Ten minifics written for the ‘Ten Things’ Challenge on TV Universe.
Spoilers throughout Farscape Seasons 1-4 and PKW. The usual sex-and-violence motifs you might see in any ep of the show to warn for.
Total words about 1700, spread across 10 fics.
No beta
Not mine, and no money made
Fics be down here )
Comments 2
2. Gulp and gah
3. :'( But lovely
4. :D JS would hate for that one!
5. Perfect Chi! Although are there really men out there who are not into loomas if loomas are available? ;-)
6. o-O Would love to know the back story to that one!
7. :-) With sprinkles and as a take out - the scene relocates to his bedroom!
8. D'ho, never thought about that!
9. YAY!
10. Double YAY!
Great entry, ADS - loved reading them all!
The first three I came up with wrote themselves! then the next three were a struggle and the last four were... What the frell am I going to write about? I won't say which were which. ;)
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