absently.

Kakashi would have been amused at the thought. There was a reason he usually remained, as Gai mentally put it, 'unaffected', but the way he was reclining, at his ease on the couch with one arm casually draped over his lap, did not give Gai much opportunity to observe. However Kakashi suspected that Gai might be shocked if he realized Kakashi's partial erection had more to do with the display of a well-toned male body and Gai's adorable reactions to the smut than owing anything to the story he was reading aloud.

He realized that if he had to watch Gai doing his manly push-ups, still nude, he might have more trouble than he was having with just the reading. Casually, he held his hand up, covering his already-masked mouth, and yawned.

"Couldn't we leave it for another time?"

"No, Kakashi!" Gai put the book down for a moment and looked up, with a very serious expression. "When able, a man must pay his bets right away. There's no reason for delay."

Gai was flustered and Kakashi was yawning.

/Oh my god! Kakashi! How do you do this?/

"Oh? And you insist I can't call it paid?" Really, the proud man was as difficult to move as a mountain.

"You can't do that!" Gai's fist came up in a determined gesture. "I said if I lost, I'd do 600 push-ups, and I never go back on my word."

He took a deep breath and cleared his throat, then lifted the book to eye level again. "And I will finish reading your story." He flipped through the pages and nodded. "The chapter is almost done."

Kakashi sighed and gave up. He waved his hand. "Okay, but don't blame me for anything that happens."

"Hm?" Gai's eyebrow rose for a moment. What could possibly happen? Six hundred push-ups wasn't something he couldn't accomplish. He'd done close to that number in the past. And this book...well, he was almost done reading.

Jiraiya was really something. He'd known the sannin was quite talented, but he'd never suspected his talents to extend to such extremes.

And watching Kakashi lying on the couch, fully nude. Well, it wasn't helping at all. He'd never thought about his eternal rival this way. This was certainly new. Hm.

Once all this was done, he'd go home and take a very cold shower.

Kakashi sighed, listening to Gai read the remainder of the chapter. He'd always assumed Gai was straight - I mean, you couldn't really get much straighter, right? And even if he was more... flexible, he wasn't the kind of person Kakashi felt comfortable being casual with. The man had a huge heart, and hearts of such a size were too frequently and easily hurt.

It wasn't just his upper lip anymore. Perspiration was beginning to cover Gai's well-toned body in its entirety. The temperature in Kakashi's apartment had certainly risen since his arrival for what was supposed to be a simple game of poker. Well, strip poker. Which wasn't really simple. But it could have been, if only Gai's luck had no deserted him.

Maybe next time.

No. What next time!

Gai decided he'd pick the next bet, and would not allow Kakashi to come up with such modern ideas!

He finished reading the book and closed it, handing it over to Kakashi. Well, that had certainly been something.

~ * ~

"Now I will do the push-ups!" Gai said, standing up, wiggling a little, trying to cover his arousal as well as he could - which wasn't very successful at all.

Kakashi almost choked at the wiggle. That did cause a certain amount of color to stir in his cheeks above the mask.

"Hmm... Gai... don't break my table."

"Don't worry," Gai said, not particularly concerned about it. Granted, it wasn't real wood and probably very fragile, but he wasn't planning to drop it. "If it breaks, I will replace it."

"No... I'm fond of that. I bought it several years ago at a flea market, there aren't any more like it," Kakashi said, suddenly possessive of the cheap particleboard table. "And your weights... you were going to add your weights, hmm? They'll break my table all by themselves..."

Gai looked down at the table. He was certain he could find a nicer one for Kakashi, one that was actually made of real wood. At first glance, the table didn't look like anything special, but that was the way of things. Things became special, important, when someone saw something in them and developed an attachment. Gai couldn't deny he was quite prone to sentimentality. It was just surprising to see that Kakashi, with his modern attitude, would be a little soft...over a table.

"I will not break it. I will put the weights on my arms. Not on your table, or I could use something else." He never changed the terms of a bet, but just this once, a replacement would be fine.

