Tired, Chapter 10

Jun 29, 2007 00:01

Tired, Chapter 10
Overall: NC-17
Pairing: Ryan/Jon in this chapter
Summary: Ryan and Jon have a little fun and Spencer makes a decision
A/N: oh look! It is a little longer today :)
There is a lack of writing on the board lately, so I hope some people stop and read :) and comment.
 Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6 / Chapter 7/ Chapter 8/ Chapter 9

The next few days are spent much the same. Jon makes up excuses to Cassie why she can’t come over, which bothers me. I don’t want to be the other person forever. Kisses only happen when we part to go to bed, and I’m dying to step it up a little bit. We are watching a movie when I decide to go get us more drinks. When I come back, I decide to sit next to Jon on the couch instead of my usual chair. He takes his drink and continues to focus on the movie. I wait a little while and then lean against him.  He gets the hint and puts his arm around me. I snuggle into him and we continue to watch the movie. When the movie ends, I start to get up to turn it off, but he pulls me back down.
“What was that for?” I ask as I turn to face him.
“I don’t want you to leave; I liked you where you were.”
            “So did I. I was just going to turn the DVD off.”
“I have other ideas.”
Jon puts his hands around my neck and pulls my head to his and smashes our lips together. He tastes like heaven and our tongues are taking in every crevice of each other’s mouth. We break to breathe and I gaze into his almond colored eyes. I felt his dick harden underneath my ass as we made out and mine was right behind his. I lean in and pull his bottom lip with my mouth sucking on it slightly. His hands move to my hips and I shift forward to be closer. He’s running his fingers over my hipbones and I move down to his neck, biting and licking as I go. He lets out a small moan. I adjust so I’m straddling Jon and reach for the bottom of his shirt. He quickly helps me take it off and goes for mine. I run my hands along his chest and continue to suck and bite at him. He holds onto my hips and rocks me back and forth so our cocks rub together through our pants. I start to moan as well. 
“Ryan, kiss me.”
I bring my head up to meet his eagerly awaiting lips. He starts sucking on my lower lip and sneaks his tongue in again.  
He breaks the kiss and pants out, “Ry, I’m hard as hell.”
“So am I.”
“I want to wait to have sex again. I want it to mean more than just a quick fuck.”
“I do too,” this is not helping me get off and I feel like I’m going to burst. I start rocking my hips back and forth again so we start the friction again. We are both very close after all the pent up sexual tension we’ve had this week. I collapse against his chest when I come and he’s already riding out his orgasm. When I can think again, I run my hands along Jon’s chest. He feels so nice, rough, but yet soft. He’s perfect.
“Hmm?” I pick my head off his chest and look up at him.
“Let’s go to bed?”
I slide off him and stand up. He gets up and laces his fingers in mine. We walk to his room together. He lets go of my hand to remove his pants and stands there in his royal blue boxers. He looks at me and waits for me to do the same.
“I’ll be right back.”
“Where?” He trails off as he remembers that I’m not wearing any underwear. 
            I grab some black boxers out of the drawer and quickly strip. I pull on the boxers and run back across the hall. I climb into bed, as Jon is already there. We curl up into each other and fall asleep.
My sidekick going off rudely awakens us the next morning. I’m assuming Jon brought it in here as I know I didn’t.
            “Hello?” I mumble into the phone, trying not to wake the beautiful boy sleeping next to me.
            “Ryan, it’s Spencer. I want to talk.”
            “Okay? What time is it? I was sleeping,” I carefully slip out of bed and go to my room.
            “Oh. Sorry. It’s 9:30. When do you sleep this late?”
            “When I actually started sleeping again.”
            “That’s great! Are you still at Jon’s?”
            I yawn, “Yeah.”
            “Okay, I’m on my way over. I’ll be there in 20,” Spencer clicks off.
            I’m glad Spencer wants to talk, but I was looking forward to waking up in bed with Jon again. I run my fingers through my hair and walk back into Jon’s room. I crawl on the bed and kiss my sleeping one.
            “Jon? Spencer’s coming over; he wants to talk to me.”
            “That’s great,” he mumbles into the pillow.
            “I’ll come back to bed when we are done.”
            “Okay,” He’s already back to dreamland before the word is completely out. I smile and kiss him on the forehead. I walk back to my bedroom and pull on a pair of sweatpants and the first t-shirt I see. I go to the kitchen and start a pot of coffee when I hear Spencer knocking at the door. I shuffle to the door and open it.
            “Ryan!” Spencer has this huge grin on his face, which its is much too early for.
            “Hey. I’m making coffee.”
            I walk slowly back to the kitchen as I’m still trying to wake up. I grab myself a mug and pour the coffee into it. He sits down at the table.
            “Do you want any Spencer?”
            “Nah I’m good.” 
            I take my cup and walk to sit at the table with Spencer. I barely hit the chair before the words are flying out of his mouth.
“Ryan, I’m sorry I was such a prick. I was just tired of you being there for Pete and Brendon, and it just felt you didn’t need me as a best friend anymore. I missed my best friend.
            “Spence, I’m sorry too. Why didn’t you come talk to me and tell me this?”
            “Cause you and Brendon are always fucking or bickering or something. It was hard to corner you to talk to you.”
            “We used to be able to talk about anything, Spence. I’m really sorry, and feel like shit, that you couldn’t come talk to me.”
            “It’s why I flipped out so much when you did, cause you told Pete first after I finally thought you needed me again. I know he was there and it made sense. I was just jealous and hurt. And when you were crying in your bunk those last three days? It covered up the quiet sobs I was making in my own.”
            “It’s okay, Spence. We both suck,” I pulled him into a hug.
            I’m enjoying hugging Spencer when he abruptly pulls away.
            “What did you do that for Spencer?”
            “Spencer? Does this have to do with Haley?”
            “Yes and no. I don’t love her anymore.”
            “How come? You have been with her for years.”
            “I finally came to terms and admitted to myself who I really love. And that person is single now so I thought I would try it.”
            “Oh? Well, how did that go? Who is it?”
            “You Ryan. I love you.”   
            I chucked, “I love you too Spence; We’ve been saying that for like 16 years now.”
            “No Ryan,” Spencer paused. “I’m in love with you.”
            My eyes bug out at my best friend.

ryan ross, tired

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