Day 19 - Male Showers

Oct 26, 2006 11:50

It was in complete silence that Zack was moved from the cafeteria to the showers. Usually one would have expected him to be chatting with the nurse despite the fact that she happened to think he was a certain Parker Johnson, but... No, not today ( Read more... )

havoc, axel, obi-wan kenobi, karasu, vincent, roy, eric draven, azel, cliff, ginji, darman, ichigo, zexion, zack, hughes, nowe, seimei, greed, sanzo

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Comments 69

soul_defender October 26 2006, 19:23:35 UTC
A whining squeak from the shower nozzles sounded as Ichigo paced across the cold, damp tiles of the drenched floors, positioned himself beneath the metallic spout, and let the water start to flow against him. It was surprising how quiet he had been in entering and disrobing; perhaps he was actually growing accustomed to the motions of Landel's daily schedule, no longer needing a reason to protest? The thought hadn't crossed his mind for a moment, in truth. He looked and acted perfectly casual, as if it was the start of another normal day, and a healthy shower was the next to-do on his list ( ... )


felled_hero October 26 2006, 19:42:26 UTC
Well, breakfast had certainly been interesting. Hughes still wasn't entirely sure what had happened, but he figured he'd have a chance to talk to that bright haired man who'd seemed to know so much again. And hopefully without any further interruptions. But for the moment, it was shower time.

Without much prodding from his nurse, Hughes headed into the shower room and stripped. It was relatively empty at the moment, just Ichigo and... wait. Hughes narrowed his eyes, pausing as he headed for a shower head. Was that... was that Zack? He remembered Quistis' words from what seemed like ages ago. "They're gone. Just... gone." But that looked like Zack ( ... )


hopeless_havoc October 27 2006, 02:52:32 UTC
"Hope you don't plan on hogging all the soap," Havoc said with a chuckle, as he stepped up to the shower head to the left of Hughes.

Havoc had somehow managed to sleep through night shift, but he knew things were different. Again. But again, Hughes was still here. He assumed Roy was as well. He wouldn't think otherwise because that was a thought his mind would not allow. His mind had also conveniently 'forgotten' what he'd heard his two comrades arguing about outside his room the other night. Not that he had a problem per se with their...relationship. It just wasn't something he could understand. The colonel was a ladies man and the major was married. So Havoc was just going to pretend there was nothing going on between them and leave it at that. Besides, there were bigger concerns than his commanding officer's private life. Namely survival and getting home.


felled_hero October 27 2006, 02:59:29 UTC
"Hey stranger." Hughes turned and grinned, wiping water out of his eyes. He hadn't seen Havoc for a few days, but that wasn't altogether abnormal. With so many people and so many people needing things, it was hard to always find the time for the people he just plain wanted to talk to. And night shifts were too crazy to depend on for meeting up with people.

"How you holding up?" he asked, reaching for the shampoo. Sometimes, with Roy or Havoc in the cafeteria or the showers, it almost felt like home. Almost.


hopeless_havoc October 27 2006, 03:18:12 UTC
Havoc returned the grin before turning his face up into the water and scrubbing at his face.

"Eh, I've got no complaints," he said, turning his face away from the spray so he could speak without getting a mouthful of water. "Except the obvious of course. Being held against my will in crazyland. No idea what the hell's going on. No idea how to get home. Monsters running around. You know, the usual." Havoc shrugged and smiled. "Outside of complaints. Though the blankets could probably be a bit softer. Oh yeah, a pack of smokes would be nice too. Ah, but a man can dream."

Havoc grabbed some soap and began lathering up. "How 'bout you? You doing okay?"


muted_flame October 26 2006, 21:50:02 UTC
Roy protested the entire way from the cafeteria to the showers. Even if it wasn't a communal shower as it had been before, there were enough adult males that he didn't want seeing him naked.

It was not because he was being coy. That was hardly the problem. He was a military man - communal showers were a way of life. He didn't mind parading naked in front of people, but there was certain red lines on his skin that he needed to make sure certain people didn't see ( ... )


grabby_hands October 29 2006, 02:55:28 UTC
The nurses ushered the patients into the showers quicker than Greed could growl at them, and although he got separated from his new ally in the rush, he made sure to keep track of where he went in the crowd ( ... )


muted_flame October 29 2006, 07:27:40 UTC
Roy had been hoping that he'd be able to get all the way back to the locker room and clothed without anyone noticing that something was wrong. He'd almost made it, too. He was just rinsing off his hair for the last time when he was spun around with a strength he hadn't expected.

