I’ve Tried So Hard To Find Sweet Serenity [6/]

Aug 30, 2010 10:53

Title: I’ve Tried So Hard To Find Sweet Serenity
Author: damnedifidoyah
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Jack Barakat/Alex Gaskarth
POV: 3rd Person
Summary: It all ended in a fight, Jack hurriedly pick up the car keys and went out, but wait.. It was made clear that Jack shouldn't drive.
Disclaimer: I do not own All Time Low, and this did not happen, title from the song High of the Speaks..
Author Notes: This is going to end soon. :)

Oh, I've got Tumblr and formspring

They arrived at the Barakat’s residence after the 30 minute drive that seemed like an eternity to both Alex and Jack. The boys got out of the car and Mommy B proceeded to the garage to store the car.

Jack entered the house and Alex stopped at the doorstep with a jolt. He felt Jack’s intense stare and felt a cold air of nausea swept through him. This is it. He knows something will happen, he can sense Jack’s anticipation will burst out any time soon. Mommy B. was already in the kitchen because she came through the adjoining door in the garage.

“Alex dear, why are you still there? Come inside so we can have lunch.”

“I’m sorry, I was just thinking of something.” Alex said as he close the door.

Jack was situated in the couch and signed for Alex to sit next to him. Alex gave him a small smile while he sat, giving a decent amount of distance between them.

Jack coughed a little and said “Alex, there’s something I want to ask you.”

Hearing that, Alex froze and waited for it, thinking this is it. “What about?”

“I had the strangest dream the other night.” Jack started.

“Oh, what’s it about?” Alex let out the air he wasn’t aware his been holding, he was thinking of something worst. Well, he’s right about that.

“We were kinda fighting.” Jack continued not really knowing how to form the right words to ask.

“Oh.” was the only thing Alex could say, his face fell and he knows he should tell Jack everything. Jack deserves it now more than ever.

“Yeah, I’m not sure but it felt so real that I thought maybe it did happen? I was like so mad, I don’t even know how to explain it to you, but I was really upset about something and I remembered asking you if you were cheating on me.” Jack said looking at Alex for some reaction.

Alex felt a lump in his throat, he swallowed hard, and he was sure he would choke but did not. His silence is enough as a resignation to tell Jack that it did happen.

“Fuck.” Jack said almost inaudibly and he felt his rage growing.

“Did that really happen? Is that the reason why I took the car and done reckless driving? No one ever told me about how I had the accident. All you guys tell me are memories I should remember. Fuck, I want to know the truth Alex. Goddammit, speak!” Jack was like screaming, at that point Mommy B went out of the kitchen and gave a disapproving look to both of them.

“Boys, what’s happening in here?”

“Nothing.” Jack said dryly.

“Well then let’s eat. I’m sure you’re starving. I cooked something special.” Mommy B said looking at Alex who’s still at loss.
“Alex, are you okay dear? You look pale, the sleepless nights in hospital finally took its toll on you. Come on now, we should eat and you two take a rest in Jack’s bedroom.” Said the lovely lady who’s still oblivious to what’s happening. She turned around and went back to the kitchen.

Jack looked at Alex intensely and said almost furiously “We’ll talk later.”

Alex doesn’t know what to do, he feels like his body’s too heavy to move. He can’t comprehend to what’s happening, he felt disoriented and wanted to throw up but he can’t. Mommy B doesn’t know about it too, he needs to clear up things to Jack first. He got up and followed Jack reluctantly.

That was the most awkward lunch Alex ever had. Jack is totally ignoring him and just bites down his food like he wants it to be over soon.

Mommy B noticed that Alex is not even touching his food. “Alex, you have to eat. I won’t let you get up until you finish your food.”

He offered her a small smile, “I’m okay.” He said much to himself than to the older woman in front of him.

Alex saw Jack glance at him, and he sensed that it was somewhat with disdain and he can’t help but gasp at that. Is Jack really going to judge him again without even knowing his reasons first? Why is Jack such a douche, why can’t he let him explain first?
Hell he doesn’t remember anything yet he acts like he knows everything already. It’s one of the things that he hated about Jack being so damn prided and won’t listen to explanation. Shit he hopes that got forgotten too along with his amnesia but he couldn’t dare to even ask for that.

He felt guilty all of a sudden. It’s not Jack’s fault, he reminded himself, and it’s his entire fault. That’s what he kept thinking until he was nudged by Jack,” If you’re not going to eat then we’ll have to talk.”

He nodded at Jack and looked at Mommy B expectantly. She just sighed and signaled him that it’s okay.

He followed Jack to his room and knocked before opening the door. He saw Jack sitting in the bed and he tapped the space next to him. Alex was hesitant to come over so Jack smiled at him. “I’m sorry about earlier Alex. I didn’t mean to shout at you. I was just so fucking confused about all this things that kept on popping in my head. I’m not sure if they’re a fragment of my memory or I’m just plain dreaming.”

Jack’s tone was soft and that helped Alex to relax a bit and finally sat right next to Jack.

“I know that whatever it is I should listen to you. And let you tell me everything. I know I told you that we should talk but can we do that after sleeping? When I entered here I just felt so tired and sleepy. ” Jack said and dared to put his arms around Alex’s waist.

When Alex didn’t pull away, he asked, “Can I cuddle with you? Hell, whatever happened to us, I just want to cuddle with you now. I feel fucking good whenever you’re around especially when we touched at some point.” Jack said bluntly that brought a pink blush to the older boy’s cheeks.

“I’m sorry, I guess I just needed that to get out. I was feeling goofy for the past week that you’ve been with me in the hospital, I haven’t even thank you for taking care of me and yet I already end up screaming in your face.” Jack continued as Alex’s voice was still unheard.

“Alex, don’t you hav-” Jack was cut off by Alex lips. Alex was amazed at first and he just feels so happy that Jack is giving him a chance.

Jack not knowing what to do but enjoying the sensation Alex’s lips are giving him just let everything happen, he felt Alex’s tongue flicker on his bottom lip and that made him moan. When Alex pulled away all too soon, he can’t help but pout.

Alex giggled at that sight, he can’t believe how fast his feelings could change from almost painfully dying into an escalated happiness.”Thank you” he whispered to Jack’s ear.

“What for?” Jack asked all too confused again.

“For giving me a chance to explain I guess.” He said leaning to Jack, he felt comfortable doing that because Jack was still holding his waist.

Jack smiled,”Does that mean you’ll cuddle with me while sleeping?”

“Of course Jack, couldn’t ask for more.” Alex said while laughing a little.

“Good. I always wanted to do this when we were in the hospital.” Jack said a little too quietly that it almost passed Alex hearing but he still heard it all the same.

“Why didn’t you ask me then?”

Jack blushed.

“Well maybe because I was shy, and really don’t know how to ask.” Jack giggled almost forgetting the heated confrontation they had earlier, he shove it to the deepest corners of his thoughts he just want to enjoy this moment with the boy curled up next to him.

“I just can’t believe how a skinny nerdy person like me ended up having a hot gorgeous boyfriend like you.” Jack continued when Alex didn’t respond to him.

“Alex?” Jack looked at Alex, and smiled, he hugged him softly and placed a kiss in his head.

Alex is breathing softly and asleep.


A/N: This is quite longer than my usual, I’m kinda happy with the turn out of this too. Hope we share the same sentiment. I just can’t take them fighting anymore. Turned out that when I’m in a depressed mood I can make something of happier circumstance, so.. :)

alex gaskarth, jalex, jack barakat

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