TITLE: Secrecy and How It Leads To Awkward Rooming Situations
sopdetlyRATING: PG-13
WORDS: 6,073
FANDOM: Harry Potter
PAIRING: Remus/Sirius, James/Lily
SUMMARY: One holiday, one secret, five people, three bedrooms.
NOTES: Thanks very much to
ceredwensirius for the beta! Written for the 2009
rs_games for Team Canon.
Remus rolled over in bed and hid his face in his pillow. It smelled like Sirius, so he quickly moved again, because getting hard while arguing with James simply wouldn't do. )
Comments 4
Also, "I think there's a sheepdog competition the next town over. I bet Pads would win."
AHAHAHAHAHA. Seriously, which one of us is writing that fic?
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