Spencer's Spill, Chapter 1

Aug 14, 2007 15:40

Spencer's Spill
NC-17 overall
POV: Spencer/?
Summary: Spencer gets hurt and his boys have to help him get better.
A/N: I'm tired of Ryan and Brendon stories.  Spice it up people!

“Brendon! Can you stop fucking the chords up?” Ryan screamed at the other guitarist.

“I didn’t fuck it up that time, you did!” Brendon defended himself, again.

“You both did, technically,” Jon threw his opinion into the argument.

I hated when they did this crap. I know they were all tense about the new tour and cd. But fighting over every song kills me. I want to suggest they go through all the songs without me to work it out, but I don’t dare suggest it. I decide to go to the bathroom to kill time.

“If anyone is ready to practice, I’ll be right back. I’m going to the bathroom,” I said to the room, not that anyone was listening.

I put down the drumsticks and get up. I’m walking out of the room and Brendon calls after me, “Spencer, wait!”

“What?” I duck my head back into the room.

“You need to use the upstairs bathroom. I had the other one ripped out to be redone.”

“Okay, thanks.”

I climbed the stairs and found the bathroom after opening several doors. I really should have asked where it was since I’ve only been to his new house once. I did what I had to do and washed my hands. Stupid Brendon and his Black Vanilla Raspberry soap. Now I’m going to smell girly; damn him. I heard Jon call my name, so I figured they were done with their arguing. I hurried out of the bathroom and down the hall. I cut the corner close to the stairs, which causes me to trip on the shit Brendon left there. I put my arms out to attempt to catch myself, but all that causes is pain and popping in them. I scream and continue my fall, hitting my head. I black out.

I flutter my eyes open and find Ryan and Jon starting down at me. I feel numb everywhere and can‘t move.

“SPENCER!” Both of them scream at me, which causes me to flinch.

“Where am I? Why can’t I feel anything?” I croak out them.

They exchange looks, Ryan loosing, “You are in the hospital, Spence. Do you remember falling down the stairs?”

I attempt to nod my head, which doesn’t work so well.

Jon clears his throat, “You’ve been unconscious for two days. We’ve been so worried about you. We haven’t left you alone.”

I notice that they both have tears in their eyes, now that I’ve woken up.

Ryan leans down and kisses my forehead, “Spin, I was so scared that I almost lost my best friend. I don’t know what I would do without you.” He wipes his eyes and the stray tears that have traveled down his cheeks.

“You can’t feel anything because the doctors are pumping you full of pain killers; you are pretty broken up Spence,” Jon ran his fingers through my hair.

I closed my eyes. It was very hard to keep them open right now, which must be caused by the medicine Jon said that was pumping through me. I opened them again because I wanted to know how bad I was messed up. And where was Brendon? I took a deep breath, “How bad?”

Ryan bit his lip, “Are you sure you don’t want to get some more rest first?”

“No, just tell me now,” I’m getting irritated.

“Well, there’s the bump on your head that knocked you out. You have a couple cracked ribs and a broken right leg,” Jon stopped but I could tell he wasn’t done. He looked at me though which probably caused him to stop. I was having trouble breathing and could feel the tears slipping out of my own eyes.

“There’s more Spence,” Ryan started. “Did you try to stop yourself from falling? Like did you put your hands out?”

I knew this wasn’t going in a good direction, and Ryan’s being careful to not freak me out. However, I was freaking out anyway, “Yes.”

“Well, you broke your right wrist and your left hand is really messed up. You are probably going to need surgery on it. I’m so sorry Spence,” Ryan ran his hand along my cheeks to wipe my stream of tears.

Jon continued to run his fingers though my hair. Ryan held my face in his hands. I’m crying, but at the same time I’m numb. How am I going to play if my hand is that messed up? What am I going to do? What’s the band going to do? I choke from the lack of breathing and felt excruciating pain running though my body. I shut my eyes quickly and tried to stop crying so I could breathe normally. My eyes were still leaking everywhere and I was glad that Ryan and Jon were there and touching me.

“HERES THE COFFEE!!!!!!!!!! What’s going…Spencer’s awake?!? SPENCER!” Brendon appears between Jon and Ryan peering at me. Brendon’s so excited to see me that he throws his arms up, which are still holding the cups of coffee. One of the cups sloshes over the side of it and falls directly on to my lower left leg. I scream from the pain of the scalding hot coffee and my reflexes jerk back, which just causes more pain in my ribs and everywhere else.