Kakashi nodded in relief. "Yes, please use something else." He looked around. The apartment was sparse. The old green sofa would be too awkward. There wasn't anything else that was more practical.

"How about me?"

"You?" Gai blinked. He could lift Kakashi, and he had in the past. His weight wasn't a problem, but, on that single occasion Kakashi had been unconscious, and most important, he'd been dressed! "You?" He asked again, and the thought of skin on skin contact made the color rise in his cheeks again. "Fine."

Kakashi smiled, petting his table. "Good. Problem solved. How is easiest for you? If you have your weights on your arms, I could lie along your back..."

"Uh, yes," Gai said, bending down over the pile of discarded clothes to search for his arm weights. "That would be fine."

This was a bad idea, Gai thought. A very bad idea.

Kakashi waited until Gai took his position for push-ups, and simply balanced himself along the other man's back. Lying face up would have been possible but not the best for balance. So he lay on his stomach along Gai's back.


His arms folded over Gai's shoulders so he could prop his chin on them. At this point Kakashi was just going with it to see how far Gai would let him go. The other man's skin felt warm and his muscles were firm and smoothly sculpted and there was no disguising the firmness of Kakashi's arousal pressing against Gai's buttocks so Kakashi simply enjoyed the feeling and gave it no acknowledgement whatsoever.

"Ready when you are," he said cheerfully.

Gai's reply was a sharp intake of breath, as he positioned himself, perfectly balancing Kakashi's weight on his back. This was no problem, really.

Except for Kakashi's muscular body, pressed to his, the contact of skin on skin, so warm. And Kakashi's arousal, pressed to his rear. It was impossible to ignore.

So maybe Kakashi had really liked his reading. And Jiraiya's work was certainly worthy of such a reaction. But this...

Gai did a few push ups, his heart beginning to thud harder inside his chest. But it was certainly not from the strain of the exercise.

/Ready when you are.../

He was certainly ready.

They both were, that was clear now. It would be ridiculous to dance around the issue.

Unceremoniously, Gai removed his weights and managed to flip Kakashi off his back, lowering him down to the carpet. "Payment of the bet might be delayed after all," he said, pressing one of his hands to Kakashi's shoulder while the other one moved down along the other man's stomach and then lower, skillfully wrapping around Kakashi's erection.

Kakashi was shocked!

Delighted, now that it came down to it... but shocked. He couldn't actually say he was surprised... after all he'd been lying naked on Gai's back, rubbing against him... there were really only two possible reactions, one being that the man would be horrified or offended and the other... well, this... Yet somehow his fantasy of Gai included the man actually doing the 600 push-ups...

Gasping softly behind the mask, his mismatched eyes fastened on Gai's face.

Tentatively, he pushed his hips up, pushing himself into Gai's hand.

"Delayed... or changed, perhaps?" he asked softly, his voice taking on a huskier timbre.

There was a reason Gai didn't like to modify bets. It was better to know in advance what he was getting himself into, and keep to the plan! They had already changed part of the bet, and by saving Kakashi's table, they had given way to these unexpected results.

In retrospect, maybe not so unexpected.

"I'd rather delay the bet," Gai said, tightening his grip on Kakashi, moving up and down, responding to the slight jerk of Kakashi's hips. "But what do you suggest?" He couldn't help being curious. He had to admit, his eternal rival was quite ingenious.

Kakashi didn't answer right away, instead his eyes closed for a moment as he felt Gai's strong grip stroking him. It felt incredible.

"Ah.... uhmmm... how about... six hundred.... push *ins*..."

Kakashi's words went straight to Gai's groin. So much for physical discipline and self-control. It seemed he'd lost it all in a game of strip poker. So modern! Damn Kakashi. It was impossible to resist.

"I think..." he trailed off and kissed Kakashi's shoulder. "Yes." His hand still moving up and down. He'd always enjoyed physical contact with Kakashi - during combat. But this was completely different, and not less enjoyable, by any means.

