Title: It’s Not Just Holidays - It’s Special Occasions, Too
damnednforsakenFandom: Live Free or Die Hard
Pairing: Matt/John; kinda Matt/Lucy (but not. You'll see)
Rating: PG-13
Warning(s):Angst? Maybe? This is non-beta’d and might be super rushed. I’ll give it a polishing before posting it to my journal, but if you spot any mistakes, just let me know.
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Comments 6
Your John showed a LOT more tolerance and patience than I expected, and when he finally reached his limit, totally believable and understandable.
LOVED the proposal! LOVED Matt's response and Holly's reaction (sigh), not to mention the cheering from Jack and Lucy. I actually felt a little sorry for Holly's parents, since, hey, someone should have clued them in so Holly's mother's expectations weren't dashed in such an abrupt manner. Holly's dad seems really cool, and I'm glad he was moving in defense of Matt, before Holly stopped him. That tells me he is a truly nice guy, and pretty damn brave, if you think about it. He was ready to take on John McClane (even though John is family) in defense of Matt. Seriously, he has to be in his, what? Late 70s? Early 80s? Guess class never goes away, huh?
Such a nice entry in this challenge, and thank you so much for sharing it with us.
I'm so glad you liked this, darlin'. ^_________^ *squishes you and your lovely comment*
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