“FUCK! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” Brendon wails at me.

“Move or wipe it off asshole!” Ryan pushes Brendon away and quickly wipes the hot coffee off of my leg with the sleeve of his shirt. He leans down and blows on it a bit.

“I’ll go get some ice,” Jon lets go of my hair and quickly leaves.

Brendon’s whimpering and crying, which is something I cannot deal with right now. I have enough problems without his drama. It was his fucking shit I fell over to begin with.

I take a deep breath, “Brendon, get out.”

“But Spence I didn’t really mean it. Don’t make me leave,” he babbles on but I tune him out and close my eyes.

Ryan stops blowing on the burn, “Brendon? Just do what he asks please. He’s got enough to deal with right now.”

“Fine. I’m sorry, Spence,” I hear Brendon walk out of the room.
. Ryan starts to talks to me once he leaves, “Spencer, you scared the shit out of me. I don’t know how you stayed sane after all the shit I pulled when we were younger.

I open my eyes, “I don’t know how I did either. But I did cause I cared about you, you know that.”

“I care about you too, Spence. More than you know,” Ryan finished as Jon burst back in the room.

“Here’s some ice. I’ll do it Ryan,” Jon holds the ice to my leg.

Ryan comes back to the head of the bed, “How does that feel, Spence?”

“Better. Thanks guys. I think I need to sleep though. Its hard keeping my eyes open. The pain is getting a lot worse because I think the medicine is wearing off. When I wake up, can you still be here? I want to sit the bed up, if I can and see my injuries. I know I’ll need you here.”

“Anything for you Spence,” Jon tells me.

I hear Ryan and Jon talking as I drift off to sleep. As promised, they were sitting around my bed when I woke up.

“Hey,” I say to them as I open my eyes.

“Hey, yourself,” Ryan said to me.

“Can you help me put the bed up some?” I ask.

“You sure?” Ryan asks as he reaches for the control.

“Yes, just help support me while it is moving.”

Jon holds my shoulders and Ryan moves the bed so I’m reclining, instead of lying flat. It doesn’t hurt, so I assume they gave me more medicine when I was sleeping.

“Thanks, that feels better already.”

They return to their chairs and look at me. I pull my right arm from underneath the sheet. It’s encased in a simple white cast from just below my elbow to my fingers. I can wiggle my fingers and thumb, so I can at least sort of use it. I carefully use my thumb and forefinger pull the sheet off of my right leg. I have a cast from my toes to above my knee. I wiggle my toes successfully, which causes a smirk out of Jon. I look at him with my eyebrows raised.

“Sorry,” he sheepishly tells me.

I smile at him to let him know that I’m not mad, because I’m not mad at him. I take a deep breath and pull the sheet off of my left side. I find a cast from mid-bicep to my fingers, thumb included. They notice that I’m just kind of staring at my hand. I expected it to look a lot worse if I need surgery.

“That’s just to reduce the swelling and help it start healing until they do the surgery. They were waiting till you woke up to talk with you. I don’t know what they called the actual injury, but I’ll go find the doctor. He came in here when you were sleeping, and told us to have him paged when you woke up again,” Ryan explained.

“Oh, okay. Yeah go do that,” I nodded at Ryan.

Ryan did what he was told, and that left me with Jon. I felt like I should have some kind of conversation with him, but I’m just so worn out. He decides to get up and kind of perches on the bed next to my better arm. He pushes my bangs off to one side and stares at me for a few seconds. I look at him curiously, because this is weird behavior even for Jon.

“We were so scared, Spence. So scared,” he chokes out, as a single tear slips down his left cheek.

I reach up with my right hand and carefully wipe away his tear, “I’m sorry. I’m going to be okay though. It’s just going to be awhile.”

“I want to hurt Brendon,” Jon clenches his fists. “We’ve all told him a million times to pick up his shit.

“I don’t even want to think about him, let alone talk about him,” I sigh.

“Okay,” Jon cups my face in his hands. “Just never forget how important you are. You mean so much.”

Jon’s words and touch feel so nice. I think I’m going into sensory overload, when Ryan comes back in with the doctor.

