[in his usual impeccable handwriting, strikeouts legible]

Mar 09, 2010 22:02

 As you all will no doubt recall, Miles Edgeworth was released from the Institute yesterday.  He and I had been in the habit of discussing some unique nightmares experienced by certain patients at this facility, most of which involved unwarranted experimentation. We were attempting to discover whether or not the nightmares were related or treatable before his release. If you wished to speak with him regarding a nightmare you have had recently, you may redirect your inquiries to me instead. All information will be kept strictly confidential.

Also, as I am somewhat inexperienced where medical practices are concerned, I feel it would be worthwhile to consult occasionally with someone more well-informed than I.  If you were a physician of any sort before your arrival here and are well versed in modern medicine, I might be interested in organizing a meeting with you.

On a similar note, if you are interested in participating in S&R later today, leave a response below. I have a feeling there will be more nightmares in the near future.


*day 48, javert

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