History Club

Aug 10, 2009 09:40

If you haven't already responded to another post, reply here with your condition after last night. Additionally, any interested in taking on a task should leave their name here.

For those who are new, the History Club is a group that focuses primarily on combat, though there are some willing to train those without such experience. Our goals are escape and revenge--though the talk might imply that the latter is out of reach. Regardless, we are still prisoners here, and we are striving to change that. 'Through whatever means necessary,' as it says elsewhere.

Those who initially sign up will be given minor tasks to start. This is so I can judge where you would best fit within the group. I'd prefer to answer any questions here, for those that have them. If you are interested, I will need to know your name, along with any talents you have, particularly regarding combat skills, magic, or medical knowledge.

Taura: I haven't forgotten our appointment. Meet me in the Chapel this shift, if you would. I'm a tall man with dark hair, and a red mark in the center of my forehead.

Kaneyoshi: I might have that gift for your roommate. It seems the one it was intended for is no longer with us.


*day 43, homura

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