“Hello. I’m Dr. Waters, your orthopedic specialist. Now that you are awake, I want to talk to you about your injuries. How are you feeling?“

“Worn out and tired and kind of aching,“ I answer.

“That’s to be expected with that bump on your head. I want to talk to you first, and depending on what you decide will determine what we do or not do about the aching. We’ll start with your cracked ribs. We’ll keep them wrapped for about a week, but they might be sore. Be careful when sitting up and lying down. Your ankle has a crack in one of the bones. It shouldn’t be in a cast that long, probably 2-3 weeks. Right wrist is fractured, but it is a clean break. Cast time is 4-6 weeks. Any questions thus far?”

I shake my head no.

“Okay, good. Now lets discuss your left wrist. You have what is called a scaphoid fracture. The scaphoid bone is between your thumb bones and the bones of your forearm. It is frequently fractured in a fall such as yours,“ he pauses and demonstrates on his own wrist. “Now there are two ways that we can treat it. The first is to leave it in the cast and check it very regularly to make sure it heals properly. This takes a very long time, usually 10-12 weeks. Then you start physical therapy. The physical therapy is usually 6-8 weeks, as everything is very stiff from being restricted for so long. You need to work through the pain and swelling, before using your hand and wrist again.”

He steps talking after looking at my face, as I’m sure I’ve gone white. I lean my head down and I feel like I’m going to vomit. Twenty weeks? That’s five months before I can think of picking up drumsticks. Tears quickly spring up before I start gagging. A small garbage can appears under my head. I look up through my tears and see that Ryan’s the one holding the can. His face has its own fresh tears. I glance at Jon; his face is glistening as well.

I take a deep breath, “Thanks, Ry. I think I’m okay now.”

Ryan cocks an eyebrow at me before sitting down.

“You said there were two ways to treat this scaphoid fracture?” I asked, hoping the other one takes less time.

“Yes. The other method requires surgery though. I make a tiny incision, and I mean tiny. It’s only 1-2mm in length. It doesn’t even require a stitch when I’m done because it is that small. After the incision, I then place a screw in the bone, across the fracture line. It is a quick surgery, less than an hour. We then place the hand in what is called a thumb spica splint. It’s basically cotton dressing with a plaster piece over the thumb and down to midway on the forearm. After a while, we will switch it for a removable plastic splint. Physical therapy starts about 2 weeks after surgery and you can resume activities within 10-12 weeks. This is the option I would recommend for you. Your friends told me you are a drummer, so you will want to be able to resume playing quickly and this would be the way to do so.”

I don’t even blink, “Yes, I want to play. I want the surgery.”

“I figured you would pick that, so I already scheduled it. We’ll get someone in here to give you anesthesia and we can get it over and done with. Sounds good?”

“Yes, lets just get it done.”

“Okay,” Dr. Waters says as he leaves the room.

Ryan and Jon jump up, “Are you sure, Spence?”

“Yes. It’ll just be easier. Why would I want it to take twice as long?”

“But it’s surgery, Spencer,” Ryan whined at me.

“I know. But it’ll be better if I do it. I’ll be fine.”

Ryan’s gnawing off his bottom lip and Jon’s picking his fingers.

“Both of you stop your nervous twitches. It’s not helping me,” I declare.

They try to stop, but don’t succeed well. The anesthetist comes in and gives me the medicine to make me drift off to sleep. Ryan and Jon know they need to leave.

Jon leans down and cups my face again, “I’ll be here Spence. I can’t wait to see you, okay?”

I nod at him, now I’m going to start crying again. Stupid Jon. He releases and lets Ryan move in.

“Best friends forever. I’ll be here for you, just like you’ve always been for me. I can’t wait to see you either,” Ryan leaned forward and kissed my forehead.

Jon and Ryan leave the room, and I know they are off to find Brendon. I have been kind of a bitch towards Brendon, but I’ll deal with it later. The medicine is quickly working, but I hear footsteps come back into the room. I don’t bother to open my eyes, as I figure it’s just someone waiting to wheel me off. Someone places their lips softly, carefully, over mine.

“I love you, Spence.”

I fight the medicine to open my eyes, but it doesn’t happen. I wonder who said that. Ryan and Jon care a lot about me, but a kiss on the lips? I don’t even know what to think.

spencer's spill

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