Kakashi sighed, smiling under the mask. His eyes stayed half-closed in pleasure. Sitting up, he reached out to touch his 'eternal rival', the way he was being touched. His fingers closed around Gai's erection, testing curiously, exploring, and then stroking in much the same rhythm as Gai was using on him. He found he really didn't want much in the way of foreplay. The whole evening after a point had been that. His libido was quite out of bounds now. He wanted those six hundred...

Kakashi's touch felt good. Very good, indeed. Fingers that were long and not very soft. In fact, they felt a little rough, the hands of a ninja. Gai swallowed hard and closed his eyes. Prolonging this with light strokes for a few more moments.

"How would you like to do this?" Gai said, his free hand moving on Kakashi's arm, tracing the outlines of well-toned muscles and faded scars.

Kakashi continued to smile under the mask, continued to stroke Gai's proud erection. The familiar way Gai had touched him at first probably answered this question but he was curious. "You've done this before, I take it?"

"Yes, I have." The usual decisive tone was only slightly clouded by a certain huskiness in Gai's voice. He licked his lips and moved his knee in between Kakashi's legs, spreading them a little, allowing his hand better access to stroke and explore.

Contrasting his exuberant personality and flashy displays, Gai was rather discreet when it came to his personal affairs. "I don't think I have to ask you that question..." A thick eyebrow lifted as he watched Kakashi's face.

Kakashi sighed. "No, I don't suppose you do. But it *is* nice to know that after all this time we can still surprise each other." He reached down and, with visible reluctance, pulled Gai's hand away from his aching erection. He rose to his feet easily, moving with lazy grace. Pausing in the door to the bedroom, he looked back. "Coming?"

"We're eternal rivals." Gai stood and walked over to Kakashi. It was only a few steps. The apartment was small. "The surprises can never end."

Kakashi shook his head. "I never really understood where you came up with that, Gai." He turned and led the way into the very small bedroom. The futon was of average size, the cover a dark midnight blue. The laundry was a small pile in a corner without a hamper. The walls were covered with weapons. Another corner held a practice target in the shape of a blank human dummy, sporting a couple of kunai from its chest.

Kakashi climbed onto the futon, looking over his shoulder, presenting Gai with a back view.

"Just like a precious someone...a ninja also needs a good rival," Gai said, a little absently, his eyes fixed on Kakashi's body, his mind following shortly behind. He moved towards the futon and knelt behind Kakashi, his hands moved to the back of Kakashi's legs, easily sliding up until they were on his buttocks; a light squeeze followed.

"Ohhh?" Kakashi said, neither disputing Gai's assertion nor agreeing with it. His back arched a little at the feel of Gai's hands on him. They felt good.

He stretched his arm to reach between the futon and the wall and came back with a small pot of a general all-purpose balm that could be used to soothe small injuries, or could be used as a sexual lubricant if one were creative. It worked quite well.

Gai took the balm and opened it, coating his fingers with it. He placed a lubricated digit near Kakashi's entrance, touching very lightly on the surface. "You don't mind, do you?" It didn't seem that Kakashi would particularly mind at the moment, but asking was the polite thing to do.

Kakashi found Gai's politeness both frustrating and endearing... and so very Gai.

Conversationally, he said, "I'd really like it if you would slip a couple of fingers into my ass and see if you can locate the source of something very interesting."

Gai's eyes widened, and his mouth opened for just a moment, then closed. Why should he be surprised about this sort of language, coming from Kakashi. The books he read, his attitude for things, which was careless, almost...irreverent!

At the same time, the phrase had sent a rush of blood to his head. Both of them. He couldn't deny this sort of attitude was exciting, even appealing. It was so Kakashi.

"I'd really like that too," he said at last, slipping two lubricated fingers, fulfilling the request.

Kakashi's eyes closed and his back arched a bit more, tilting his hips up into the touch. Under some circumstances he liked being in control, under others, he enjoyed letting his partner take over. There was something about Gai that invited that sort of trust. It was rare and he found he could relax and enjoy it.