Hughes wouldn't have handle him that roughly.

He frowned in response to Greed's statement. As if he had to tell him everything. He could keep secrets just like everyone else, though he realized he had to deal with the consequences when people found them out.

"I didn't plan to," he said coldly. The homunculus was giving him the impression that he was expected to be completely subservient. Even if Greed wasn't claiming that he belonged to him, he was acting that way.

He didn't like it.

So, with that, the turned back to the shower head and continued what he was doing. It wasn't much longer before all the conditioner was out, so he reached forward to turn it off with the intention of getting away before Greed drew too much attention to them.


grabby_hands October 29 2006, 14:44:30 UTC
"Those are mine," Greed growled, no longer grabbing the guy but certainly still glaring at him. As much as the homunculus liked the idea of having a a cohort pre-packaged for him by this otherwise unfun insane asylum, he didn't much like the idea of these people trying to create something that could fill a niche that he already sat very comfortably in. "They aren't supposed to be on you."

Hell, Greed was making an understatement. Red lines were a brand, a symbol, a sort of fingerprint that differed between each and every one of the creatures he begrudgingly called his "brethren," so to see identical markings on the shoulders and hips of someone else.

"Anything else your hiding?" Greed ventured, baring sharp teeth.


explosives_r_us October 27 2006, 01:37:14 UTC
Escorted by another nurse, Karasu stepped quietly without a word down the hallway, visibly content enough to keep his questions to himself as well as his protests. What -was- there to protest? A shower certainly wasn’t going to hurt anything and soon enough it would be over ( ... )


beloved_lives October 27 2006, 02:13:07 UTC
Seimei undressed carefully, neatly placing his clothes in the space provided. It would be nice to be clean, and he approached an available shower head next to some other guy -- not that he cared much or noticed. He was the type of person who was very much aware and assured of his own physical beauty, and thus carried no shame about revealing it to others. However, he was not an exhibitionist, either, in that regard. No doubt, anyone here would find his cat-like ears and tail quite unremarkable, in a place where every second person had some additional appendage.

But the hot water felt so good, it was the best thing he'd felt since coming here, and he was going to make the most of it.

An idle glance around and -- he recognized one of the other patients. It was Roy. Or at least, he thought so. They'd only had a brief acquaintance, a pleasant walk in the courtyard, a light conversation.

Later, he would have to renew that familiarity. One would need... friends, after all. Closing his eyes, Seimei tipped his head back into the spray, the ( ... )


repolarization October 27 2006, 03:49:01 UTC
Ginji entered the showers with the smile still on his face. He was pleased to have eaten an entire meal and to have made a friend. That and he had promised to meet someone else and there were a lot of other reasons that he felt pretty cheerful. He should have been in a worse mood.

After all he had woken up in the strange place that had turned out to be a hospital. His powers were very diminished and he had no idea what was going on. But that stuff was too confusing to think about right now. Much better to smile and feel cheerful ( ... )


beloved_lives October 27 2006, 04:01:12 UTC
Okay, so -- someone was staring at him. But it wasn't offensive. It was more amusing to him to be examined so. He smiled -- he could be charming when he wished. He could be -anything-.

He flicked his tail, sending droplets of water over the blond. But it was a friendly gesture, rather than being a movement to warn the man away. It might even be called playful.

After all, he wasn't shy.


repolarization October 27 2006, 04:08:36 UTC
Ginji jumped slightly from surprise when the tail moved. So it was real.

That was so cool!

"Wow! How did you do that?" he asked, grinning again. This was a bit more detailed than Shido's Beast Semblance technique. Ginji might have been eighteen and therefore considered an 'adult' by the hospital staff but that didn?t mean that he had to act like it.

"I'm Ginji!" he added, just to introduce himself and be polite. If this kitty-person was playful like this all the time maybe they could end up being friends! Ginji seemed distracted enough to forget he was supposed to be showering and that he was, in fact, naked in front of people. It wasn't any different than a bath house anyway... right?


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