Just Don't Turn Around, Let the Walls Break Down (s/a)

Aug 26, 2010 13:34

Title: Just Don't Turn Around, Let the Walls Break Down
Author: damnedifidoyah
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Jack Barakat/Alex Gaskarth
POV: first
Summary: Jack wants to fight for it but Alex just won't let him. 
Disclaimer: I do not own All Time Low, and this did not happen, title cred to Walls by ATL..
Author Notes: This is something that came out of my rambling, I don't even know if it's a slash thing,(what even is something that counts as a slash? Can anyone enlighten me?) This is the 3rd s/a|one shot I've done so far. Not really good at writing, just want to put things I've made in here. Hope it's fine.

Oh, I've got Tumblr and formspring

It was a fine sunny Sunday afternoon, and the sun is just beaming. I love how it drapes to my skin, it’s a nice and homey feeling. It’s what I feel when mom makes cookies for me when I was little or whenever I watch Home Alone. Haha, I really don’t get it why people are flipping out and tweets me or text me whenever the movie is on air. But I fuckin’ love that film that I don’t mind, it doesn’t annoy me at all. I find it cute even, that people did care.

The ocean seemed to be endless as endless as my thoughts could be. As I lay here in the dry sand, listening to the waves as they splash along the shore, I can’t help but think about the way I’ve lived my life. I can honestly say, I’m contented with what I’ve gone through. At first it was all a joke, I just wanted to make fun of this English guy who’s new in school. He looked so lost when I bumped into him. I hated the guy at first sight, he was competing with my eyebrows, and I fuckin hate that! I’m the only one who’s supposed to have them, but I’m over that now, I’d give that to him, I’ll let him win that one time.

After we created the band, everything just went by so fast. We got signed! We had our first EP and then our first album. Before graduating we got signed to Hopeless and after that everything was just amazing, we’re fucking band dudes who are travelling round the globe.

Whenever I’m alone and just thinking or rather spacing out, my mind often wanders back when it was just us in the basement and performing for our friends who just cracks up at us and makes fun of our failed attempts. But now they’re the people who’s always there backing us up and giving us hope and confidence when we just lost it. They’re just there through our ups and downs, through the fun and miserable times.

I remember our first DVD that has documentary in it, it was called “Straight To DVD” but I prefer to call it STD and they all just laughed at me because my mind is just fucked with dirty thoughts and sex jokes, but I said it does makes sense guys. It was their fault naming it that way, I was just abbreviating it. When I watched that, I had goose bumps when there was this scene showing us back when we first played at our school then to our recent concert. I can’t believe that all this has happened to me. All the partying and getting wasted, all the sloppy kisses and drunk make out sessions with that blonde. Those were good times.

I wish I can come back to that time, now more than ever.

Being free and alive. Being young and have a devil-may-care way of life. I missed it too much.

But I’m better now. More than anything I’m at peace. I’m contented and happy. I’d be here more than anything I guess. This is where I want to be, more than the want that I have to bring back the good old days.

I’ve worked so hard to be where I am right now, breaking down the walls and convincing someone that this is how it should be. It’s hard when you’re talking to someone who’s like a soundboard, it just bounce back everything you say, the hard thing with this soundboard is that it brings back my words with a lot of doubt and fear.

He just won’t listen. I don’t even understand why he’s fighting it when it’s obviously too painful to ignore. He’s giving both of us a hard time. Him being oblivious to everything and I’m just fucking shoving to his face to accept reality. It’s so hard not to be able to kiss him when I find him too cute and adorable doing ramblings on stage or just how adorable he is when he wakes up in the morning like a cute kitten purring and stretching out. There are times that I just want to push him on a corner and just kiss the breath out of him. I can’t take it for the life of me not to be able to spend the rest of my days with this amazing person. He breathes life to me. I want to shout to the world that this beautiful creature is mine, ALL MINE! And I’m not fucking sharing!

But he won’t let me. Damn bitch! I told him that I love him and that everything will be fine. He just have to trust me, to give me a chance to prove to him that this could work, that it’s worth fighting for. That this, US, is worth fighting for. I won’t give him up, not even for all the prized possessions of the world. He’s my life and he is everything to me, nothing else matters.

After an eternity of convincing, arguments, hushed tone fights, one amazing day came, I got through it, I broke down those walls he built around himself. I’ve manage to convince him not to turn his back from all the beautiful things we can do together. We can have a life full of happiness and serenity.


My thoughts came back to reality when I felt a soft kiss on my cheek, Alex just woke up. Tugging me closer, he smiled up to me and said, “Happy 20th Anniversary babe.” I just smiled and kissed him tenderly.

Yes, we’re married for 20 years now, we got married at Valentine’s Day of 2012 on a sunset.

The best day of my life. Well, maybe one of the best days.

alex gaskarth, jalex, jack barakat

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