"Yes..." he murmured. "Just a bit... deeper..."

Just a little deeper, from one side to the other, stretching the tight ring of muscles, then a little more, until his fingertips were brushing the source of 'something interesting'. Gai knew exactly how to find it.

"Oh god, yes...." Kakashi swallowed the moan that followed, rocking back to impale himself further, wanting more. A great deal more.

There was a soft sound, combination of purr and growl, forming in the back of Gai's throat. The image in front of him, Kakashi's hips, the way they shifted and rocked, it was beyond erotic. He also found that Kakashi's mask helped too. Completely nude, yet not...

Always a mystery. His rival.

A few moments later, he pulled his fingers out and positioned himself behind Kakashi. He'd already coated his cock with the balm, and slid in rather easily, pushing slowly until he was fully seated.

"Ohhhhhh... yeah..." Kakashi groaned deeply, tossing his head back. Iruka had accused him of being a slut. He found it amusing at the time, because he'd never pretended otherwise, to any of his partners, whether they were one time encounters or regular lovers. The physical pleasure of sex was a narcotic, a tranquilizer, a release and a stimulant all at once and Kakashi knew himself well enough to know that he had a personality that was susceptible all of those.

Gai's hands were on Kakashi's sides, holding him by the hips. He rocked his hips back and forth, in an almost circular motion, head tossed back, eyes tightly shut, enjoying the sensations traveling through his body. He gasped softly at the sounds escaping from Kakashi's lips. So manly and raw, completely intoxicating.

He pushed in a little deeper, hitting the spot his fingers had already touched, and he bent over Kakashi, wrapping an arm around his stomach, his hand moving to find Kakashi's cock, closing around it in a tight fist.

Kakashi grunted softly, hissing at the sudden wave of pleasure from two areas. He rocked back faster, his movements demanding. Each thrust was answered with a low murmur, groan or other sound, and eventually Gai realized Kakashi was...counting... his... thrusts.

A smile formed on Gai's lips. The bet had been changed, he reminded himself, and Kakashi was making sure it was paid. His eternal rival was just so cool! This was the reason nobody could replace him.

Kakashi was moving faster and Gai increased his rhythm, keeping up with him, as usual, in everything he did. His breath was now coming in short, shallow pants. He pressed his lips to Kakashi's back.

They weren't going to make it to 600, not on the first round, anyway. Kakashi knew it... it was just too good to last. He held off as long as he could, his fingers digging into the futon, his breathing coming harsh and ragged, but the pulses of intense pleasure were too frequent, regular, ripping through him with each deep thrust. His groans started sounding almost like sobs and suddenly he began to shudder, bucking wildly as he lost everything.

They weren't even halfway done. It was no time yet. Gai tried to resist, to hold on a little bit longer, but Kakashi's climax was like a storm, taking everything down as it passed. Gai's control was lost, his body reacting to the contractions around his cock, muscles clenching, hips twisting, the hot liquid smearing his hand... and he was gone.

He came hard, muffling a string of moans on Kakashi's back.

Kakashi lay quiet, feeling Gai lying on top of him, listening idly to the sounds of both their breathing slowing gradually. Gai's heartbeat sounded loud against his own.

"Two.... hundred and twenty...four... I think we're going to have to do this again... a couple of times."

"Hm. Yes." Gai rolled off on the futon. It was narrow for two bodies, but Gai managed to lie by Kakashi's side without falling off. "At least three or four more times," he agreed.

Kakashi chuckled. It was a low, rich sound, with a thread of anticipation and appreciation running through it.

"I suppose if we have to..."

"We have to," Gai said firmly. "Bets must always be paid."

"Maa maa..." Kakashi murmured, shifting onto his side. His fingers idly traced areas of Gai's body he could reach easily. "Did you say something...?" He circled one of Gai's manly nipples with his fingertips, his expression hidden by the mask, a combination of pretended resignation and not yet sated lust.

- Fin -

Original post is here. Complete Warnings/Notes.

gaikaka, gai, naruto fic, kakashi

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