(no subject)

Aug 05, 2007 12:11

What beasts do my fellow dreamers see in their nightmares? How do they hunt, how are they hunted?

I have dreamt of four:

Insects, large kin to roaches, that move in great swarms, carpet halls. Chitin and numbers make useless blows; I have not dreamed their destruction but I suspect it would be achieved by fire or toxin.

Hearth-lizards, fire-breathers. The hunter with skill to avoid their flames finds them no more difficult to dispatch with weapons than an ordinary animal.

Small armless imps, sharp of tooth and talon but fragile.

A great guardian, perhaps once man but now machine. Its strength, armor, and skill are beyond any hunter's. It has living eyes behind its mask and may be harmed by magic, but only an army of hunters may feel emboldened by such trivial vulnerabilities.

[[Reinforce has added to each description a sketch of the roaches, salamanders, necrits as described in damned_monsters and Grievous. They are not terribly artistically inspired but the lines are clean and emphasize identifying anatomical features. They include the occasional written note on texture, color, scale, and the like.]]


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