Oct 07, 2006 19:56

Mmm I am so excited for this game to start. Srsly, like. Super-excited. to the X-TREME. because look IT'S PYRAMID HEAD.

Anyway. I do have a point to this post. As Pyramid Head will be wandering around Landel's, randomly attacking people and ... doing suspicious things to dead monsters, I need to know about your characters. Specifically, I need to know about their Guilt.

Iffin you all would be so kind, plz to be listing your character's crimes (what they ARE guilty of) and their mental crimes (what they FEEL they are guilty of). Let's use SH2 as an example: James killed his wife. He is guilty of that crime. However, he forgot he did it. Therefore, he was guilty of the action, but didn't realize it. On the other hand, let's use Dias for the mental example: his family was killed, and while he didn't do it, he feels guilty that he couldn't do anything to stop it.

In a poetic sense, it's guilt of the body and guilt of the mind.

So! If you could, please tell me those things about your characters. This'll make it easier for me to have Pyramid Head attack people when he runs into groups, because he'll automatically focus on whoever is the most guilty. OR WILL HE? His mental processes are a SEKKRIT. >O

I could research all of these myself, but, uh. I'm lazy. Also, Wikipedia doesn't have every entry. (Ever tried looking up Caim? You get demonology.)

If you don't want other players to know these things, just put your comment on Private, or whatever mode that is, so that only I/the mods can read it. Otherwise, FIRE AWAY!

(btw, Pyramid Head WILL get to everybody eventually. I SHALL SEE TO IT. >( )
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